• 被胁迫人实施一定作为作为内容处分

    The content of feasance or nonfeasance carried out by coercive object is disposal rights and interests.


  • 所有:占有使用收益处分

    The property rights power has four items: Holds the power, the right of use, the usufruct and the disposition right.


  • 域名专有使用处分权两个角度论述域名内容

    The contents of this right discussed in this paper are use and disposition. Chapter IV obtain and loss of domain name rights.


  • 首先作为基础辩论主义处分主义进行了介绍

    As the base of Judge interpretation, Argumentum and Disposition doctrine are firstly introduced, and then the relation.


  • 法院调解本质属性合意,其法律基础当事人享有的处分权

    This article points out that the essence of court mediation is parties'consensus based on parties'right of disposing.


  • 农民土地财产主要包括土地使用、土地处分土地收益

    Peasant's right of land property mainly includes right to use land, right to deal with land and right to benefit from land.


  • 其次,采用历史分析方法介绍了我国民事诉讼处分历史现状

    Secondly, the thesis took the historical analysis ways to introduce Chinese litigant disposal rights'history and present.


  • 食品卫生行政控制决定中相对人暂时剥夺了被控制食品的处分

    The law relative person might be deprived of rights to deal with the foods controlled temporarily.


  • 公立高等学校学生处分权教育法》、《高等教育法》授予高校的

    The power of punishing students that public higher educational institutions own is entitled by Education Law and Higher Education Law of our country.


  • 民事诉讼活动当事人处分权国家干预相互作用下逐步推进完成

    Activities of civil litigation are carried forward and finished gradually in the interaction between rights of parties' disposition and State intervention.


  • 优先购买规定一味保护承租人保障所有人的处分收益

    The stipulation of preemption right should not completely protect lessees and should also protect disposition right and usufruct of owners.


  • 处分合同处分权处分他人财产相对人订立转让财产的合同。

    Untitled contract of property disposal refers to the contract of property transference signed between a person without right and the offeree.


  • 第一百零六条无处分权不动产或者动产转让给受让人所有追回

    Article 106 Where a person transfers to a transferee immovables or movables which he has no right to dispose of, the owner shall have the right to recover them;


  • 处分取得处分权外,经过利害关系人即租赁物所有追认,合同即生效。

    In addition to disciplinary powers to obtain people, the after parties that the leasehold title to the new person has been ratified, the contract shall enter into force.


  • 第十三条【处分当事人法律规定范围内处分自己民事诉讼利。

    Article 13 the parties to a civil litigation shall be entitled, within the scope stipulated by law, to dispose their rights of civil affairs and litigation.


  • 性质而言,被追诉程序选择不仅项诉讼处分同时也是一项程序性

    About the nature, the defendant's option of procedure is not only one kind of rights of disposition, but also one kind of procedural rights too.


  • 民事诉讼当事人实质性程序参与民事诉讼辩论主义处分主义综合或上位概括。

    The civil action litigants substantially legal procedure participation is the synthesis between the doctrine of controversy and the doctrine of punishment right in the civil action.


  • 合理撤诉制度不仅能够保障当事人处分充分行使,同时也能够有效地节约诉讼资源

    It can safeguard the using of disposition rights for parties and also save the lawsuit resources.


  • 人们高校身份处分权认识不足高校管理行政法治缺失是造成这一现象的主要原因。

    It mainly results from people's lack of awareness of fight of status and the absence of rule by law in the management of college school.


  • 我国高校处分权来源既有国家家庭教育委托,也是高校自主管理的体现。

    Disposition of power source in colleges and universities have commissioned by the national authorization, family education, is also the embodiment of autonomous management.


  • 解决一问题出路在于,参考法律保留原则,最高机关法律形式设定高校处分

    The access to it is to definite college's penalty right in the form of law by supreme power.


  • 处分之前买受人作出承认具有单独行为性质出卖人作出承认处分权行为。

    Before disposition, the acknowledgement made to the purchaser is characteristic of a single act, while the acknowledgement to the seller is an aut...


  • 处分之前向买受人作出承认具有单独行为性质出卖人作出的承认处分权的授行为。

    Before disposition, the acknowledgement made to the purchaser is characteristic of a single act, while the acknowledgement to the seller is an author...


  • 处分之前向买受人作出承认具有单独行为性质出卖人作出的承认是处分权的授行为。

    Before disposition, the acknowledgement made to the purchaser is characteristic of a single act, while the acknowledgement to the seller...


  • 如果不对当事人再审程序处分加以限制,既不能保证程序安定,又无法实现社会秩序的安定。

    If there is no restriction in the disposition right of retrial procedure, we can not guarantee the stability in the procedure and the society.


  • 近年来,关于高校处分问题不论是理论层面还是实践层面,都日益引起社会广泛关注

    In recent years, the issues about the university's right of punishment, no matter on the practical aspect or the theoretical aspect, have gradually aroused the extensive concern of the society.


  • 近年来,关于高校处分问题不论是理论层面还是实践层面,都日益引起社会广泛关注

    In recent years, the issues about the university's right of punishment, no matter on the practical aspect or the theoretical aspect, have gradually aroused the extensive concern of the society.


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