• 如何搞好学术评价一个时代话题

    How to do academia appraisal well is one era topic.


  • 他们的分析有助于专业学术评价机制积极建构

    It will help us construct the academic appraisal mechanism by analyzing them.


  • 这种资源院士候选人学术评价产生一定影响

    This kind of resources has also a certain influence on the academic evaluation for the academician candidates.


  • 建议建立一个过分注重学术论文获奖数量学术评价体系

    He called for the establishment of an academic appraisal system with less emphasis on quantity of academic papers and awards.


  • 学术评价体系现行学术制度也是造成高校学报诸多弊端根源

    The academic appraisal system, and the present academic system are also the root to lead to many malpractices by the journals.


  • 没有明显理由认为小组任何超出严格学术评价以外的因素影响着自己的评选

    There is certainly no obvious reason to think that this panel would be anything other than academically rigorous when evaluating the grants.


  • 现行学术评价机制缺陷主要包括考核指标体系不合理评价方式程序异化

    The existing shortcomings of academic evaluation mechanism include unreasonable inspection indicator system, the alienation of evaluation methods and process.


  • 学术规范主要包括学术道德规范、学术法律规范、写作技术规范学术评价规范。

    The academic norm mainly includes the academic morals norm, academic law norm, the writing technical specification and academic evaluation norm.


  • 被引频次学术评价指标,考察了《复印报刊资料》学术影响力

    It checks on the academic influence of Duplicating the Press with the average quoting rate, number and frequency as an academic evaluating quota.


  • 建议编委数量指标作为传统科研产出评价指标的有益补充完善目前学术评价体系

    We recommend that the number of editorial board members could be used as a beneficial supplement to indicators based on scientific output to improve the current academic evaluation system.


  • 中文核心期刊近年来我国大力推广问题又最多学术评价体系实践引起很大争议。

    The Chinese language core periodical system is an academic evaluation system extended in a big way in China in the past decade, but in practice it has aroused great controversies.


  • 当前中国学术评价体系存在一定混乱现象需要建立相应的元评价机制加以引导和规范。

    There is a demand for meta-evaluation mechanism because some confusion exists in current academic evaluation system.


  • 然而当今强调绩效责任提高管理效率为取向学术评价中,学科差异没有得到应有尊重

    Nowadays in the assessment of scholarship with emphasizing accountability and improving management efficiency, however, the disciplinary differences do not get the respect that is due.


  • 这种评价方法基本上背离学术评价目的影响了我国优秀学术成果涌现科学研究成果价值性。

    Not only does this evaluation method deviate from the true purpose of the academic evaluation, but greatly influences the emergence of the excellent academic achievements and the value of.


  • 核心期刊的效用主要表现优选期刊学术评价两个方面但是学术对核心期刊评价效用则颇存争议

    Core journals are mainly used in both optimizing selection of journals and academic evaluation, but the academic evaluation function of core journals has been argued very strongly in academia.


  • 参考文献引用著录具有学术评价功能,对促进学术交流体现学术论文发表学术价值具有重要作用

    The citing and recording of references possess the function of academic appraising. It plays an important role in promoting academic exchange and reflecting the publishing value of academic paper.


  • 探讨核心期刊起源、本质剖析核心期刊学术评价功能的局限性,旨在希望对核心期刊理性认识客观评价

    This paper studies the formation, essence of key periodicals and analyzes the limitation of academic evaluation in order to have an objective and reasonable understanding of key periodicals.


  • 另一方面必须正视学术作伪危害,建立学术研究的自律外部监督机制,学术研究遵守基本学术道德规范,学术评价体制应把质量放在第一位。

    The solutions might be establishing the inner and out supervision system. Academic research ought to be based on academic moral norm. The academic evaluation should pay more weight on quality.


  • 实际上,这些评价大学排名国际机构高校实力关注最多的是学术评分、师生比例以及师生资源的国际化

    In fact, international ranking organizations care most about a university's performance in academic peer review, student-to-faculty ratio, and the presence of international faculty and students.


  • 学术史学家总是高人一等姿态来评价贝尔这本流畅文笔娓娓道出戏剧般的通俗历史

    Academic historians tend to patronise authors like Mr Behrman who write easily and popularise history with their fluid narratives of dramatic events.


  • 大多数研究发现没有广泛的范围内进行传播同时这些研究论文无法得到公正评价致使学术价值令人怀疑

    Most of the findings are not circulated among the wider scientific community, and the failure to subject papers to impartial review renders the value of much of this literature questionable.


  • 葛洪自觉整理保存汉代逸史学术功绩应该得到客观公允的评价

    Gehong, s academic contribution for compiling and preserving documents of Han dynasty should be appraised objectively and fairly.


  • 或者副教授主张其名誉权受到了侵害,因为一个由校外专家组成的评审委员会认定达到大学终身教授标准”。 做出这种评价当然学术委员会的工作。

    Or the associate professor who declared himself defamed when an external review committee found that he “does not appear to be meeting the standard for a tenured university professor.”


  • 已经取得了这么学术成就得到了众多同行的高度评价

    I know you have achieved a lot of academic achievements and gain very highly respect from many colleagues.


  • 结果发现,有近三分之一期刊没有严格执行《中国学术期刊(光盘版)检索评价数据规范》,共有3136条文献著录错误错误18930处。

    It shows that about one-third of periodicals don't conform to Data norm for retrieval and evaluation of Chinese Academic Journal (CD) and there are incorrect 3136 references with 18930 faults.


  • 怎样评价和看待日本武技文化,已不仅仅一个技术学术问题

    It is not just a technical or academic problem for us to evaluate Japan's Wuji culture.


  • 目的分析评价《中华神经医学杂志载文质量学术水平

    Objective To analyze and evaluate the quality and academic level of the Chinese Journal of Neuromedicine.


  • 必须重视梁启超研究阶段,才能对梁启超治墨学术贡献作出恰如其分的评价

    Attention should be paid to this if people want to have an objective and appropriate assessment on his academic contribution to the study of Mohism.


  • 本文主要探讨网络学术信息资源评价理论方法,共分三个部分。

    This thesis mainly makes a probe into the theory and methods of the evaluation of network academic information resources.


  • 本文主要探讨网络学术信息资源评价理论方法,共分三个部分。

    This thesis mainly makes a probe into the theory and methods of the evaluation of network academic information resources.


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