• 他们使劲尸体从船上抛入水中

    They heaved the body overboard.


  • 建筑工人发现尸体

    The body was discovered when builders excavated the area.


  • 那些烧焦尸体照片恶心

    Pictures of the burnt corpses turned my stomach.


  • 研究者们为了解剖需要越来越多尸体

    Researchers need a growing supply of corpses for dissection.


  • 许多尸体若不是牙科病历就无法辨认

    Many of the bodies were unidentifiable except by dental records.


  • 他们背信弃义侵略者尸体上踏过。

    Their feet will trample on the dead bodies of their perfidious aggressors.


  • 人们发现斩首尸体漂浮条水渠里

    His decapitated body was found floating in a canal.


  • 接着尸体肢解,把几块碎尸地窖

    She then dismembered him, hiding parts of his body in the cellar.


  • 下命令玛蒂尔达的尸体埋葬家族墓穴中

    He ordered that Matilda's body should be buried in the family vault.


  • 3名登山者尸体一个陡峭隘谷谷底找到了

    The bodies of the three climbers were located at the bottom of a steep gully.


  • 几天之后曾被毒打尸体城外一个路边发现了

    A few days later his badly beaten body was discovered on a roadside outside the city.


  • 尸体发现离她家不到英里的一座废弃仓库里

    Her body was found dumped in a derelict warehouse less than a mile from her home.


  • 当局他们不能记下推土机清理瓦砾时不断找到尸体数目

    The authorities say they are not able to keep count of the bodies still being found as bulldozers clear the rubble.


  • 地窖打开了,尸体被发现保存完好,面容很容易辨认

    The vault was opened and the body found to be well preserved, his features easily recognizable.


  • 有关剩下名人质的悬念昨晚警方发现布满弹孔尸体后结束了

    The suspense over the two remaining hostages ended last night when the police discovered the bullet ridden bodies.


  • 潜水员们今天早晨发现昨天渡轮失事中淹死又一美国水手尸体

    Divers this morning found the body of another American sailor drowned during yesterday's ferry disaster.


  • 他们用铁锹撬开盖子取出尸体,粗鲁地地上

    They pried off the lid with their shovels, got out the body and dumped it rudely on the ground.


  • 其他体内动物尸体时,吸收大量的铅。

    When condors eat dead bodies of other animals containing lead, they absorb large quantities of lead.


  • 雅典尸体埋葬年后就要出的主要原因用地不足

    Lack of space in Athens is the main reason why the dead are dug up after three years.


  • 起来尸体身边推开,盯着看然后又困惑地环顾四周

    He sat up, pushing the body from him, and gazed at it, and then around him, confusedly.


  • 他们找到了一尸体将军杀了世界各国,他们都称是谋杀

    They have found a corpse; the general has been killed, and in all countries, they call that murder.


  • 想到尸体的,拔出宝剑说:“只要活着别想!”

    Thinking it was going to gnaw at the dead body, he drew his sword and exclaimed:" You shan't touch her so long as I am alive!"


  • 安丰议会采用火葬方法,将尸体焚烧作为处理这一问题方式

    Amphons city council wants to introduce cremation that is burning the dead bodies as a means of dealing with the problem.


  • 引人注目覆盖尸体上以纯金所面具还有贵重的珠宝,器具武器

    The most striking were death masks made of pure gold on the remains of the body, but also jewels, and implements, and weapons of very high expense.


  • 现场明显尸体冲撞痕迹这两者都有人强行按倒被碾压情况相矛盾。

    There were obvious drag marks of the body and collision marks on the scene, both of which contradicted the scenario of someone being held down and crushed


  • 这个城市人口密度大了,有的尸体被埋葬之前,可能会医院存放超过一个星期

    The city is so overcrowded that sometimes dead bodies are kept in the hospitals for over a week until a grave is found.


  • 意大利官员周一表示上周意大利海岸发现几十非洲移民尸体可能被从船上扔到海里的。

    The bodies of dozens of African emigrants discovered off the Italian coast last week might have been thrown overboard, Italian officials said on Monday.


  • 玛丽莎·库珀突然想起了数年前条响尾蛇尸体击得粉碎,血迹斑斑地躺在德克萨斯炽热黄沙上。

    Marissa Cooper suddenly pictured the shattered corpse of a rattlesnake lying bloody on a hot patch of yellowTexas sand so many years ago.


  • 但是希腊教会反对这种做法他们认为人们自焚唯一地方地狱所以焚烧尸体违背希腊人重生观念的。

    But the Greek Church resists this practice; they believe the only place where people burn is a hell, so burning dead bodies is against the Greek concept of life after death.


  • 尸体教授医学院学生外科手术技术解剖的。

    Cadavers are used to teach med students surgical skills and anatomy.


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