• 他们需要西方国家援助缓解变革冲击

    They said Western aid was needed to cushion the blows of vital reform.


  • 变革最佳理念往往来自意想不到之——只是协调优化问题

    Often the best ideas for big changes come from unexpected placesit's just a matter of tuning in.


  • 战国末期我国处于一个社会变革历史时期

    The last stage of the Warring States in ancient china, our country was in a historical period of the great social transformation.


  • 变革年代难道你们就没有一点社会责任感

    Don't you have a sense of responsibility in this great age of vicissitudes? Can we live for ourselves only?


  • 拉瓦认识是个可能导致化学发生变革发现

    Lavoisier realized that this was a discovery which would bring about a tremendous revolution in chemistry.


  • 天桥成为校园核心现存四边形广场变革中心设施。

    The Flyover was to be the centre piece of a large overhaul of an existing quadrangle within the heart of the school campus.


  • 因此,这些学科无论研究方法应用,均进入了变革前夜

    Therefore, both the research methodology and application potential are all on the eve of a total change.


  • 可以看出教堂为什么并不主张立即这种体系采取变革缘由。

    You can see why churches aren't going to advocate an overhaul of this system any time soon.


  • 估计你们中的多数不会同意惊天动地的地球规模变革

    Estimates that most of you won't agree to such a big scale great changes in all the earth.


  • 我们不能简单地重复过去策略因为我们生活一个经济变革时代

    We can’t simply return to the strategies of the past. For we are living through an age of fundamental economic transformation.


  • 批判超越传统本体论是马克思哲学实现哲学史上变革重要基础。

    Marx's criticism and transcendence of traditional ontology underlay the great change he brought about in philosophy.


  • 这个不断扩触摸屏手机阵容只不过iPhone制造的变革物证

    That ever-expanding array of touchscreen handsets is just the physical evidence of the monumental change the iPhone has wrought.


  • 这个位于一个宁静农村小镇地方韩国教育系统进行变革一小部分

    This small scene in a quiet, rural town is just a tiny part of something big happening in South Korea's education system.


  • 我们经历国家历史上一个重要时刻公投后我们面临国家变革时代

    We are living through an important moment in our country's history. Following the referendum we face a time of great national change.


  • 马思科成了这家联合公司首席执行官之后就决定当时是进行技术变革时候

    Musk became CEO of the combined company and decided it was time for a technological overhaul.


  • 应对这种变革管理催生了领导行为的巨需求,要求他们工作必须行之有效

    Managing phenomenal change also places enormous demands on what leaders need to do to be effective in their jobs.


  • 当时中国与今天不相同,我来说已经绝对明确中国处于天翻地覆的变革最前沿。

    It was a very different country then, but what was absolutely clear to me was that China was on the cusp of a remarkable transformation.


  • 然而目前电子其它领域带去巨变革纳米技术承诺同样变革医药领域,尤其是更快鉴别疾病

    But nanotechnology, which is revolutionizing electronics and other fields, promises to similarly transform medicine, particularly when it comes to identifying illnesses more quickly.


  • 浦东新区是中国经济开发变革前沿也是中国农村较短时间较高起点上快速城市化区域

    Pudong New area, the forefront in China 's reform and opening, is also the place where urbanization of the rural area takes place most rapidly and at a high level.


  • 充满惊人剧变以及变革金融风暴公众名人离世,2011年见证全球惊人变化

    This has been a year of tremendous upheavals and remarkable changes. From economic turmoil to the death of several well-known public figures, 2011 has seen the world transformed dramatically.


  • 人们一场变革期待逐渐增长,这个发现令我们振奋因为意味着你们有更多意识到了未来安排

    We find that the sense of expectation of a major change is growing, and that is very encouraging as it means more of you are aware of what is planned for your future.


  • 而且行为金融理论地位上升理论的渐趋成熟预示着金融理论研究范式方法变革,预示现代经济学变革开始

    Moreover, its rising status and theoretical maturity predict the innovation on financial study mode and methodology as well as the initial changes of modern economics.


  • 1794年法国革命失败激进分子最先预见到了一社会大变革

    The defeated radicals of the French Revolution were the first to have this messianic vision in 1794.


  • 过去人的时间里,建筑材料建筑技术发生了巨变革使人们能够最少材料更加简洁快速围砌出建筑空间

    Enormous changes in materials and techniques of construction within the last few generations have made it possible to enclose space with much greater ease and speed and with a minimum of material.


  • 如果说这本一个缺点就是作者没有功夫,以批判眼光看待互联网企业这些变革中所扮演的角色

    If the book has one major shortcoming, it's that the authors don't spend enough time applying a critical eye to the role of Internet businesses in these sweeping changes.


  • 如果说这本一个缺点就是作者没有功夫,以批判眼光看待互联网企业这些变革中所扮演的角色

    If the book has one major shortcoming, it's that the authors don't spend enough time applying a critical eye to the role of Internet businesses in these sweeping changes.


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