• 前所未有国际意识领导支持

    International awareness, leadership and support are unparalleled.


  • 培养大学生国际意识也是实现大学德育目标要求

    It is a strong request of our ear that we should cultivate university students' international consciousness.


  • 高校应采取多种措施和手段培养大学生国际意识

    University students' international consciousness includes international economic consciousness, international political consciousness, international cultural consciousness, etc.


  • 但是这些积极变化中,中国人国际意识仍然存在一定的不确定性。

    However, in these positive changes, there are still some uncertainties in Chinese people's international consciousness.


  • 过去20世纪以及21世纪的今日埃及城市中心,对世界艺术兴趣随着国际意识日益扩宽以及现代文化蓬勃发展也正逐渐变浓。

    In Egypt's urban centers in the twentieth and now the twenty-first century, the growing interest in world art was part of an expanding international awareness and a booming modernist culture.


  • 意识到,不这样的话选举国际社会不合法为由而不予承认。

    He realized that, otherwise, the election would have been dismissed as illegitimate by the international community.


  • 戴高乐将军意识核武器从根本上改变国际关系性质

    Gen. de Gaulle sensed that nuclear weapons would fundamentally change the nature of international relations.


  • 国际奥委会感到尴尬是,它声称绿色意识没有像体育文化一样,这奥林匹克宪章》中永久内容

    Embarrassed by environmental protests, the I.O.C. claims that green awareness is not entrenched—along with sport and cultureas a permanent dimension of the Olympic Charter.


  • 美国政界人士很难意识到,通过增进国际了解招收更多外国学生可以国家极为有利。

    American politicians have great difficulty recognizing that admitting more foreign students can greatly promote the national interest by increasing international understanding.


  • 美国政界人士很难意识到,通过增进国际了解招收更多外国学生可以极大地促进国家利益

    American politicians have great difficult recognizing that admitting more foreign students can greatly promote the national interest by increasing international understanding.


  • 但是我们意识到无论是国内还是国际上欺诈性申请书情况都愈来愈严重,这促使我们作为所大学必须采取行动

    We are, however, aware that there is an increasing national and international problem of fraudulent applications and this prompted us, as a university, to take action.


  • 这些努力需要强有力的多边合作、对这些领域意识监测提高以及国际规范标准加强

    These efforts require strong multilateral cooperation, enhanced domain awareness and monitoring, and the strengthening of international norms and standards.


  • 即便那些刚刚海啸中失去家园人,表现出良好的公民素养社区意识,令国际社会赞叹

    Even among the newly homeless from the tsunami, there is a sense of civility and community that creates pause among international onlookers.


  • 以来,国际奥委会日益意识到,奥林匹克运动责任候选城市主办城市提供切实可行解决方案

    Since then, the IOC has become increasingly aware that the responsibility lies with the Olympic movement to provide concrete practical solutions for candidate and host cities.


  • 一系列减税政策的石油开采地使用费这个委员会意识以色列人以较低的国际标准挥霍完以色列天然资源

    A series of tax breaks and low royalties would mean, the committee found, that Israeli citizens would do poorly out of their country's natural resources by international standards.


  • 并且他们确实意识流动性紧缩国际特征,并因此承诺提供互惠兑换线

    And they have also, in effect, acknowledged the international nature of the liquidity squeeze, by promising to provide reciprocal currency-swap lines.


  • 闭幕式讲话中干事冯富珍博士告诉代表们,“所有国家必须意识它们修订的《国际卫生条例》之下义务。”

    In her closing remarks, the Director-General Dr Margaret Chan told the delegates, "All countries need to be aware of their obligations under the revised International Health Regulations."


  • 国际奥委会随后指出赛事可能推迟几个小时不是几天并补充中国完全意识这个问题

    The IOC later indicated events would be postponed for a matter of hours, rather than days, adding that China was fully aware of the problem.


  • 觉得义务投入数千亿美元拯救金融体系国际社会应该意识义务拯救身处如此绝望穷困的人类。

    The same international community that felt obligated to spend hundreds of billions rescuing financial systems should also feel an obligation to rescue people in such desperate need.


  • 出访世界各地时,鲁姆斯先生意识到,英语成为一种十分重要国际语言

    During his travels around the world, Mister Loomis saw that English was becoming an important international language.


  • 意识如果我们交付版本1 那么版本2 中将不会需要特性技术主管决定项目分离出所有国际代码

    The tech lead made the decision to rip all the internationalization code out of the project, realizing that we wouldn't need that feature in version two if we never shipped version one!


  • 因此中国企业必须融入国际体系中去,培养世界意识采用世界级实践标准建立更为广泛的全球网络联系

    So it is necessary for them to join the international system, develop the world concept, adopt the international practice and standards, establish the extensive network communication.


  • 国际货币基金组织、金融稳定论坛以及其他机构应当通力合作更好地意识自身的弱点预见到潜在的压力积极地经济危机发挥重要作用

    The IMF, in collaboration with the expanded FSF and other bodies, should work to better identify vulnerabilities, anticipate potential stresses, and act swiftly to play a key role in crisis response.


  • 国际名牌日益觉醒环保意识广泛应用TPE

    International brands are also due to growing environmental awareness of the awakening, and the extensive application of TPE.


  • 论文探讨:关于塑造及培养国际经理素质及其跨文化意识三角模式。

    Therefore, in today's global competition, shaping the quality of international managers and their cross-cultural awareness is becoming the top priority of both enterprises and Chinese universities.


  • 这种情况下国际经理人必须注意冲突意识一威胁。

    Under this situation, the international managers must pay attention to the clashes and be aware of.


  • 这种情况下国际经理人必须注意冲突意识一威胁。

    Under this situation, the international managers must pay attention to the clashes and be aware of.


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