• 本文聚焦位于美国康涅狄格州富裕

    This article will focus on one Brownfield site, located in an affluent section of the State of Connecticut in the United States.


  • 根据加州大学一项研究美国其他许多富裕国家更好吸收移民原因之一

    That is one reason why America absorbs immigrants better than many other rich countries, according to a new study by the University of California.


  • 哥本哈根峰会达成一项气候协议但是需要富裕国家同意提供更多资金并且更大幅度削减它们的碳排放量

    A climate agreement can still be reached in Copenhagen but this will require rich nations to agree more money and bigger cuts in their emissions.


  • 这里这个城市富裕聚集,长久以来一直是美女大款明星游乐场

    This is the richest region of the city and it has long been a playground for the the beautiful, the rich and the famous.


  • 法律规定外,社会变迁似乎使富裕国家父母更为谨慎运用体罚

    And regardless of the law, social changes seem to be making parents in rich countries cautious about smacking.


  • 很多减少信用卡消费很多公司减少了信贷,但是他们惊恐发现富裕世界总体债务却几乎没有减少多少

    Many people who have cut back their credit-card spending and firms which have seen their credit lines slashed would be horrified to see how little the rich world's overall burden has fallen.


  • 特别那些更富裕经纪大的强度影响更多的经纪,但它们并不构成市场行为的主体,而是倾向保持自己观点

    In particular, richer agents influence a larger number of agents with a higher strength, they do not account strongly for market behavior, and they aim to conserve their opinion.


  • 但是富裕俄罗斯人认为他们责任孩子提供在海外生活工作选择尤其是2008- 2009年的经济危机之后。

    But, particularly after the economic crisis of 2008-2009, rich Russians see it as their duty to give their children the option of living and working abroad.


  • 如果真的就会得出一些怪异结论富裕美国并不贫穷巴西幸福那么那些生活富裕国家的为了变得富有而更加努力工作还有什么意义呢?

    If this is true then some heretical conclusions follow: rich America is no happier than poorer Brazil, so what is the point in people who live in rich countries working harder to get ever richer?


  • 当然新兴国家富裕国家令人吃惊的增长差距更加迅速经济中心转向新兴经济体。

    A gaping growth gap between the emerging and rich worlds will, of course, shift economic heft more quickly towards emerging economies.


  • 由于澳大利亚历史上最大能源兴起,才使得他其他富裕国家更好渡过全球经济衰退

    Thanks mainly to one of the biggest resources booms in its history, Australia survived the global downturn better than other rich countries.


  • 尽管由于希腊自身经济问题使得对于移入的人来说是一个少有吸引力的目的一旦进入欧盟大多数移民者计划欧洲大陆上富裕

    And although Greece's own economic problems make it a less attractive destination for would-be entrants, most of them plan to move on to the wealthier parts of the continent once inside the EU.


  • 先生都要尽同样的义务来荣耀我们,好好照顾你的家庭、丈夫、财产事业繁荣、顺利,那么为你的家庭带来和气平安富裕,你的小孩生活舒适中。

    Take care of your family, your husband's property and business so that it'll prosper, and it'll bring loftiness, security and abundance to your family so that your children will live in comfort.


  • 相反国家组织形式重要人民过上富裕的生活或是无情损害人民幸福生活。

    On the contrary, the form the state takes is of first-order importance: It can allow for human flourishing or thwart it mercilessly.


  • 尽管涡轮机富裕占用的那些民众,但是许多担心涡轮机会不断抑制附近区的财产价值

    Many people fear that turbines will instantly depress the value of property nearby, even if it enriches those whose land is used.


  • 不过如果说美国人和北欧天然寻求永恒,那么新近富裕起来中国人俄罗斯人往往认为高光泽表面更好反映现代设计师生活

    But if Americans and northern Europeans seek timelessness in natural wood, the newly rich Chinese and Russians tend to think high-gloss surfaces are a better reflection of modern designer living.


  • 相反,家庭变得比较富裕,而且速度相当但是收入增加的速度,低于全国总体的速度,代表家庭收入全国总收入的比例正在下降。

    On the contrary, they are getting richer quite rapidly, but they are getting richer more slowly than the country overall, which means their share of total income is declining.


  • 然而对于多数富裕国家欧洲鸡毛重要影响在于财政问题。

    For much of the rich world, however, the most important consequences of Europe's mess will be fiscal.


  • 随着美国房市走低中国富裕阶层崛起,业似乎成为一种潮流

    With US housing prices decreasing and the number of wealthy Chinese increasing, buying real estate in the US has become a new trend in China.


  • 受欢迎目的明显富裕西方国家即使沙特阿联酋同样有吸引力

    The most popular destinations specified are wealthy Western countries, though Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates are also attractive.


  • 现在挑战寻求更多资金确保经费绩效挂钩,鞭策那些有疟疾方病富裕国家独力一些。

    The challenge will now be on finding more money, making sure funding is linked to performance and putting pressure on malaria-endemic countries with large domestic incomes to do more for themselves.


  • 由于没有基本排水管道很快就富裕胡同也彻彻底底变成了贫民窟

    Few had basic plumbing, and soon even the wealthier hutongs had deteriorated into slums.


  • 恳求富裕国家责任援救边缘国家。

    My plea is for richer countries that are more responsible to come to the rescue of countries on the edge.


  • 永远结束任何人另外一个剥削所以过着富裕有生产力较没有压力生活

    This will end forever the degrading exploitation of any human being by another so that he or she lives an abundant, productive, and less stressful life.


  • 因此WHO5月大会富裕国家同意,在传染病事故中,穷国必须可以使用救命疫苗印尼也适时同意再次分享病毒样品

    So at a WHO assembly in May, rich countries agreed that the poor must have access to life-saving vaccines in the event of a pandemic; Indonesia duly agreed to share its virus samples again.


  • 因此WHO5月大会富裕国家同意,在传染病事故中,穷国必须可以使用救命疫苗印尼也适时同意再次分享病毒样品

    So at a WHO assembly in May, rich countries agreed that the poor must have access to life-saving vaccines in the event of a pandemic; Indonesia duly agreed to share its virus samples again.


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