• 年轻球员如法比奥·里尼,马蒂克库卡出现明天替补名单里。

    Young players Fabio Borini, Nemanja Matic and Gael Kakuta will be on the substitutes' bench tomorrow.


  • 中场球员朱尔拉·库卡认为是队内大牌球星之一,他的名字最近桑德兰联系在了一起。

    Midfielder Juraj Kucka is regarded as one of the team's leading lights and has recently been linked with a move to Sunderland.


  • 表示工业知识产权,以及其客户供应商数据可以通过协议得到保护美的无法访问移动数据

    Kuka said that its industrial property rights and the data of its customers and suppliers would be protected by the agreement and that Midea would not be able to gain access to or move databases.


  • 美的承诺保护数据维持运营所在地工作岗位不变,库卡的董事会上周建议股东接受收购要约。

    After Midea made promises to shield Kuka's data and keep its business locations and jobs in place, Kuka's board recommended last week that shareholders accept the offer.


  • 星期六早晨洲际公路上一定许多的交易。周末可以加利福利亚洲的库卡蒙加牧场卖掉到的东西。

    There wouldn't be much traffic on the interstate on a Saturday morning; he'd be able to drop off his haul in Rancho Cucamonga, California, by the end of the weekend.


  • 交易价值12亿欧元美的离全部收购库卡股份更近一步可能会成为最大中国收购德国公司的案例。

    The transaction, worth 1.2 billion euros, or about $1.3 billion, takes Midea a step closer to purchasing all of Kuka, which could be the biggest takeover of a Germany company by a Chinese buyer.


  • 库卡总部位于德国奥格斯堡制造机器人已经帮助拥有10万员工美的减少人员数量,美的正努力更多生产线上推进自动化

    Robots made by Kuka, based in Augsburg, Germany, have already helped Midea, which employs about 100,000 people, to reduce its staff as part of its efforts to automate more of its production lines.


  • 自由派库卡托研究所(Cato Institute)迈克尔·坎(Michael Cannon)预测限制治疗削减支付的作法激起医生医院病人的反对。

    Michael Cannon of the Cato Institute, a libertarian think-tank, predicts that efforts to limit care and cut payment rates will spark a revolt by doctors, hospitals and patients.


  • ·马修刘易斯·勒斯合写了这份研究报告。

    Karen Matthews co-authored the study with Lewis Kullers.


  • 潜水员乘坐着黛西号双人小型潜水器,在法国海岸边缘同行潜碟雅克斯托海船布里索号一部分

    Two divers off the coast of France peer into Denise, a small two-man diving saucer that is part of Jacques Cousteau's oceanic ship Calypso.


  • 维多利亚秘密》里的天使洛利娜·尔科娃每个方面完美没有肚脐眼肚脐根本存在

    Karolina Kurkova, a Victoria's Secret Angel, is perfect in every way, except she is missing a belly button. Her navel simply does not exist.


  • 对双常数贝尔-芒克理论用于纤维配色进行了探讨。

    Using dual-constant Kubelka-Munk theory for colour matching of melange fibres is discussed.


  • 能够接近我一直没有真正能够超越机会阿隆索在几个地方都离非常,我犯为数不多的错误很多那个时候

    I was able to close on Kubica but I never had a real chance of passing him, while behind me Fernando got very close on more than one occasion, making the most of a few errors.


  • 5中的所有选项页面组成了内容

    All of those tabbed pages in Figure 5 comprise your content library.


  • 客户信息可能存储客户数据管理系统多个存储信用事务则可能存储在另一个数据源中。

    Customer information might be stored in a customer master data management system, or multiple repositories, and credit card transactions might be stored in another data source.


  • 梅伦承认自从尔森辞职之后,他们过面,并“不是最近经常见面”。

    Cameron has acknowledged that he met Coulson since his resignation, but "not recently and not frequently".


  • 存储信用信息数据包含一些敏感信息,比如信用有效日期

    The database table that holds credit card information contains sensitive information, such as credit card number and expiration date.


  • 过去,雅布.胡纳一家曾以别人土地上当雇工维生,免费分发土地消息他们带来了希望

    Jacoba Cahuana's family had survived as laborers in other people's fields, and news of land distributed free of charge gave them hope.


  • 但是必须警告成百上千万病历信用数据没有设置密码。

    What should alarm you is that crypto still isn't there - in the millions of medical records, credit-card databases.


  • 萨不仅扎菲关系密切美国有着长期联系,他曾密歇根州大学获得过硕士学位

    Despite his close ties to Gaddafi, Kusa also has long-held connections to the U.S., with a Master's degree from Michigan State University.


  • 萨不仅扎菲关系密切美国有着长期联系,他曾密歇根州大学获得过硕士学位

    Despite his close ties to Gaddafi, Kusa also has long-held connections to the U. S., with a Master's degree from Michigan State University.


  • 反向种族主义于埃米尔·斯图里电影西方的成功至关重要作用

    Reverse racism plays a crucial role in the success of Emir Kusturica's films in the West.


  • 抵达巴林站前得,需要一次成功证明自己,并且他做到了。他在起跑线上击败罗伯特·宝马索伯车队统治整个萨基尔赛道

    Arriving in Bahrain without a point to his name, he delivered just when he needed to, beating Robert Kubica's BMW Sauber off the line and then dominating the Sakhir race.


  • 一份比利时杂志本周报道曼城已经赢得了卢争夺战名17岁的球员夏天转会东地球场。

    City were reported by a Belgian magazine this week to have won the battle for Lukaku, with the 17-year-old said to be moving to Eastlands in the summer.


  • 美国不得不放弃已经出现裂纹的亚储存寻找新的存放地点

    The US will have to look for a new site, having abandoned its Yucca Mountain repository where a crack has appeared.


  • 英国外交大臣黑格宣布了抵达英国的消息。黑格说,行动表明扎菲的支持率急速下降。

    In announcing Koussa's arrival, British Foreign Secretary William Hague pointed to the defection as a sign that Gadhafi is fast losing support.


  • 他们两名援恩戈格坐在替补席上

    Their other recent signings, David Ngog and gael Kakuta, started on the bench.


  • 名潜水员乘坐着黛西双人小型潜水器,在法国海岸边缘同行。这潜碟搭载于著名航海家雅克·斯托海船里索号。

    Two divers off the coast of France peer into Denise, a small, two-man diving saucer that is part of Jacques Cousteau's oceanic ship Calypso.


  • 有些公司考虑控诉维尔过分行使了法律权力

    Some companies are considering suing Mr Kasukuwere for exceeding his legal powers.


  • 有些公司考虑控诉维尔过分行使了法律权力

    Some companies are considering suing Mr Kasukuwere for exceeding his legal powers.


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