• 在大地景色点缀壮观的峡谷

    The landscape is intersected with spectacular gorges.


  • 拉古纳峡谷北行道封了。

    Laguna Canyon Road was blocked off again northbound.


  • 峡谷四周环绕着高耸岩壁。

    The canyon is hemmed in by towering walls of rock.


  • 全国肥沃一些牧场位于这些峡谷

    Some of the country's richest grazing lands are in these valleys.


  • 远处峡谷西岸只丛林狼嚎叫了两声。

    Far up the west rim of the canyon, a coyote yipped twice.


  • 可以准备盒饭你们着,峡谷一日游的路上吃。

    Packed lunches can be arranged to take with you on day trips into the valley.


  • 成千上万的野花使峡谷五彩斑斓特别是五月份

    Millions of wild flowers colour the valleys, especially in April and May.


  • 这个峡谷回声闻名

    The canyon is famous for producing echoes.


  • 小溪涓涓流过峡谷

    The brook trickled through the valley.


  • 有时条江进入宽阔峡谷就形成瀑布。

    Sometimes the river enters wide valleys and becomes a waterfall.


  • 几乎希望峡谷蛋糕婷咔叶子了。

    This almost makes one wish that the gulch or the cake or Tink's leaf had won.


  • 许多犹他州是因为他们喜欢布莱斯峡谷国家公园徒步旅行

    Many people go to Utah because they love hiking in Bryce Canyon National Park.


  • 现在我们地质学家自认为美国西南部峡谷形成有了好的认识

    Now, we geologists thought we had a pretty good idea of how the Grand Canyon in the southwestern United States was formed.


  • 如果足够幸运能够生活靠近森林群山或是峡谷的地方,可以去徒步旅行

    If you're lucky enough to live near some woods, or a mountain, or a canyon, go hiking.


  • 公元前200年以前,在墨西哥峡谷内部周边很多相对较小城镇中心共存着。

    Prior to 200 B.C., a number of relatively small centers coexisted in and near the Valley of Mexico.


  • 经验使感到卑微无论多么努力尝试,与峡谷威严相比,我的想象是苍白的。

    I'm humbled by my experience, and regardless of how hard I try, my images pale in comparison to the canyon's majesty.


  • 旅游建设项目:峡谷铁链直升飞机旅游项目水上游乐项目冰川遗迹地质博物馆

    Establishments projects of tourism: iron chain bridge above the canyon, whirlybird tour project, water amusement, and geographic museum of glacier relics.


  • 坦桑尼亚早期原始人类遗址,奥杜瓦伊峡谷1911年,一名蝴蝶猎人掉进峡谷深处发现的。

    Olduvai Gorge, an early hominid site in Tanzania, was found by a butterfly hunter who literally fell into its deep valley in 1911.


  • 其他地区会看到峡谷、裂谷、陨石坑熔岩圆顶这些熔岩构造的形状看起来就像巨大煎饼

    In other areas, you've got canyons, ripped valleys, meteo craters, lava domes, these lava formations that look like giant pancakes.


  • 寻找自然框架比如拱形峡谷的阴影。框架可以一个戏剧性的装置突出主题

    Look for natural frames, such as an arch or the shaded walls of a canyon. A frame can be a dramatic device to enhance your subject.


  • 环保组织现在可能会强制拆除重要大坝——科罗拉多格伦峡谷大坝和约塞米蒂赫奇赫奇大坝。

    Environmental groups now have a very good chance of forcing the removal of two major dams, the Glen Canyon Dam on the Colorado and the Hetch Hetchy Dam in Yosemite.


  • 黄石河飞流直下峡谷谷底,形成黄石瀑布”落差高达308英尺(94)——是尼亚加拉大瀑布的二

    The Lower Falls of the Yellowstone River drops a stunning 308 feet (94 meters) to the canyon floor belowtwice as big as Niagara Falls.


  • 只能眼睁睁地看着汽车冲入峡谷

    He could only watch helplessly as the car plunged into the ravine.


  • 布赖斯峡谷,白天很热,晚上很冷。

    In Bryce Canyon, the days are very hot and the nights are very cold.


  • 些海底峡谷的深度可达11千米。

    These undersea valleys can reach 11 kilometers in depth.


  • 建在张家界国家森林公园300米深的峡谷上。

    It's built over a 300-meter-deep canyon in the Zhangjiajie National Forest Park.


  • 真是个让人大开眼界消息因为巴拉契亚山脉当然峡谷以东数千公里处

    That's really eye-opening news, since the Appalachian Mountain Range is, of course, thousands of kilometers to the east of the Grand Canyon.


  • 1996年,科学家峡谷上方格伦峡谷大坝放水造成科罗拉多实验性洪水

    In 1996, scientists caused an experimental flood of the Colorado River by releasing water from Glen Canyon Dam above the Grand Canyon.


  • 因为这种新的铅定年方法我们才得以确定我们峡谷一个主要假设错误的。

    Because of this, this new way of doing Uranium-Lead Dating, we've been able to determine that one of our major assumptions about the Grand Canyon was wrong.


  • 两位地质学家发现半数来自峡谷沙子实际上曾经阿巴拉契亚山脉一部分

    Two geologists discovered that about half of the sand from the Grand Canyon was actually once part of the Appalachian Mountains.


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