• 饲养狗今天猎狼狗正慢慢失去他们实际的能力

    Dog breeders say that wolfhounds of today are slowly losing their working capacities.


  • 如果公司真实地实际能力产生需要发现收入报告

    You need to find out if the company truly has the physical capacity to generate the revenue that its reporting.


  • 要求教师教学方式上有新的调整理论联系社会生活实际能力更高更具教师职业自觉。

    It requires the teachers to adjust their ways of teaching and to have higher abilities to combine the teaching of theory with real needs of society.


  • 首先这样建议似乎依据的是,许多应届生或许已经学习了大量理论知识但是他们缺乏的是实际能力

    Firstly, the suggestion seems to be based on the fact that new college graduates may have learned mountains of theories but lack practical abilities.


  • 因此实际这些游泳机器身体形态功能方面都用来提升它们的游泳能力

    As a result, practically every aspect of the body form and function of these swimming "machines" is adapted to enhance their ability to swim.


  • 研究发现那些可能无法自己的内心独白深埋于心的实际可能坚持完成任务,注意力集中,表现出较高的认知能力

    New research says that those who can't seem to keep their inner monologues in are actually more likely to stay on task, remain focused better and show improved perception capabilities.


  • 实际测试中,反馈根据你的写作质量、你在课堂表达观点能力以及它们阅读文章关系来进行判断

    In an actual test, your response would be judged on the quality of your writing and on how well your response presents the points in the lecture and their relationship to the reading passage.


  • 于70分贝的噪音所产生的结果很明显,所以该研究还表明,适量的噪音环境——不太大声而不是完全寂静——实际上可能会提高一个人的创造性思维能力

    Since the results at 70 decibels were significant, the study also suggests that the right level of background noise—not too loud and not total silence—may actually improve one's creative thinking ability.


  • 请记住这个重要生活准则:表面能力要比实际能力重要。

    Remember this important principle in life: the appearance of ability is more important than actual ability itself.


  • 而是到达某个,此时服务管理同步开销资源需求超出实际处理能力然后吞吐量开始下降

    Instead, it reaches a point where the overhead of managing the service, synchronization, and resource demands exceeds the actual productive processing and throughput starts declining.


  • 没有额外的培训技能评估评估我们有效地完成任务实际能力才能

    No additional training or skill assessment is done to assess our actual capability or capacity to effectively achieve the assignment.


  • 但是如果家庭收入——普通民众实际购买能力——相比较而言则两地几乎难分伯仲

    But if the measure is household income-the actual spending power of average residents-the two regions are equally prosperous.


  • 许多乳突称为味觉超敏感者因为他们实际感知能力很强,比如他们能品尝出芝麻菜苦味或是豌豆的微小甜味

    People who have lots of papillae have been dubbed supertasters for their ability to really perceive, say, the bitterness in arugula or the subtle sweetness of a pea.


  • 接下来,想要利用绑定可用客户机必须具有一种能力根据运行时信息实际绑定进行切换能力

    Clients that want to exploit the availability of multiple bindings would then have to possess the ability of switching the actual binding to be used based on run-time information.


  • 希望不要只是因为有些名声实际的是因为能力,更影响力

    Not necessarily because I'm famous but just because, financially, I'm more capable and I have more influence.


  • 尽管如此我试着这样说,余地最大能力两个相关概念:余地是能发挥的最大能力和你实际运用能力之间差额

    That makes sense, though, because margin and capacity are relational concepts: margin is the difference between your total capacity and how much of that capacity you're using.


  • 泰利斯公司电子战领域全球领先SADI计划加速泰利斯澳大利亚公司实际能力提升。

    Thales is a global leader in electronic warfare, and this SADI initiative will accelerate the establishment of a substantial capability within Thales Australia.


  • 学习练习地图作用的原理大大提高应用它们实际能力每天钢琴有助于提高演奏水平一样。

    Learning and practising how maps work can greatly increase your practical ability to use them, just as daily practice on the piano makes for more competent playing.


  • 近前观察,观察他们生活每个细节,他们所牺牲,他们周围非凡资源,那么他们能力实际就是逻辑的必然的。

    But when you look up close, at the moment-to-moment lives they lead, the sacrifices they make, the extraordinary resources they have around them, their abilities actually do make logical sense.


  • 实际这会导致ARFM更多请求排队因为实际可用后端处理能力少了

    In effect, this will cause ARFM to queue more traffic because there is effectively less backend capacity available to it.


  • 此外,为了隐瞒侦察卫星实际能力,被科学团队解密图像一般清晰度上作了降低处理

    The images that the scientific group has had declassified, for instance, have had their sharpness reduced to hide the abilities of the reconnaissance satellites.


  • 任何给定测试质量依赖验证实际需求能力

    The quality of any given test depends on its ability to validate a realistic use case or requirement.


  • 许多最优的设计决策进一步延误交付实际短期成功能力,从而使一问题复杂化

    This issue was compounded by a number of sub-optimal design decisions which further stalled an ability to deliver tangible short-term successes.


  • SOMA视为支持SOA开发实际方法(能力模式)。

    SOMA has been recognized as the DE facto method (or capability pattern) to support SOA development.


  • 眼见为实清单17展示字典应用程序语言实际能力

    Seeing is believing, so Listing 17 demonstrates the dictionary application's language in full force.


  • 一个人实际能力才是企业所真正看重的。

    It is one's practical capability that enterprises truly value.


  • 中介策略平等提供实际的管理能力,允许完全动态方式控制配置

    Equally, mediation policy gives real administrative power in controlling configuration in a truly dynamic fashion.


  • 根据程序打包压缩文件实际能力提取速度决定的。

    This is determined in the apps ability to compress or decompress files with substantial power and extraction speeds.


  • 根据程序打包压缩文件实际能力提取速度决定的。

    This is determined in the apps ability to compress or decompress files with substantial power and extraction speeds.


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