• 尊敬地领导您好

    Honorific leadership: How do you do!


  • 女士们先生们,诸位贵宾尊敬地评委晚上

    Good evening, ladies and gentlemen, distinguished guests and honorable judges.


  • 尊敬鞠了一躬,:“陛下下令杀掉全城吗?”

    He bowed respectfully and asked, "Your majesty, was it you who ordered that all the dogs of the city should be killed?"


  • 问候,称呼,招呼在见面信的开头语言或文字方式友好尊敬地致敬或欢迎

    To salute or welcome in a friendly and respectful way with speech or writing, as upon meeting or in opening a letter.


  • 问候,称呼,招呼:见面信的开头语言或文字方式友好尊敬地致敬或欢迎

    To salute or welcome in a friendly and respectful way with speech or writing, as upon meeting or in opening a letter.


  • 因为阿弥陀佛面前天神神都尊敬鞠躬恶魔外道不再形成障碍

    Because before one who has been saved by Amida, the gods of heaven and earth bow their heads in reverence, and demons and heretics can no longer offer any obstruction.


  • 正是如此曼联似乎以为签下球员可能理所当然阿森纳则从头到尾都尊敬对待球员适当的给球员留下了深刻的印象。

    So it seems Man Utd took for granted his potential signing, and Arsenal treated the player with respect throughout and have suitably impressed.


  • 人们举行了盛大庆祝活动来欢迎那些珍宝重回那不勒斯的怀抱,而且尊敬安放在它们的"",位于山顶皇宫里.

    Much celebrating greeted her return to Naples with the others, and they were honoured with a grandnewhome in the former palace at the top of the hill.


  • 回到下面石头精分开条道,让给一个和一样的石头精。他们都叫比爷爷缓慢坚定走近他们。他尊敬国王点头

    Back below, the crowd parts for a troll as old as the Earth. They call him GRAND PABBIE. He approaches arthritically, but determined. He nods respectfully to the king.


  • 这些令人垂涎武器源源不断流入边境,使友好影响遍及整个边境,而帕桑部落对基督教文明尊敬大大增强了

    A steady flow of the coveted weapons spread its genial influence throughout the frontier, and the respect which the Pathan tribesmen entertained for Christian civilization was vastly enhanced.


  • 那个卫兵举起的戟致敬嘲弄说:“尊敬殿下敬礼。”

    The soldier brought his halberd to a present-arms and said mockingly, "I salute your gracious Highness."


  • 高盛值得尊敬AbbyJosephCohen非常精确断言利润增长5.6%,标准普尔500指数2008年将以1675点报收,而不是16701680点。

    The venerable Abby Joseph Cohen of Goldman Sachs asserts, with remarkable precision, that profits will grow by 5.6% and that the S&P 500 index will end the year, not at 1,670 or 1,680, but at 1,675.


  • :“这个悲伤的祭日,一起尊敬深情缅怀约翰。”

    She said: "On this tragic anniversary, please join me in remembering John with deep love and respect."


  • 另外妈妈带着希望了解一点如何度过特别一天还有配偶搭档其他感激尊敬你的要求的。

    By the way moms, it is ok to drop hints about how you would like to spend your special day and with hope, your spouse, partner, or other loved one will graciously honor your small request.


  • 两个作者回忆他们尊敬专家,得出结论道最好医生应该设身处病人着想

    Both authors recall professionals they respect telling them that the best doctors are those who can put themselves in their patients' shoes.


  • 真诚聆听他人,当然,这里聆听不仅仅听倾述者的每个音,而是注意他所想字里行间表达的意思,这样是对倾述者最大尊敬

    To truly listen to someone--not just to hear the words the other is saying but to pay attention to the message contained in the words--is the greatest compliment we can give another person.


  • 马拉国会大厦中巧妙玩了的把戏,以此所有古老礼仪表示了尊敬

    Mal’akh had played his cards artfully within the Capitol Building, showing obeisance to all the ancient etiquettes.


  • 一个尊敬极简主义博客朋友昨天带点讨论意味完成很多目标——真的

    A minimalist blogging friend, whom I respect, said in a little discussion on this yesterday that he accomplished a lot with goals - and that's true.


  • 今天护工菲尔彻底了个离开我们穿上礼服心情放松表示我们她的工作的尊敬

    Today's carer gives Phil a good wash and freshen up and, just before she leaves, we ease her into a dressing gown so that she is more respectable for her journey to hospital.


  • 所指出的第二动机——雄心,说得委婉点就是被承认尊敬为目标,牢固在于本性之中

    The second-named motive, ambition or, in milder terms, the aiming at recognition and consideration, lies firmly fixed in human nature.


  • 妈妈尊敬师长吗?”佩内洛普满眼怒火问。

    Didn’t your mommy ever teach you to respect higher authority?!” Penelope had fury in her eyes.


  • 它们唧唧喳喳叫道,“从来没有哪位受人尊敬鸟儿的叫声会蕴含如此丰富的情感。” 于是,只漂泊流浪的小鸟不得不继续前行。

    No respectable bird sang with so much feeling, they cheeped one to another, and the wanderer had to move on.


  • 尽管Stone可能布什能力戒酒而表示尊敬却轻蔑加注:“酗酒毛病没了,但鲁莽的毛病没改。”

    While Stone may respect Bush's ability to overcome alcoholism, he dismissively notes that "the drinking stops, but the recklessness stays."


  • 准备结成银行变节职员团伙时刻亨利荷兰德(亚历克·吉尼斯扮演)温和同谋:“可以阿尔弗雷德(名不是姓,以表尊敬——译者注)吗?”

    In what would now be called a moment of male bonding the renegade bank clerk, Henry Holland (played by Alec Guinness), tenderly asks his co-conspirator, "May I call you Alfred?"


  • 一旦我们尊敬形式俯卧我们父母面前那么来自他们的所有就自由到达我们这边。

    Once we lie prostrate in front of our parents with reverence, then all that comes from them can reach us freely.


  • 对于字辈的演员十分尊敬不像有的觉得自己没用就不理不睬。

    He is very respectful towards older actors, unlike those who show a blind eye to them because they have no use for them.


  • 对于字辈的演员十分尊敬不像有的觉得自己没用就不理不睬。

    He is very respectful towards older actors, unlike those who show a blind eye to them because they have no use for them.


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