• 目的评价地沙老年陈旧心梗合并心衰患者的疗效。

    Objective: To assess effects of treatment in elder patients with old anterior wall myocardial infarction used candesartan.


  • 制得的地沙坦固体分散体为稳定体系具有实际应用价值

    Candesartan SD is a stabilizing system which having actual applied value.


  • 研究过程他们没有观察到坎地沙使用引起任何不利影响

    They did not observe any adverse effects of candesartan use over the course of their study.


  • 资料来自地沙心衰病死率发病率减少评价CHARM) 。

    They used data from the Candersartan in Heart failure: Assessment of Reduction in Mortality and morbidity (CHARM) Programme.


  • 本文通过前瞻性观察探讨地沙房颤转复成功率近期复发率影响

    The main purpose of this study is to explore the influence of Candesartan on cardioversion and recurrence of Af prospectively.


  • 目的比较酮色林地沙清醒自由活动自发高血压大鼠压力反射功能的影响

    Objective To compare the effect of ketanserin and candesartan on baroreflex in conscious spontaneous hypertensive rats.


  • 本文综述地沙降压器官保护防治心力衰竭以及冠心病中的近期研究成果

    This review sums up the recent result about candesartan in lowering blood pressure, protecting target organ, treating congestive heart failure and coronary heart disease.


  • 大量临床研究结果表明地沙降低心力衰竭病人心血管死亡率和因心力衰竭加重的住院率。

    A large number of clinical trials showed that candesartan could reduce the cardiovascular mortality for heart failure and hospitalization for worsening heart failure.


  • 新闻机构援引官员们话说穆巴拉克已经离开埃及首都,抵达红海度假伊赫住宅

    News organizations quoted officials as saying Mr. Mubarak had left the capital and traveled to his residence in the Red Sea resort Sharm El-Sheikh.


  • 这些研究表明地沙是剂量依赖性抗炎作用通过抑制NF-B活性趋化因子表达介导的。

    These findings suggest that candesartan has dosage-dependent, anti-inflammatory effects that are mediated by suppression of NF-B activation and chemokine expression.


  • 新的临床试验表明长期使用地沙,一种目前用于治疗高血压药物可能会显著缓解遗传性心脏病症状

    A new clinical trial suggests that long-term use of candesartan, a drug currently used to treat hypertension, may significantly reduce the symptoms of genetic heart disease.


  • Bilou教授根据我们现有数据就像今天汇报那样,还不能地沙坦(Candesatan)对微量白蛋白尿一级预防是有用的。

    Prof. R. W. Bilou: Well, at the moment from our data as presented today we can't say that Candesatan has a role for the primary prevention of microalbuminuria.


  • 不停搅动司,免得出现分层

    Stir the sauce constantly so that it does not separate.


  • 正如幅画传记作者唐纳德·枯燥无味指出,“实际上这种效果可以任何一幅肖像画中获得。”

    As the painting's biographer, Donald Sassoon, dryly notes, "In reality the effect can be obtained from any portrait."


  • 克尔顿拉雪橇开出条通道通过这块

    Shackleton wanted to force a passage by dog sled to cross the continent.


  • 忙碌黄蜂决定我们小屋筑巢饶有兴趣观察着,直到它们开始保卫家园

    A busy group of sand wasps decided to build a nest in our cabana, and I watched with mild interest until they started defending their new home.


  • 每个交配季节海龟们都会离开它们肯尼迪机场边上湿中的家园成长,前往附近空旷产卵它们埋入

    Every mating season, he says, the turtles leave their home and breeding ground in the salt marshes near JFK and take to the nearby sandy, open areas to lay their eggs and bury them in the ground.


  • 比如奥巴马拍到随意白宫某处阳台上挥手致意

    In one case, Obama was snapped by photographers waving casually to Sasha as she stood on a White House balcony.


  • 然而美貌并不简单只是属于看客们广告营销部门话题,她的面容举世少有。

    Sade's beauty, though, is not simply a matter for the gawkers and the sales department; there are very few faces like hers.


  • 法就面犹大众人耶路撒冷居民也俯伏耶和华面前,叩拜耶和华。

    Jehoshaphat bowed with his face to the ground, and all the people of Judah and Jerusalem fell down in worship before the Lord.


  • 如果观察脚印可以清楚看到脚底的受力点主要脚后跟脚前掌。

    When I look at a foot print on sand it is very clear to see that the main force goes to the heel and ball.


  • 无论还是在海上,往二氧化碳一般都要移除海水,因而导致压力的产生。

    Both on land and offshore, pumping carbon dioxide into sandstone usually displaces water, causing pressure to build up.


  • 凯特去世不到一个月时间出现立法议会面前,非常肃穆讲述那个十二月晚上以及之后发生的一系列事件。

    A little more than a month after Fleming's death, Strong appeared before a state Senate subcommittee and told in measured tones what happened that December night and in the days that followed.


  • 上帝告诉,“在立场坚定站稳”。站稳是什么意思一种沉着而自信心态

    God tells Jehoshaphat, "Take your positions and stand firm." What does it mean to stand firm? It means to have a mental attitude of quiet confidence.


  • 通常会大量一些细碎大蒜一杯白兰和一点伍斯司。

    I used plenty of salt and black pepper, some finely grated garlic a shot of brandy and a splash of Worcestershire sauce.


  • 出奇简朴。几间不可名状棚好不了多少屋子里,曾经世界上最有权势的毒枭

    The surprisingly modest camp, little more than a ramshackle collection of nondescript buildings that once housed the world's most powerful opium warlord, was deserted.


  • 犹大人和耶路撒冷欢欢喜喜回耶路撒冷,约率领他们。 因为耶和华使他们战胜仇敌就欢喜快乐

    Then, led by Jehoshaphat, all the men of Judah and Jerusalem returned joyfully to Jerusalem, for the Lord had given them cause to rejoice over their enemies.


  • 上升路上两旁景致迷人附近茶色半山腰浓密布着座莲,薰衣草百里香

    The rising road offered stunning vistas of nearby tawny hillsides thick with summer rock roses, lavender, and thyme.


  • 一句话没有,他既不,也不他,他泰然自若承受那种恼人的、几乎是逼人目光

    He did not even put a question to Javert; he neither sought nor avoided him; he bore that embarrassing and almost oppressive gaze without appearing to notice it.


  • 一句话没有,他既不,也不他,他泰然自若承受那种恼人的、几乎是逼人目光

    He did not even put a question to Javert; he neither sought nor avoided him; he bore that embarrassing and almost oppressive gaze without appearing to notice it.


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