• 所有这些总是使读者感到困惑东西实际就像陶工留下的指纹,诗歌如何被创作的主要证据

    All those that had always perplexed readers were actually like thumbprints left by a potter: material evidence of how the poems had been crafted.


  • 图形图表就是数据变成读者能够辩认理解实际内容

    This graph or chart is the point where the data becomes actual content that a reader can identify and understand.


  • 本文关注内容存储库连接器计划以后的文章中将带领读者实际编写部署一个新的连接器。

    The focus of this article is on planning a connector to a content repository, and subsequent articles will walk the reader through actually writing and deploying a new connector.


  • 研究者进一步提出,帮助读者加深愉悦也许是因为它们实际增强紧张感

    The researchers further theorized that perhaps spoilers help enhance our enjoyment of a story because they actually increase tension.


  • 本文推出TheHive项目,该项目为一系列小项目,旨在收集Slate杂志读者解决实际问题集体智慧(阅读详细的内容请点击The Hive)。

    This article launches the Hive, a series of projects designed to harvest the collective intelligence of Slate readers to solve practical problems. (read a more complete explanation of the Hive here.)


  • 每个工具用户列表贴子数量可以表明用户基数(省略了贴子的实际数量,因为单独统计可能读者造成误解)。

    The number of user-list posts for each tool gives us an idea of its user base. (The actual number of posts is omitted as statistics for a single month could be misleading.)


  • 认为如果读者能够接受信息万物根本理论,那么所有实际存在的事物都找到解释

    He argues that all of reality can be explained if readers accept that information is at the root of everything.


  • 该书提供大量实际信息使读者一个基本了解并且切实帮助顾问客户提供一些解决这些问题有效指导

    It provides enough factual information to give readers a basic grasp of the issues and will definitely help consultants provide more effective guidance to clients wrestling with these issues.


  • 而且他们作品越多,他们就越能帮助看到你曾经想象那些人物对于读者来说实际枯燥无味的。

    And the more they read your work, the more they help you to see that the characters you once thought would set readers on fire are in fact boring.


  • 细心读者发现实际正是面向服务体系结构(SOA)中的核心原则之一

    See Resources. the careful reader will realize that this is actually one of the core principles of Service Oriented Architecture SOA.


  • 然而,两位作者决定引进一些东西有些读者可能顽强实际参与进来,从而产生更高兴致

    Yet their decision to include some of the hard stuff leaves open the possibility that some readers might actually engage in the slog that leads to higher pleasures.


  • 实际我们可以观察得到几年博客中间对齐趋势——这往往出于使用大大小小的屏幕读者寻求最佳选择的目的

    Actually, one could observe the rising trend toward centered design layouts few years ago - often it was the attempt to find an optimal solution for readers with large and small screen resolutions.


  • 实际可以处理数据源配置连接代码打包一个工具(留给读者作为练习)。

    In fact, you might want to bundle up the code you write to handle data source configuration and connection into a utility class (that's left for you as an exercise).


  • 说得清楚一点,适用性指读者中的概念应用于实际操作所花费的精力降至最低。

    Let me be clear, applicability is about limiting the effort the reader needs to make to translate the concepts conveyed in the book into applying them to his own work setting.


  • 互联网上,读者可以任意地在信息海洋里穿越实际他们从头都是在塑造自己的阅读内容。

    On the Internet, readers skate through cyberspace at will and, in effect, compose their own beginnings, middles and ends.


  • 第五道印实际外话,它告诉读者如果现在正遭受不幸,上帝来救你

    The fifth seal is actually a digression that tells you, the audience,that if you suffer in this present time it will be taken care of by God.


  • 上次专栏文章中反过来读者请教有关求职过程中和职场中如何应对年龄歧视的建议:针对这一实际问题员工管理者可以些什么

    In my last column, I turned the tables and asked for readers' advice on handling age bias in the job market and workplace: as a practical matter, what can workers and managers do about it?


  • 除此之外,将会提供一个实际RUPMicrosoftWord模版修改实例,读者可以直接使用

    In addition, I will provide a practical adaptation of RUP's Microsoft Word templates for these documents that readers can use within their own organizations.


  • 因此假定读者已经理解标准内部工作原理之前就可以利用提供许多更实际有趣的例子

    Therefore, the standard library can be used to provide realistic and interesting examples well before a reader can be assumed to understand its inner workings.


  • 他们这样实际上是告诉读者,“我们想要关注站点这些站点。”

    In doing this, they effectively told their audience - at a glance - "these are the sites we want you to focus on."


  • 读者你们生活标准预期实际生活水平相符吗?你财务做了什么折衷实现自己特定的生活方式

    Readers, are your expectations for your standard of living in line with how you live? What financial trade-offs have you made to achieve your particular style of juggle?


  • 写作它告诉读者实际什么的信息一部分。

    This is the informative part of your writing that tells the reader what you are actually writing.


  • 实际Empson并不会,仔细考虑作者文本读者这些因素,就好像他们功能一样。

    At bottom, Empson doesn't really settle into the rigorous consideration of the author, the text, or the reader as if they were separate functions.


  • 此时细心读者也许感觉到:做到有计划的拖延意味着一定程度上自我欺骗因为人们实际总是不断上演Pyramidscheme(金字塔计划,类似传销活动,喻不可持续的欺骗活动)。

    The observant reader may feel at this point that structured procrastination requires acertain amount of self-deception, since one is in effect constantly perpetrating a pyramid one scheme on self.


  • 这种非常实际方法允许读者专门集中他们领域使用没有在不必要的理论里把他们陷于困境电子讯息。

    This extraordinarily practical approach allows readers to focus exclusively on the electronics information they will use in the field, without bogging them down in unnecessary theory.


  • 通过MP2000系统结构性能应用介绍,向读者展示种针对配电用户实际要求,按需定制的整体配电自动化系统。

    Through an introduction of the structure, performance and application of MP2000, an integral distribution automation system meeting the user's actual needs is shown to the reader.


  • 本书旨在帮助读者准备医院每天酷热生活实际现存作为初级医生几年必不可少指南

    This book is designed to help the reader prepare for the actual daily rigours of hospital life and is an essential guide for surviving the first years as a junior doctor.


  • 地方大学图书馆根据馆藏情况、人员配备设备条件读者需求等方面实际开展多种多样社会服务

    The various social services should be launched according to the actual state of documents and personnel, equipment and the reader 'demands and so on.


  • 地方大学图书馆根据馆藏情况、人员配备设备条件读者需求等方面实际开展多种多样社会服务

    The various social services should be launched according to the actual state of documents and personnel, equipment and the reader 'demands and so on.


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