• 央行行长Panicos Demetriades称该法案为了避免银行倒闭尤其是该国第二银行塞浦路斯大众银行

    The central bank governor Panicos Demetriades said the legislation was needed to avoid the collapse of Banks, particularly that of the country's second largest bank, the Cyprus Popular bank.


  • 大众银行骑士电视广告(3分钟版本) 广告代理商奥美广告创意总监:胡湘云导演Thanonchai真实故事改编人为甚麽著?

    TC Bank - Dream Ranger Advertising Agency: Ogilvy & Mather Taiwan Executive Creative Director : Jennifer Hu Director:Thanonchai Based on a true story What do people live for ?


  • 大众答案显而易见,这当然属于瑞士银行顾客好莱坞大片里的答案不约而同。

    In the popular imagination as well as Hollywood films the answer is clear: customers of Swiss Banks do.


  • 纽约联邦储备银行总裁B.D最近次演讲中捕捉到大众情绪坦率地指出“略有好转最好相去甚远”。

    Bill Dudley, head of the Federal Reserve Bank of New York, captured the mood in a recent speech, bluntly titled “A bit better, but very far from best”.


  • 大众选择奖”公众投票决定获奖者获得现金奖励世界银行网站上专题报道

    The Popular Choice Award will be determined by public vote and the winner will receive a cash award and a feature on the World Bank website.


  • 因此当坏账发生,恶劣影响不仅仅局限拥有大众储户储蓄银行而是更广泛更深远波及到了其他领域。

    When bad debts occur, the pain is spread far and wide instead of focused on the high-street banks, which hold the deposits of ordinary consumers.


  • 上述两种激烈的态势正反应出大众应该银行体系潦倒程度监管者金融危机时期拙劣表现出愤愤然,并且这股愤怒之火持续燃烧着。

    The excitement reflects the still-seething public anger about how poorly Britain's banking system and regulators performed before and during the financial crisis.


  • 这个让人感到为难事实银行还要付给最佳表现者笔能激怒大众的奖金。

    The inconvenient truth is that banking will pay its best performers the sort of sums that outrage the public.


  • 维尔先生因为智胜有钱有势银行已经算得上法国大众英雄,他正就判决提出上诉

    Mr Kerviel, who has become something of a popular hero in France for outwitting fat-cat bankers, is appealing against the decision.


  • 2011年,世界一团糟大众怒不可遏,谁的银行大亨们,不错,更是全球富豪们错。

    In 2011 the masses will be furious at the mess the world is in, and will blame not only big bankers but the global elite in general.


  • 投资银行开设存款业务,面向大众提供服务。

    An investment bank is not a bank that accepts deposits; it doesn't deal with the general public.


  • 银行一直缺乏一个大众所接受面孔

    BANKING is an industry that lacks acceptable faces.


  • 很多人都认为艰难时期银行应该大众一样勒紧裤腰带

    Many people think that in tough times, Banks should tighten the waistband with the same mass.


  • 总之如果大众希望收入20%用于储蓄投资其余的80%用于消费,那么银行工商业钱会起初消费储蓄比例看上去原本更高。

    In short, if people wishto save and invest about 20% of their income and consume the rest, new bankmoney loaned to business at first makes the saving proportion look higher.


  • 在布鲁塞尔一次银行会议非正式会议期间表示大众应该冷静应对,市场反应更为冷静

    "I think we have to be calmcalmer than the markets certainly," Praet said on the sidelines of a banking conference in Brussels.


  • 美联储已经世界上透明最面向大众中央银行之一,我们提供关于我们行动信息解释

    The Federal Reserve is already one of the most transparent and accountable central banks in the world, providing voluminous information and explanation concerning all of its activities.


  • 银行控制大众物质层上各种财产梦想

    The bank controls the dreams of all physical possessions of the masses.


  • 传统大众营销模式难以适应市场竞争的需要,商业银行必须营销方面实现变革

    The traditional public marketing mode is already hard to match to the market competition, the commercial bank must bring about a reform in the marketing.


  • 投标人取得ISO 9001同类质量体系认证大众集团拥有良好售后服务银行资信

    The bidder shall have the same quality system authentication of ISO9001 or, in the group has good after-sales service and bank credit.


  • 且,社会大众摆明著认为,这些银行生意人都趁著景气其钱,景气居然有脸呼叫纳税人的金援。

    What is clear to the public, though, is that bankers and businessmen earn fortunes in good times and shout for help from the taxpayer in bad times.


  • 银行职员业务人员或是公务员一样我们同样也是面对大众专业人士,我们穿着表明了我们病人的尊重

    Just like bankers, businessmen or government legislators, we are professionals who deal with the public and our clothing attire demonstrates our attitude of respect towards our patients.


  • 斯塔克没有经济学博士头衔的大众往往认为专家预测十分准确,就好像直接银行兑现的支票一样

    'When confronted with forecasts, people without Ph. D. s in economics tend to view them as very tight, as if you could take them to the bank,' Mr. Stark says.


  • 高涨大众商品价格导致的工资上涨需求潜在通胀迹象正在印度储备银行的身上施加着更大的压力,以迫使其以更大幅度的上调利率应对这个问题

    Signs that soaring commodity prices are feeding through to wage demands and underlying inflation have piled pressure on the Reserve Bank of India to respond by aggressively raising interest rates.


  • 商业银行愿向大众提供较低利率新的按揭贷款获准数量正在缩减

    Commercial Banks are reluctant to pass on lower interest rates to the wider economy and new mortgage approvals are contracting.


  • DBS在全亚洲中东地区提供涵盖大型企业中小型企业,大众用户大宗银行服务在内完善服务体系。

    DBS provides the full range of services in corporate, SME, consumer and wholesale banking activities across Asia and the Middle East.


  • 一些著名分析家认为狡猾银行造出了复杂产品那些无力偿还大众借债

    Some prominent analysts think it was all the fault of crafty bankers who cooked up complex products and fooled the masses into taking on debts they wouldn't be able to repay.


  • 一些著名分析家认为狡猾银行造出了复杂产品那些无力偿还大众借债

    Some prominent analysts think it was all the fault of crafty bankers who cooked up complex products and fooled the masses into taking on debts they wouldn't be able to repay.


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