• 最开始时主张通过追究国家责任促使国家解决越境污染

    The national liability is adopted to animate the state to resolve the trans-frontier pollution in the beginning.


  • 我国行政追偿制度国家责任这一理论基础上确立的。

    In China, administrative recoupment system was established on the basis of the theory of state liability.


  • 近年来,国际社会存在严格责任原则处理涉及国家责任案件倾向

    In recent years, it has been a tendency using strict liability principle to deal with the cases concerning state responsibility in international society.


  • 国界污染事件处理赔偿涉及国家责任、赔偿范围赔偿主体等问题。

    Treatment and compensation of transnational environmental pollution events involve a country's duty, the extent to compensation and main body of compensation.


  • 国家责任有无现代法律援助制度传统法律援助制度相区别主要标志

    The main symbol of modern legal aid system differentiating from the traditional one is that whether state resumes the legal responsibility for it.


  • 日本中国民间受害者赔偿负有国际法义务;日本拒绝赔偿承担国家责任

    Japan has the obligation of international law to compensate Chinese nongovernmental victims and it will bear the state responsibility for repudiation of liability.


  • 本文犯罪研究角度三个部分展开对犯罪国家责任理论研究实践考虑

    This article is constituted by three parts from an aspect of criminology research to study theoretical and practical application of country liability for crimes.


  • 第二理论现实方面进行论证,明确了建立船舶油污损害国家责任必要性

    Chapter two analyzes the necessity to set up the state liability in the Marine oil pollution damages from both the theory and reality respects.


  • 建立充分体现国家责任法律援助制度必须立法经费机构上予以完善

    It is necessary to perfect it in the fields of legislation, funds and the guarantees of institution so as to establish legal aid system to fully reflects the state responsibility.


  • 国家国际行为实体,不仅国际活动扮演重要角色,更担任着不可推卸责任国家责任

    As the entities of international actions, states play an important role in international activities, meanwhile they also shoulder unshirkable responsibilities, i. e. state responsibility.


  • 国家补偿适用执行职务放弃职责疏于履行职责而公民法人损害国家责任,是消极行为造成损害的补偿。

    State Compensation applies to state responsibility for the injury to citizens or legal persons because of abandoning duties or failing in carrying out duties.


  • 分化边缘化则是其恶性状态。分化和边缘化产生是由于体制社会国家责任过重、社会保障项目过于全面因素的影响。

    Differentiation and marginalization result from the overburden of obligations to the country and society within the system and Social Security's comprehensive coverage.


  • 很多政治家认为政府责任支持艺术,以之作为一种国家灵魂精神

    It was felt by a number of politicians that the government had a responsibility to support the arts as sort of the soul or spirit of the country.


  • 个永恒的争论:这个责任应当是谁学习者雇主还是国家的?

    That's the eternal debate: should it be the learner's responsibility, that of his employer, or of the state?


  • 我们懂得没有任何国家能够单独应对把握21世纪挑战机遇——我们大家都必须承担责任共同努力。

    We know no nation can meet the challenges and seize the opportunities of the 21st century aloneall of us have to take responsibility and work together.


  • 国家控制法律制度中,个人排除在暴力行为引起复仇循环之外,国家承担保护他们责任

    In a sate controlled legal system, individuals are removed from the cycle of revenge motivated by acts of violence, and the state assumes responsibility for their protection.


  • 包括企业达成一项新的责任协议”,而这份协议是建立社会责任国家监管的基础上。

    This includes creating a new "responsibility deal" with business, built on social responsibility, not state regulation.


  • 发达国家一种促进全球经济增长帮助新兴民主国家责任

    He said that developed countries had a responsibility to foster global economic growth to help new democracies.


  • 协议明确指出,发达国家发展国家减排责任没有正式区别,但实际上这忽略了历史排放

    The agreement specifies that there is no formal distinction between developed and developing nations in their responsibility to cut emissions, effectively ignoring historical emissions.


  • 然而协议明确指出,发达国家发展国家减排责任没有正式区别这实际上忽略了历史排放

    However, the agreement specifies that there is no formal distinction between developed and developing nations in their responsibility to cut emissions, effectively ignoring historical emissions.


  • 世界上易受气候变化影响国家造成这种全球疾病责任微乎其微他们现在的影响最大

    The most climate-vulnerable countries in the world have contributed very little to creating the global disease from which they now suffer the most.


  • 德纳女士选择责任归咎于国家医疗服务信托因为根据现行法律国家医疗服务信托“控制数据深度思维公司只是处理”了数据。

    Ms. Denham chose to concentrate the blame on the NHS trust, since under existing law it "controlled" the data and DeepMind merely "processed" it.


  • 助“一带一路”沿线非洲国家发展是中国人民义不容辞的责任

    Chinese people find it our duty to help develop African countries along the Belt and Road.


  • 贫穷的国家正面临着气温上升所带来的最严重的影响,而他们对气温上升的责任却最小。

    The poorest countries are facing the worst influence of rising temperatures—for which they are least responsible.


  • 不仅仅国家责任个人地方组织也必须找出解决的方案。

    This is not just a national responsibility, as individuals and local communities must come up with solutions.


  • 不仅仅国家责任个人地方组织也必须找出解决的方案。

    This is not just a national responsibility, as individuals and local communities must come up with solutions.


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