• 最后门板全部调试好。

    In the end, adjust all base cabinets, wall cabinets and door panels.


  • 拼装可以参照单元拼装流程

    Please refer to the assembly processes of base cabinet and assemble the wall cabinet accordingly.


  • 多元化储物配置包括活动文件地柜地柜由中抽屉、上层两边掩门构成。

    A full range of storage options are available, including mobile pedestals, credenzas with swing doors, or credenzas with central drawers, open shelf and side storage.


  • 发现丈夫档案里匆忙翻找

    I discovered my husband rifling through the filing cabinet.


  • 纳尔逊媒体采用板条式滑动构造精良,可完美坚固面板相结合。

    The Nelson Media Cabinet features slatted, sliding doors which are exactingly constructed and perfectly marry into a solid panel.


  • 其中预备。约内有耶和华约,就是我们列祖埃及时候他们所立的约。

    I have provided a place there for the ark, in which is the covenant of the Lord that he made with our fathers when he brought them out of Egypt.


  • 惟有块石版,就是以色列人埃及耶和华他们立约时候摩西何烈山所放的。除此以外,并别物。

    There was nothing in the ark except the two stone tablets that Moses had placed in it at Horeb, where the Lord made a covenant with the Israelites after they came out of Egypt.


  • 如果文件一个里面真的打算努力起来过去

    If your filing cabinet is hidden in a closet, will you really take the effort to stand up and walk over to it?


  • 早些年,拾掇了些科技针头线脑攒成的《罗记公园刚果》,就像那些沙滩、泳池穿梭列车床头一样牢牢占据离境休息室

    And in an earlier era, his ripping yarns of science gone wrong like Jurassic Park and Congo dominated the departure lounge - as well as the beach, pool, commuter train and bedside table.


  • 波尔常常被迫不分良莠雇佣员工,因为愿意为了可怜的工资,每天公司坐在消毒一样的办公室里。

    Often, Ball was forced to hire just about anyone who walked in the door because few people were willing to commute to the call center and sit in a sterile cubicle for minimum wage.


  • 雪莉偷偷打开保险看到信封上所写的是寄检察官的,里面装的是基偷录的盘录音带。

    Sherry discreetly opens up the safe and sees that the envelope addressed to the District Attorney contains Keith's secret microcassette.


  • 于是大卫以色列长老千夫长都去俄别以东的家欢欢喜喜耶和华的约抬上来

    So David, and the elders of Israel, and the captains over thousands, went to bring up the ark of the covenant of the LORD out of the house of Obededom with joy.


  • 于是大卫以色列长老千夫长都去俄别以东的家欢欢喜喜耶和华的约抬上来

    So Davidand the elders of Israeland the captains over thousands, went to bring up the ark of the covenant of the LORD out of the house of Obededom with joy.


  • 非常吃力蹬着的三轮车,车上装着电视

    He struggled to move the cart with the TV table, which was attached to his cycle.


  • 于是大卫以色列长老千夫长都去俄别以东欢欢喜喜耶和华的约抬上来

    So David and the elders of Israel and the commanders of units of a thousand went to bring up the ark of the covenant of the Lord from the house of Obed-Edom, with rejoicing.


  • (还有个柴油炉,我们没有用它)墙上有一个储藏,可以安全存放食品

    A small cache box on the exterior wall provided safe storage for food.


  • 次日清早,亚实突起来,见大仆倒耶和华的就把大衮仍原处

    When the people of Ashdod rose early the next day, there was Dagon, fallen on his face on the ground before the ark of the LORD! They took Dagon and put him back in his place.


  • ,去另一个床头寻找,还找了里面。

    I got to my feet, and searched next to the night table, and underneath, and under the bed and in it.


  • Nick转过身,在店内一个电话配件展示无目的找寻。

    Nick turns and mindlessly rummages through a small display of phone accessories.


  • 了这部影片有机鸡肉其它肉类并且仔细照料食品储藏

    After watching it I buy only organic chicken and meat and watch carefully how I stock my pantry.


  • 美国正在走向婚姻平等那些勇敢公众人物帮助改变人们的观念,并且我们文化更加宽容

    America is moving toward marriage equality, and the public figures who have bravely come out have helped change perceptions and made our culture more tolerant.


  • 开关之间线需要母线连接,提供母线桥额定流量,母线桥的跨度,距高度等具体数据。

    If using busbar bridge between switchgears or inlet wire cabinets, should provide rated current-carrying capacity, span and height from the ground of the busbar bridge.


  • 为了利用现有空间尽可能实现所有的要求我们盥洗室放置卧室空间,卧室空间用作餐具

    To make this last request possible, with the areas we had, we placed a lavatory in the bed space that also worked as a sideboard.


  • 一边痛哭流泪,一边拉开储药门,把里面三种正在服用的药物一股脑全都垃圾桶

    Bursting into tears, I pulled open the medicine cabinet and swept all three of the medications she was taking into the trash.


  • 大家教室窗户出来,看到惊慌走廊然后冲出了校门

    People watched from class Windows as I ran down the hall in a panic to my locker and then out of the school doors.


  • 根据药物迅速降低温暖潮湿条件-完全符合条件药品窗台上,火炉上方

    Drugs degrade more quickly under warm, moist conditions - exactly the condition found in the medicine cabinet, on a window ledge, or in the cupboard above the stove.


  • 蹑手蹑脚走向冰箱打开冷冻的门,找到了冰淇淋

    You've tiptoed to the refrigerator, opened the freezer and found the carton of ice cream.


  • 蹑手蹑脚走向冰箱打开冷冻的门,找到了冰淇淋

    You've tiptoed to the refrigerator, opened the freezer and found the carton of ice cream.


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