• 如果年纪大了或者滑溜溜地面这些东西放在手上有助于保持平衡

    Holding these in your hands aids balance, which is great if you're older or if you're on slippery terrain.


  • 大多数瑜伽袜子都像手套一样分这样穿着的人可以分开脚趾抓着地面保持平衡

    Most of them have glovelike pouches for each toe, so wearers can spread their toes for balance and connection to the ground.


  • 提起胸膛直到上身地面平行双手内侧用力压地面保持平衡

    Lift your chest until your torso is parallel to the floor, pressing strongly down through your inner hands to help maintain this position.


  • NASA这种技术本来用于监测太空返回地面宇航员适应地面重力时的平衡状况,Liebermanishoe利用这种技术,可以分析足部压力分布状况

    Using technology developed to monitor the balance of astronauts who have just returned from space, Lieberman's iShoe analyzes the pressure distribution of the feet.


  • MBC需要1000万地面用户才能使致力推广的移动电视频道收支平衡

    MBC says there need to be 10m terrestrial users for its dedicated mobile-TV channel to break even.


  • 那个体操运动员翻了个筋斗跳到地面上,保持住了平衡

    The gymnast righted after jumping onto the ground with a somersault.


  • 保持身体接近地面会让因为身体重心降低带来更佳平衡,这会给带来场上更多控制以及使得你的回位更加有效

    Keeping your body closer to the ground allows for better balance because your center of gravity is lower. Not only does this give you more control, it enables you to recover more efficiently.


  • 以传统地面灌溉(畦灌)对照分析了喷灌条件冬小麦农田土壤水分分布特征水量平衡

    The characteristics of soil water distribution and soil water balance of winter wheat were analyzed under sprinkler irrigation, with surface irrigation (border irrigation) as the control treatment.


  • 如何利用有限积,在影响生态平衡控制生产成本的前提下,使单产达到一个新的水平,就显得尤其重要

    It is important that how to employ limited cultivable areas to make per unit yield attain maximum without influencing ecological system and controlling production cost.


  • 保证开挖稳定控制地面沉降平衡掘进必须合理匹配各施工参数

    For EPB(Earth Pressure Balance)shield tunneling, one must properly choose driving parameters to maintain face stability and control ground subsidence.


  • 体操运动要求男女运动员地面器械展现出力量平衡,协调,身体控制和动作优美

    Gymnastics requires men and women to demonstrate strength, balance, body control and grace on floor exercises as well as on pieces of equipment.


  • 结合辐射土壤通量观测资料揭示了两站地面热量平衡状况,地面热量平衡方程对以上结果进行闭合误差检验

    The surface heat balance is discussed by involving the observational data of radiation and soil heat transfer, and the closed test of the surface heat balance equation is made.


  • 坡跟实际上舒服的鞋子,因为整个地面身体更加平衡,也不会弯膝摔倒了。 。

    Wedges are in fact the most comfortable because the entire foot is in contact with the ground, meaning your balance is better and you're less likely to go over on your ankle.


  • 检查清单检查餐厅桌椅地面,花槽,卫生间等情况周围环境清洁整齐,确保所有餐桌平衡

    Userestaurant opening checklist and check the condition of the restaurant, furniture and the surroundings ensuring all dining tables are well balanced.


  • 返回地面压电光盘通过结构部分平衡

    The ground return of the piezo discs is accomplished through the structural parts of the balancer.


  • 地面基站天线倾斜提高CDMA蜂窝系统容量平衡小区负载有效方法之一。

    The tilted-antenna mechanism is an effective way to balance the traffic and improve the capacity of CDMA cellular system.


  • 结果表明,山区地面平衡地形要素配合好,显示出地形条件的决定性作用

    Results show that the surface heat balance field is in good coordination with the terrain elements that exhibit decisive effect.


  • 开始时风筝平衡脚站立地面上。

    The kite initially balances on one wingtip on the ground.


  • 平衡施工通常周围土体产生挤压作用导致地面隆起深层土体远离隧道方向移动

    Earth pressure balance (EPB) shield construction often has soil-compacting effects on its surrounding soil. It results in the surface upheaval and moving away of deep soil from the tunnels.


  • 本文提出四个参数数学模型模拟一个流域泄区的地面地下水运动水量平衡情势。

    This paper presents a mathematical model which involves only four parameters to simulate the water movement and balance of surface and groundwater in a basin or an irrigation area.


  • 一条腿伸展平行地面从而使身体保持平衡

    The other leg is extended parallel to the floor and ACTS as an active counterbalance.


  • 根据计算出坦克地面接触达到平衡温度分布,绘制出真实感较强的坦克与背景的红外合成图像

    Then we calculate the re-distribution of temperature field after the tanks passing through and draw the infrared synthesis images of tanks and its underlying ground.


  • 自动地面地面自动平衡-提高搜索起飞地面线圈auto按钮地面降低线圈地面释放精密自动按钮平衡

    Auto ground: Automatic ground balance - raise search coil off ground, press the auto ground button, lower the coil to the ground, and release the button for precision auto-balancing.


  • 耕地总量动态平衡含义:耕地总量总数、耕地质量水平耕地产量水平的总和

    Farming total quantity dynamical equilibrium meaning: The farming total quantity is the cultivated area total, the cultivated land quality level and the cultivated land production level sum total;


  • 农村居民点整理增加有效实现耕地“占补平衡有效途径

    Rural residential land consolidation is an effective way to increase the effective area of cultivated land and to achieve the requisition-compensation balance of cultivated land.


  • 农村居民点整理增加有效实现耕地“占补平衡有效途径

    Rural residential land consolidation is an effective way to increase the effective area of cultivated land and to achieve the requisition-compensation balance of cultivated land.


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