• 戈火山火山管道构造复杂,宛如树木盘根错节。

    Nyiragongo has an intricate plumbing system, widespread as the roots of a tree.


  • 展望未来计划跟着国王助理总经理·卡塔尼拉学习。

    Looking ahead, he's planning to do an apprenticeship with Kings assistant general manager Ken Catanella.


  • 独特的手工智慧成就尼拉系列仿古地板荣耀经典。

    Unique handmade wisdom, achieve the glory and scripture of gunilla antique flooring series.


  • 2002年尼拉贡戈火山再次喷发,岩浆流向首都基武湖岸

    Nyiragongo erupted again in 2002, sending flows toward the city of Goma and the shores of Lake Kivu.


  • 岩浆气泡破裂飞溅起来,喷撒戈火山上空60英尺高。

    Rising gas bubbles explode, splattering lava up to 60 feet in the air over Nyiragongo's fiery lake.


  • 最近几十喷发活动中,戈火山已经两次熔岩戈马城。

    Twice in recent years Nyiragongo's eruptions have sent molten rock flowing toward the city.


  • 观测台戈火山斜坡上设立很多地震观测点战乱期间洗劫一空。

    But many of the observatory's seismic stations on Nyiragongo's slopes were looted during the wars.


  • 接着尼拉提出也许可能免除侵入性、危险昂贵外科手术,使用激光消除脂肪。

    Neirathen suggested that it might be possible to dispense with the invasive, hazardous and costly surgical procedure and just use lasers on theirown.


  • 就在上个月,该国国会议员约瑟夫•曼国立医院对抗艾滋病药物2个月内

    Last month, MP Joseph Madonsela said state hospitals would run out of anti-retroviral drugs within two months.


  • 获得欧盟资助意大利地震学家达利奥·特德斯库过去15年中一直对于戈火山进行研究。

    Italian seismologist Dario Tedesco has spent the last 15 years studying Nyiragongo, with funding from the European Union.


  • 火山位于卢旺达乌干达边境大八座火山之一,这一热带林区居住着世界珍惜动物大猩猩

    Nyiragongo is one of eight volcanoes on the borders of Rwanda, the Democratic Republic of Congo and Uganda, a region dense with tropical forests and famously home to rare mountain gorillas.


  • 火山世界上危险火山之一科学家表示,山脚下的城镇重现庞培古城悲剧只是时间问题

    Mount Nyiragongo is one of the most dangerous volcanoes in the world - and scientists say it is only a matter of time before it makes the city below a modern day Pompeii.


  • 过去十五大部分时间里,欧盟资助下,这位意大利火山学家一直力争让科学界注意力集中尼拉贡戈火山

    For much of the past 15 years, with funding from the European Union, the Italian volcanologist has struggled to focus the scientific community's attention on Nyiragongo.


  • 特德斯科、西研究团队火山口中开展研究时,毒气云雾频繁震动他们所要面临两大挑战

    Clouds of toxic gas and frequent tremors were two of the challenges faced by Tedesco, Sims, and the research team as they studied Nyiragongo's crater.


  • 他们一开始遇到困难真是让人难以想象,”·艾勒布兰德说,他是斯德哥尔摩马赛厄斯·达格瑞餐厅总经理

    “You have to understand how hard it was for them at the start,” said Daniella Illerbrand, the general manager of Mathias Dahlgren, a restaurant in Stockholm.


  • 贡戈火山探险,带上山一点负重事先要经过仔细掂量,但特德斯科毫不在乎,他甚至特级初榨橄榄油

    On the Nyiragongo expedition, where every ounce hauled up the mountain was carefully considered, Tedesco brought a large glass bottle of extra virgin olive oil.


  • 沸腾尼拉火山阻隔了城市北部。这座火山上次喷发是2002年,当时火山熔岩咆哮着穿过城市摧毁了戈马商业区

    North of the city limits seethes Nyiragongo volcano, which last erupted in 2002, when its lava roared through town and wiped out Goma's commercial district.


  • 最初,维格村民对此项目表示怀疑现在大家很支援。米达利说:“开始时人们并不相信,可现在每一个人都热心”。

    After initial scepticism, Viganella's residents are rallying behind the idea. "At the beginning people had doubts. But now everybody is enthusiastic," said Midali.


  • 野生动物研究专家星期六,由于刚果(金)贡戈火山爆发,其周围地区野生动物可能火山灰熔岩硫磺气体所威胁。

    Many wild animals in the forests around Congo's Nyiragongo volcano are likely to be harmed by the torrent of lava, ash and sulfurous gas pouring from the crater, wildlife experts said on Saturday.


  • 距离观察这种塑造地球原始力量让人着迷,但不能任由自己拜倒火山魅力之下,尤其是尼拉贡戈这种难以捉摸的火山。

    Seeing at close range the primal forces that shaped the planet can be hypnotic. You cannot allow yourself to fall under a volcano's spell, especially one as unpredictable as Nyiragongo.


  • 2005年6月14日—过去18年中,蒂娜·尼拉鲁玛修女一直卢旺达首都基加利最贫困人口稠密地区的一家医疗中心工作。

    June 15, 2005 - For the past 18 years, Sister Dina Nyiranuma, has worked in a health centre in one of the poorest and most densely populated neighborhoods of Kigali, Rwanda's capital.


  • 特德斯科一直拼命催促火山研究领域的顶级科学家对这里进行定期的实地研究,唯有如此,科学界才能掌握尼拉戈火山每一次活动精确记录

    Until top scientists make regular visits-something Tedesco has been desperately urging-the best that can be done is to maintain a precise record of Nyiragongo's every move.


  • 不过,身为报告共同作者之一尼拉·米尔扎(Munira Mirza)认为媒体得出一些结论(英国养育极端主义者)有些夸张

    But Munira Mirza, one of the report's co-authors, felt that some conclusions drawn by the media (that Britain was nurturing a generation of extremists), were overdone.


  • 伴随着巨大烟云,火山直径英里火山口里,熔岩在像一口里一样上下翻滚。这座位于刚果境内的活火山威胁着两百万人民的生命财产安全。

    Exhaling clouds of gas, a cauldron of lava boils in the mile-wide crater of Nyiragongo, an active volcano in the Congo that threatens two million people.


  • 演员约翰古德曼电影中饰演美•格里菲斯

    Actor John Goodman played Melanie Griffith's sugar daddy in the film.


  • 奥利弗·斯通制片的电影《棕榈》由达纳·德吉姆·贝鲁西安吉·迪金森联袂主演。

    Produced by Oliver Stone, "Wild Palms" costars Dana Delaney, Jim Belushi and Angie Dickinson.


  • 第一次跑进的办公室。

    I ran into Rani's office for the first time.


  • 第一次跑进的办公室。

    I ran into Rani's office for the first time.


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