• 英国女皇安保周密澳大利亚城市珀斯宣布召开英联邦峰会

    The Queen has opened a Commonwealth summit in Perth, amid tight security in the Australian city.


  • 卡尔扎伊先生已经宣布召开次阿富汗大国民议会(loyajirga)会议,会议是一个传统高级会议,该国的政客召集一起,决定美国在阿富汗的未来

    Mr Karzai has announced that a loya jirga, a traditional grand gathering of the country's power-brokers, will be convened to decide on the Americans' future.


  • RGE预计,今年十一月召开会议时,美联储宣布额外的刺激政策有可能大规模购买国债形式实施。

    Rge expects the Fed to announce additional policy stimulus at its meeting in November, most likely in the form of large-scale purchases of Treasurys.


  • 叙利亚全国委员会伊斯坦布尔召开新闻发布会上宣布成立看起来像是联合零散反对派重要的一步

    The announcement of the Syrian National Council at a news conference in Istanbul appeared to be the most serious step yet to unify a deeply fragmented opposition.


  • 星期三——已经宣布国际减灾——伦敦召开的会议解决一个被忽视的问题:如何使医院更安全

    On Wednesday - which has been declared an international day for disaster reduction - a conference in London will tackle an overlooked issue: how to make hospitals safer.


  • 上月世界银行行长保罗·沃尔福·维茨国际货币基金组织和世界银行新加坡召开的联合年会上宣布这个名为《性别平等明智经济学》的计划

    The plan, Gender Equality as Smart Economics, was announced last month by World Bank President Paul Wolfowitz at the IMF-World Bank Annual Meetings in Singapore.


  • 国际奥委会南非东海岸城市德班召开年度全会做出这项宣布

    The announcement was made at the International Olympic Committee's annual general meeting, under way in South Africa's eastern seaboard city, Durban.


  • 之后检察长ashcroft召开那戏剧性新闻发布会会上宣布受到一则对林德投诉

    A few weeks later, Attorney General Ashcroft held one of his dramatic press conferences, in which he announced a complaint being filed against Lindh.


  • 20002月被收审期,理由是1999年哈瓦那举行伊比利亚美洲国家首脑会议(Ibero - American summit)期间,他召开记者会宣布举行和平游行。

    In February 2000, he was tried and sentenced to three years in prison for holding a press conference to announce a peaceful march during the 1999 Ibero-American Summit in Havana.


  • 因此预计美联储下周召开11月会议结束时宣布新一轮资产收购普遍称为“定量宽松2”。

    The Fed is therefore expected to announce a new round of asset purchases, widely known as QE2, at the end of its November meeting next week.


  • 会议英国首相托尼·布莱尔八国集团鹰谷召开峰会宣布的。

    The Conference was announced by Prime Minister Tony Blair during the G-8 Summit in Gleneagles.


  • 2010年97日,上海召开一次学术出版会议开幕式上,李东东宣布在2011年1月之前推行新的管理规范淘汰劣质的学术杂志。

    Opening a meeting of scientific publishers in Shanghai on 7 September, Li announced that by January 2011, new regulations will be used to "terminate" weak journals.


  • 上任第三谷歌宣布召开业绩电话会议,佩奇时代的第一次(佩奇首次担任谷歌首席执行官时,谷歌还未上市)。

    Day Three: Google announced its earnings call which would be the first in Page's era (Google wasn't public in his first CEO tenure).


  • 鉴于欧洲美国澳大利亚南美洲世界其他地方感染病例不断增加,今天日内瓦召开专家会议宣布这一决定

    The decision was made after a meeting of experts in Geneva today and comes as infections have climbed in Europe, the us, Australia, South America and elsewhere.


  • 鸠山先生宣布计划用意明显哥本哈根会议召开之前打破国际间对话僵局

    Mr Hatoyama has explicitly presented his plan as a way to break the deadlock in international talks ahead of Copenhagen.


  • 科索沃预计将这个星期天宣布独立。就此,安理会星期四应塞尔维亚要求召开了会议。

    The Council met at the request of Serbia Thursday in anticipation of Kosovo's expected declaration of independence Sunday.


  • 巴勒斯坦以色列领导人巴黎地中海国家峰会召开前夕宣布他们致力于实现和平

    Palestinian and Israeli leaders have declared their commitment to peace before a Mediterranean summit in Paris.


  • 伯克希尔一年一度的奥马哈市年会隆重召开公司对外发表此项声明,此时,距巴菲特向诸位投资人宣布索科尔离职已有四周之久,而消息一出则即引起震惊

    The company's statement comes three days before its heavily attended annual meeting in Omaha and four weeks to the day after Buffett shocked investors by announcing Sokol's departure.


  • 的1861年3月新的意大利议会都灵召开宣布意大利统一

    Five months later, in March 1861, the new Italian parliament met in Turin and proclaimed Italy's unity.


  • 4月23日大胆迈出一步宣布将7月份即将拉开帷幕G7富国峰会召开地移至阿奎拉,部分原因也是将所筹得的基金用于城市重建

    On April 23rd he went a daring step further, saying he would switch the venue of the G8 rich-country summit in July to L’Aquila, partly so as to divert funds towards the city’s reconstruction.


  • 休会通告需要另行通知,如果时间地点休会召开地点的会议上被正式宣布

    Notice of any adjourned meeting need not be given if the time and place are announced at the meeting at which the adjournment was taken.


  • 此相反,匈牙利央行周三召开紧急会议宣布基准利率上调3个百分点至11.5%。

    In contrast, Hungary's central bank raised its key rate three percentage points to 11.5% in an emergency meeting Wednesday.


  • 此相反,匈牙利央行周三召开紧急会议宣布基准利率上调3个百分点至11.5%。

    In contrast, Hungary's central bank raised its key rate three percentage points to 11.5% in an emergency meeting Wednesday.


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