• 这类电缆纪录反射波干扰噪音以前应用的各类电缆要小

    Such cables record reflections with less interference from noise than was usually possible with earlier types.


  • 这个过程中发现了一些令人惊讶的现象:保证信息通过随机干扰——“噪音”——并完好无损地传递出去完全有可能的。

    In the process he discovered something surprising: it is always possible to guarantee information will get through random interference—"noise"—intact.


  • 实现一目标需要全体居民责任感鼓励他们小事做起比如避免制造干扰邻居过度噪音

    Reaching this goal requires a sense of responsibility among all residents, which encourages them to start with small steps, such as to avoid making excessive noise that disturbs their neighbors.


  • 我们容易忽略长期存在背景噪音即使非常大声而不是有意想不到噪音干扰的情况工作

    We are much more able to "tune out" chronic background noise, even if it is quite loud, than to work under circumstances with unexpected intrusions of noise.


  • 教室里背景噪音成为主要干扰因素这会影响他们集中注意力能力

    Background noise in the classroom becomes a major distraction, which can affect their ability to concentrate.


  • 实上,研究人员发现,面对面的互动和对话会影响创作过程,但联合办公区或咖啡店虽然有一定程度的噪音,同时也不会受到干扰

    Indeed, the researchers found that face-to-face interactions and conversations affect the creative process, and yet a coworking space or a coffee shop provides a certain level of noise while also providing freedom from interruptions.


  • 的确就是沟通但是来自外界噪音很少机会干扰这个沟通。

    Yes, this is communication, but there is very little opportunity for noise from an outside source to interfere with the communication.


  • 以前的研究显示,噪音心脏病以及高血压也有关系——它可能增加人们压力以及干扰睡眠。

    But previous studies have linked noise to heart attacks and higher blood pressure, too-possibly due to increased stress and sleep disturbance.


  • 视觉噪音意味着更少的干扰容易将注意力集中表内的数据

    Less visual noise means less distraction and makes it easier to concentrate on the table data.


  • 他们也许更加不容易受到无关噪音干扰并且能够更多脑力资源集中到手头任务上。

    They might be less distracted by irrelevant noise and therefore able to put more of their resources toward the task at hand.


  • 即使为了加大难度加入噪音干扰人依然识别记录中的关键信息

    People were even able to identify key information about the recordings when distracting noises were added to make the task harder.


  • 目前人们研究噪音如何干扰睡眠通常是从两个方面去考察,”埃伦·伯根

    "People currently working on how noise disrupts sleep typically look at it from two perspectives," says Ellenbogen.


  • 干扰群体感应系统相当于噪音阻扰口头通讯

    Blocking the quorum sensing system would be equivalent to using white noise to interfere with spoken communication, Blackwell adds.


  • 他们受困噪音干扰悲观地认为情况不会得到改善。

    They are plagued by noise and interruption, and pessimistic that the situation will ever be improved.


  • 当然并非所有路径都会出现Bug通过我们路径分析我们可以识别包含缺陷的调用路径,并且不会太多噪音干扰

    Of course, not all bugs occur on all paths, and due to our path analysis, we're able to identify just the paths that contain defects without a lot of noise.


  • 所以研究人员增加了人们来回走动声音走廊里噪音飞机到处飞以及其他类似干扰性的事物、声音。

    So, the researchers added people walking around, noises coming from the hallway, paper airplanes flying every which way, and other distractions.


  • 有些宝宝听到水龙头流水声音无线电静电干扰声音,自然界各种声音噪音录音,甚至是吸尘器持续的嗡嗡声都会安静下来

    Some babies may also be calmed by the sound of a running faucet, a radio set on static, a recording of nature sounds or white noise—even the steady hum of the vacuum cleaner.


  • 这个敏感性信息能够反过来帮助人们睡眠期间,使自己潜在噪音干扰隔离开来——比如,可以通过耳塞或者住宾馆要求住的房间远离吵人制冰机。

    That information can in turn help people insulate themselves from potential disturbances during sleep - by wearing earplugs, for example, or requesting a room far away from the ice machine in a hotel.


  • 一些科学家认为船只熙攘来往噪音干扰破坏鲸鱼95%声纳定位能力

    Some scientists say noise from all the boat traffic may impair a whale's sonar ability as much as 95 percent.


  • 起初他们的语言起来很走调,像是勒着喉咙发出来辅音静电干扰噪音

    At first, their language sounded out of tune, full of strangled consonants and static.


  • 干扰思考也许上去是普遍官能即使是普遍官能企业生活噪音中也十分难得。

    This might sound like common sense. But common sense is rare amid the cacophony of corporate life.


  • 本可以更早点完成这项任务但是我时不时地受到噪音干扰

    I might have finished the task earlier, but I was disturbed by the noise now and then.


  • 因此享受音乐不错选择它尽量减少环境噪音干扰,让你可以更加放松集中精力去欣赏音乐。

    This makes them a fine choice for enjoying music, and also for minimizing distraction by environmental noise in order to relax or concentrate more effectively.


  • 确保外界噪音干扰不会影响学习,你应该一个安静不会被打扰地方学习。

    Ensure that outside noise and disturbances do not affect your studies. Your study table must be located in a silent area free from all external disturbances.


  • 此外单位底盘有助于减少震动泄漏R -核心变压器干扰最小的数码噪音

    Additionally, the unit's rigid frame and beam chassis helps to reduce vibration and a low-leakage R-core transformer minimizes the interference of digital noise.


  • 耳机听音乐可以集中精力阻挡忙碌工作环境带来噪音干扰确保离开座位时候摘下耳机。

    Plugging into music can be a great way to concentrate and block out the noise and distractions of a busy work environment, but be sure to take them off every time you leave your seat.


  • 耳机听音乐可以集中精力阻挡忙碌工作环境带来噪音干扰确保离开座位时候摘下耳机。

    Plugging into music can be a great way to concentrate and block out the noise and distractions of a busy work environment, but be sure to take them off every time you leave your seat.


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