• 哥伦比亚大学研究生时,每个学期曼哈顿音乐学校城市学院门课

    While I was in graduate school at Columbia, I taught seven courses per semester at the Manhattan School of Music and City College.


  • 哥伦比亚大学师范学院学者研究孩子一起烹饪如何影响儿童饮食习惯

    Researchers at Teachers College at Columbia University studied how cooking with a child affects the child's eating habits.


  • 塞林格得到最后一次关于写作的学院智慧是来自哥伦比亚大学,在该校短篇小说课程,其导师是《短篇小说》杂志编辑

    Salinger's last brush with institutional wisdom came at Columbia, where he signed up for a short-story course given by Whit Burnett, editor of Story.


  • 纽约哥伦比亚新闻学院媒体教授SreeSreenivasan:“问题报纸广告过去以美元计,如今却以分币计。”

    Sree Sreenivasan, a new media professor at Columbia Journalism School in New York, said: "The problem is that advertising dollars from newspapers are being replaced by digital pennies."


  • 纳德学院哥伦比亚大学Perry Mehrling写道“原则上来说”,经济学家物质主义者,对他们来说,“一袋袋小麦一堆堆债券重要了”。

    "Philosophically speaking," writes Perry Mehrling of Barnard College, Columbia University, economists are "materialists" for whom "bags of wheat are more important than stacks of bonds."


  • MichaelGurstein,是哥伦比亚温哥华情报学院专家,他把这个称为数据分界线

    Michael Gurstein, a community informatics expert in Vancouver, British Columbia, has dubbed this problem the data divide.


  • 巴西中国印度等国官员回应哥伦比亚大学经济学教授吉列尔莫? 卡尔沃(Guillermo Calvo)和爱尔兰三一学院经济学教授帕特里克.郝诺汉(Patrick Honohan)评论

    Officials from Brazil, China and India, among others, responded to remarks by economics professors Guillermo Calvo, of Columbia University, and Patrick Honohan, of Ireland’s Trinity College.


  • Ks芝加哥哥伦比亚艺术学院完成学业并获得了艺术、设计社会学的学士学位

    Ks finished school at Columbia art school in Chicago with a degree in art and design and an emphasis on sociological studies. ks is a racehorse when it comes to what she wants to do in life.


  • Gould哥伦比亚大学内外科学院临床流行病学教授纽约州精神病学研究所研究科学家

    Gould is a professor of clinical epidemiology in psychiatry at Columbia University College of Physicians and Surgeons and a research scientist at the New York State Psychiatric Institute.


  • 还是哥伦比亚新闻学院一名副教授

    She's also an associate professor at Columbia journalism school.


  • 整个事件中表现出的巨大勇气,”哥伦比亚大学学院教授美联储理事弗雷德里克·米什金如是说。

    "He has had tremendous courage throughout this episode," said Frederic S. Mishkin, a professor at Columbia University's business school and a former Fed governor.


  • 沃尔德曼先生5匈牙利来到美国,9成了孤儿,了哈佛大学哥伦比亚学院

    He'd come from Hungary at the age of 5, was orphaned at 9, but was still able to attend Harvard and Columbia Law.


  • 大学功能在于引导学生创造多彩眩目的生活这个角度来看,科罗拉多学院这个时期并不比哥伦比亚大学康奈尔大学或其他长春藤联盟大学逊色。

    In terms of students who went on to interesting or prominent lives, Colorado College may have done just as well in this period as Columbia or Cornell or any other Gotta-Get-In destination.


  • 埃里克·坎德尔纽约哥伦比亚大学教授霍华德·休斯学院高级研究员

    Eric Kandel is a professor at Columbia University in New York, and a Howard Hughes Medical Institute Senior Investigator.


  • 1996年,来到美国获得哥伦比亚特区华盛顿美国大学国际服务学院学术任命在那里他一直待2001年。

    In 1996, he came to the U.S. and gained an academic appointment at the School of International Service at American University in Washington, D.C. where he remained until 2001.


  • 担任纽约哥伦比亚大学学院客座教授

    He has served as a visiting professor of finance at the Columbia University Graduate School of Business in New York.


  • 哥伦比亚学院(ColumbiaBusinessSchool),领导力已经进行将近一个小时,50多名学生仍然正襟危坐双眼紧闭

    About an hour into a leadership class at Columbia Business School, all 50-odd students were sitting rail-straight with their eyes closed.


  • 哥伦比亚大学商学院企业管理学教授埃里克·亚伯拉罕森(EricAbrahamson)尽管无用功本身不会创造什么价值,但它给劳动者带来个体价值。

    Eric Abrahamson, a professor of management at Columbia Business School, said though busywork has no inherent productivity value, "it may have an individual value for the person who is doing it."


  • 有大概70%MBA硕士本科来自于以下常春藤名校哈佛哥伦比亚以及宾夕法尼亚大学沃顿学院

    Roughly 70% of those with M.B.A.s obtained their master's degrees from one of three Ivy League schools: Harvard, Columbia or the University of Pennsylvania's Wharton School of Business.


  • 美国,彩票收益用来赞助一些著名的大学,哥伦比亚大学(Columbia),耶鲁大学(Yale),威廉姆斯学院(Williams),达特茅斯学院(Dartmouth)等。

    They also generated finance for such notable American institutions as Columbia and Yale universities and Williams and Dartmouth colleges.


  • 哈佛大学外,跻身前十名美国大学还包括:加州大学伯克利分校、斯坦福大学麻省理工大学、加州理工学院普林斯顿大学哥伦比亚大学芝加哥大学

    Joining Harvard in the top 10 were the University of California, Berkeley; Stanford; Massachusetts Institute of Technology; California Institute of Technology; Princeton; Columbia and Chicago.


  • 哥伦比亚学院教授莉塔瑟·麦格·兰斯建议说,公司应该防备确认偏误”【3】,并通过特定一名团队员找错减少这类偏误。

    Rita Gunther McGrath of Columbia Business School suggests that companies should guard against "confirmation bias" by giving one team member the job of looking for flaws.


  • 哥伦比亚学院房地产教授ChrisMayer研究波士顿80年代房产泡沫时候已搜集到许多这种失利恐惧”的例证。

    Chris Mayer, professor of real estate at Columbia Business School, found evidence for this fear of losses when he studied the Boston condominium bubble in the '80s.


  • 1893年,哥伦比亚大学师范学院授予第一教育学博士学位。

    The first PhD in education was awarded in 1893 by Columbia University's Teachers College.


  • 哥伦比亚学院蒂姆·称之为“(注1)”。

    Tim Wu of Columbia Law School calls it the “Tony Soprano business model”.


  • 哥伦比亚学院(ColumbiaBusinessSchool)管理学教授埃里克·亚伯拉罕森(EricAbrahamson)表示:“在完全有序完全无序之间存在一个最佳平衡点。”

    Eric Abrahamson, Professor of Management at Columbia Business School and author of a new book a Perfect Mess, says: "There is a sweet spot between complete order and complete disorder."


  • 哥伦比亚大学工程学院二年级学生索菲亚·黛拉,众多各种方式在校参与研究工作的学生之一

    Sophia Stella is one of many students who participated somehow in undergraduate research at Columbia's School of Engineering.


  • 哥伦比亚大学工程学院二年级学生索菲亚·黛拉,众多各种方式在校参与研究工作的学生之一

    Sophia Stella is one of many students who participated somehow in undergraduate research at Columbia's School of Engineering.


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