• 条路陡直地向上延伸,透过树丛可以一览奥维景色。

    The road climbs steeply, with good views of Orvieto through the trees.


  • 梵高全球神化如此彻底,以至于日本游客现在奥维尔朝圣他们亲属骨灰洒坟墓上

    So complete is van Gogh's global apotheosis that Japanese tourists now make pilgrimages to Auvers to sprinkle their relatives' ashes on his grave.


  • 奥维描述只有四个时代漏掉了英雄时代

    Ovid describes only four ages, omitting the age of Heroes.


  • 奥维威尔伯·赖特制造架飞机

    Orville and Wilbur Wright made an aeroplane.


  • 1903年12月17日奥维尔·赖特飞机

    On 17 December 1903, Orville Wright climbed into the aeroplane.


  • 然后奥维尔·赖特兄弟威尔伯制造第一飞机

    Then Orville Wright and his brother, Wilbur, made the first aeroplane.


  • 同时拉里尔因以3 - 1战胜了奥维进入名。

    Meanwhile, Villarreal moved into the top five thanks to a 3-1 victory at Oveido.


  • 马基雅里本可以在奥维德的《变形记》(4.460)里找到西西弗斯。

    Machiavelli would have found Sisyphusin Ovid's Metamorphoses 4.


  • 可能虚无有关:不同于其他这些正儿八经作家奥维是个工作狂。

    Perhaps vanity has something to do with it: unlike other canonical writers, Orwell was a working hack.


  • 次日上午早餐希洪吃的,火车开始驶向阿斯里亚斯的首府奥维亚多。

    While breakfast is being served in gijon next morning, the train starts to pull out towards Oviedo, capital of Asturias.


  • 奥维很少描写当天的细节相反他用文字作为跳板进入广阔宇宙范围

    Orwell rarely spent his words on the details of the day - instead, he used them as springboards to boost him into the territory of the universal.


  • 以下内容赫西描述简要介绍。德的描述只有四个时代漏掉英雄时代

    The following is a summary of 1 Hesiod's account. 2 Ovid describes only four ages, omitting the age of Heroes.


  • 她提到,现在孩子睡前,她可以给他们奥维的诗,再讲苏斯博士的故事。

    "I will now read my children Ovid before they go to sleep, before I read them Dr. Seuss," Savino adds.


  • 奥维周围村庄,是一个有着棒极了葡萄酒庄的山头小镇,是这趟旅程完美的起点。

    The villages around Orvieto, a beautiful hilltop town with excellent wineries nearby, make good bases.


  • 没有描述德所意外死亡”,,“关于谋杀的画作,并且非常卑鄙的。”

    "This is not a depiction of the accidental death that Ovid wrote about," he says. "It is a painting about a murder, and a very nasty one at that."


  • 1944年4月上尉(那时已经成为上尉了)另一个特工空降法国中南部奥维

    That began in April 1944, when Captain (as she now was) Wake and another SOE agent were parachuted into the Auvergne in south-central France.


  • 当然真实奥维高兴这里独家披露大家这些他本人或者文章赐福毫不理解。

    Of course, the real Orwell, whom I am delighted to be able to reveal exclusively to you, would have had no truck with all this beatification of himself or his prose.


  • 来自于一家名为奥维咨询StefanJaecklin认为新加坡瑞士符合要求的地区。

    Stefan Jaecklin of Oliver Wyman, a firm of consultants, reckons that Singapore and Switzerland are most likely to fit the bill.


  • 猫王兰尼·布鲁斯奥维勒·瑞登巴克、罗伯特·帕斯特莱利,这些什么共同之处?他们卫生间里

    What do the following people have in common? Elvis Presley, Lenny Bruce, Orville Redenbacher and RobertPastorelli - they all died in a bathroom.


  • 最近的一项实验中哈佛大学69对情侣分别进行了长达5分钟的交谈,让他们谈谈两人之间最艰难的时刻。

    In a recent experiment, researchers led by Christopher Oveis of Harvard conducted five-minute interviews with 69 couples, prompting each pair to discuss difficult periods in their relationship.


  • 和谐作者华盛顿心理学奥维利亚·梅兰说:“远离阴郁的人群,不要看那些烦躁的文学电影。”

    "Stay away from gloomy people," says Washington, D.C.-based psychotherapist Olivia Mellan, author of Money Harmony. "and keep your distance from literature and movies that will bum you out."


  • 来自WiMax设备制造商奥维通(alvarion)CarltonO'Neal表示,各种技术彼此共存

    The technologies will co-exist, says Carlton O'Neal of Alvarion, a WiMax equipment-maker.


  • 德森作为凤凰小组成员继续开展漫游车相关工作他说最近任务得到的证据指明火星过去至少具备孕育生命的能力。

    Arvidson, who was on the Phoenix team and continues to work on the Nasa rovers, says the evidence from the latest missions points to a Mars that at least in the past could well have supported life.


  • 如今在发放几个小时人们就开始排队了,高级牧师斯卡·斯说,超过200个城市社区富人郊区家庭

    Today the line begins forming hours before the pantry opens, according to Senior Pastor Oscar Ovalles, as more than 200 families come from city neighborhoods and affluent suburbs alike.


  • 奥维受到达尔文著作哲学含义影响于是他得出结论人类生活方式所有动物完全一样的:这种生活没有特殊意义

    Auvinen thought through the philosophical implications of Darwin's work and came to the conclusion that human life is like every other type of animal life: it has no extraordinary value.


  • 完全明白这里什么利益攸关的,”美中关系中心主任奥维·斯科勒(Or ville Schell)篇报告指导者之一。

    "She completely understands what is at stake here," said Orville Schell, the director of the Centre on US-China Relations, who oversaw the report.


  • 西班牙奥维耶多大学生物学家joseLuisacuna同事发现如果合适的标准评判觅食期间,水母和鱼类一样厉害

    Biologist jose Luis acuna of the University of Oviedo in Spain and his colleagues now suggest that jellyfishes are just as effective at mealtime as fishes when judged by the right measures.


  • 新罕布什尔共和党参议院预选赛中,奥维德•雷赖蒙堂(草根喜爱的强硬派人物)差点击败凯莉•爱若特(一个更加主流党派候选人)。

    In New Hampshire Ovide Lamontagne, a hardline grass-roots favourite, came within a whisker of defeating Kelly Ayotte, the more mainstream candidate, in the Republican primary for Senate.


  • 连续抽搐着。

    Olivia's face convulsed in a series of twitches.


  • 连续抽搐着。

    Olivia's face convulsed in a series of twitches.


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