• 印加人认为斯科宇宙中心

    The incas believed that Cuzco was the navel of the universe.


  • 但是离开库斯科利马旅馆其他设施经常受限

    But away from Cusco and Lima, hotels and other facilities are often limited.


  • 得到援助的另外几个城镇包括库斯利马、华努特雷希略

    Several other towns including Cusco, Lima, Huanuco and Trujillo also benefit from these medical missions.


  • 批文物新家印加帝国首都库斯主要大学

    The collection's new home will be at the main university in Cusco, the former Inca capital.


  • 雨水充富饶肥沃库斯科峡谷印加农民们站住了脚跟。

    But in the fertile, well-watered valley around Cusco, Inca farmers stood their ground.


  • 库斯科著名印加帝国首都几百年来一直旅游胜地

    The famed capital of the ancient Inca Empire, Cusco has served as a travelers' mecca for hundreds of years.


  • 旅游项目是从斯科出发,库斯科是印加文化古都所在地

    The following tours are based at Cuzco, the site of the ancient capital of the Inca civilization. .


  • 斯科一个可爱城市,在那里随处可见印第安人和西班牙人的文化艺术

    Cuzco is a lively city where both Indian and Spanish culture and art can be seen.


  • 公司目前已经赢得几乎200订单开始筹建伊尔·库斯科总装工厂

    The manufacturer has so far won up to almost 200 orders for the aircraft and has started work on the final assembly plant in Irkutsk.


  • 唯一的事情就是防止遗址进一步破坏,可是库斯科没有任何道路通往马丘比丘

    The only thing that has prevented the site from being further overrun is that there is no road to it from Cusco.


  • 秘鲁巴苏马带我们库斯科马丘·比丘印加神圣山谷旅行,这强烈精神体验

    A ride through the sacred valley of the Inca, from Cusco to Machu Picchu, on a Peruvian Paso is a haunting, spiritual experience.


  • 秘鲁库斯科(3395):环境部气候官员维克多·巴汀扎,气候变化已经引发了冲突

    395m (11,138ft) Cusco, Peru: The environment ministry climate official Victor Bustinza says climate change is already generating conflict.


  • 位于库斯科主要广场只是两个街区客人光顾库斯科附近的酒店机会获得著名的景点

    Located just two blocks from the Main Square of Cusco, guests frequenting Aranwa Cusco Boutique Hotel have opportune access to the city's most enticing attractions.


  • 加西亚耶鲁于明年初开始归还工作文物暂时交由库斯安东尼奥大学保管

    Garcia said, Yale will be returned to work early next year, these artifacts will be temporarily handed over to San Antonio, Cusco Province, University of custody.


  • 公元1533年雨季加冕数千簇拥库斯科中心广场,庆祝少年登基

    It was during the rainy season in 1533, an auspicious time for a coronation, and thousands of people were packed into the main plaza of Cusco to celebrate the arrival of their new teenage king.


  • 斯科许多旅店酒吧富有活力城市,在那儿可以看到印第安西班牙文化艺术

    Cuzco is a lively city with many hotels and inns, where both Indian and Spanish culture and art can be seen.


  • 作为一个度假胜地创造第十六世纪秘鲁灵感库斯科附近饭店古文化熟悉用餐体验

    As a resort coined for its 16th century Peruvian inspiration, Aranwa Cusco Boutique Hotel extends its ancient cultural familiarity to its dining experience.


  • 秘鲁库斯科附近潘塔利昂(3600):“过去所有山上积雪但是积雪消失到如今已经

    600m (11,800ft) Panta Leon, near Cusco, Peru: "In the old days there was snow on all the mountains, but for 10 years now there has been none.


  • 公元1150年至1300年间,库斯科一带的印加开始利用安第地区大规模变暖趋势迅速发展壮大。

    And between 1150 and 1300, the Inca around Cusco began to capitalize on a major warming trend in the Andes.


  • 目前每天约可搭载九百观光客少于正常人数三分之一,而且这些观光客库斯科搭乘接驳车来此,最后搭乘火车。

    For the moment just 900 passengers a day-less than a third of the normal number-can be carried, and they are bused from Cusco, travelling only the last stretch by train.


  • 位于印加首都库斯科皇家宫殿落入欧洲征服者手中以后,新的西班牙殖民城市废墟上崛起了,将古印加的历史埋葬得一干二净。

    The royal palaces of Cusco, the Inca capital, fell swiftly to the European conquerors, and a new Spanish colonial city rose on their ruins, burying or obliterating the Inca past.


  • 印加首都斯科教堂里悬挂着这么最后的晚餐》,画中摆上餐桌的不是火鸡,而是天竺鼠!真是够恶搞的,把天竺鼠都放到那里啦!

    A painting of the Last Supper, hanging in the principle cathedral of the ancient Inca capital of Cuzco, depicts Christ and the 12 disciples dining on Guinea pig.


  • 游览玻利维亚首都拉秘鲁印加文化遗址库斯科观光客通常都会拿到一杯迎宾的古柯叶纾缓高山症(soroche)症状。

    TOURISTS who visit Bolivia’s capital, La Paz, or Cusco, Peru’s former Inca seat, are routinely given welcome cups of coca tea to mitigate soroche (altitude sickness).


  • 马萨诸塞州克拉克大学地理研究生生物学副教授多米尼克·基说:“越来越多的人把房子在了容易起火的环境之中。”

    "We are increasingly building our homes in fire-prone ecosystems," says Dominik Kulakowski, adjunct professor of biology at Clark University Graduate School of Geography in Worcester, Massachusetts.


  • 由于来自法国总体尼·要求如果条约》生效,那么自由竞争不再欧盟建立的主要目的之一

    Because of a demand from Nicolas Sarkozy, France’s president, competition will no longer be one of the EU’s main objectives if the Lisbon treaty comes into force.


  • 年轻貌美的安娜·库斯·(婚前姓)无疑这个扑朔迷离故事女主角。

    No doubt about it, the young Anna Kushchenko (her maiden name) is the heroine of this extremely mysterious story.


  • 周来辛吉都处在阴影中举步维艰,上周浦顿冠军赛中,威廉姐妹挤出决赛,大满贯尔尼又力拔头筹。

    It's been a difficult week in the shadows for Hingis, pushed aside by the all-Williams' final at the Lipton Championships last week and Kournikova's run through the Family Circle.


  • 纽约市肌肉疼痛医生诺尔曼·库斯(NormanJ. Marcus)笔记本电脑本质上是不符合人体工程学的,除非身高只有英尺

    'Laptops are inherently unergonomic -- unless you're 2 feet tall,' says physician Norman J. Marcus, a muscle-pain specialist in New York City.


  • 纽约市肌肉疼痛医生诺尔曼·库斯(NormanJ. Marcus)笔记本电脑本质上是不符合人体工程学的,除非身高只有英尺

    'Laptops are inherently unergonomic -- unless you're 2 feet tall,' says physician Norman J. Marcus, a muscle-pain specialist in New York City.


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