• 他们向前走着,汤姆贝基说:“告诉怎么办。”

    Presently, as they tripped along, Tom said to Becky, "Say--I'll tell you what we'll do."


  • 没有人当地人了解北极,就是为什么当地人满足不发表任何看法,只外界专家告诉他们发生了什么

    Nobody knows the Arctic as well as the locals, which is why they are not content simply to stand back and let outside experts tell them what's happening.


  • 告诉他们组织董事会收到了夏威夷空运40朵兰花——是该女子家里收到的一朵鲜花。

    The organization's board of directors had 40 orchids flown in from Hawaiithe first fresh flowers the woman had ever had in the house, she told them.


  • 在拿着那个篮子,到纯酒酒店去,告诉他们派一匹马和马车带着仆人赶快到这儿,接我回家。

    Now take up that basket, and go on to the Pure Drop Inn, telling them to send a horse and carriage with a servant here quickly, to carry me home.


  • 这个目击者告诉他们发生的事情,也免得以讹传讹

    Let me, as a witness, tell them what happened so that they will not be wrongly informed.


  • 对于一个没有医院经验年轻人告诉他们怎么改进质量提高效率他们怎么

    What would they think of a young administrator with no hospital experience telling them how to improve quality and increase efficiency?


  • 然而飞蛾通过伪装自己生存瓢虫却通过引人注目告诉鸟类不要他们

    But moths survive by being camouflaged, and [ladybugs] survive by being conspicuous and telling birds not to eat them.


  • 今年年底之前,计划加装一个护目镜告诉那些使用农民葡萄是否成熟他们心率哟机消耗卡路里

    By the end of the year, he plans to add augmented reality goggles that tell farmers about the ripeness of grapes, their heart rate, and their calorie consumption.


  • 那些自信的人抓住每个机会确定告诉他们头脑它们每种情形都感觉自信,而且尝试情形感觉自信。

    People who are confident have affirmed, at every opportunity, to tell their mind they are confident in every situation and confident enough to try new situations.


  • 并不需要告诉他们什么关于重要的是我感到完全地失控了。

    It doesn't need me to tell them what it is. The great thing about it is that I feel completely out of control.


  • 有几个告诉他们正是通过标注历史这种技术手段增强自我意识

    Several people told me they are doing technical things like that with their check-in histories for self-awareness.


  • 告诉他们只是点钱合法的挣点钱。

    I wanted to tell them that I am here just to make some money, the legal way.


  • 告诉不管多少人,他们不会

    He tells me it doesn't matter how many come, they won't win.


  • 所以,的触屏智能手机里找到他们名字,打个电话他们告诉那些大部头电话黄页的故事吧。

    Try tapping their name on your touch-enabled smart phone and ask them to tell you stories.


  • 如果订阅本网站告诉您的朋友家人同事,建议他们订阅,谢谢!

    If you are already subscribed, I'd be grateful if you would tell a friend, family member, or colleague about Mission to Learn and ask that they consider subscribing.


  • 我们不会对成功员工指手画脚告诉他们如何如何而是他们告诉我们以及其他人那些做法行得通。

    Rather than mandate how a successful employee ACTS, we let them tell usand everyone else — what works.


  • 他们笑声未了告诉他们:‘我选择活着。 把活人而不是死人做手术。’

    their laughterI told them,'I'mchoosing to live.Operate on me as if I am alivenot dead'.


  • 尽管演员并不喜欢别人告诉他们应该怎样念白,但有时候我们还是需要在括号里标注清楚我们的意图,例如

    While actors don't like being told how to say their lines, we can include a Parenthentical if we need to give direction to make our intent clear. For example.


  • 王问他们你们告诉你们这话怎样

    The king asked them, 'What kind of man was it who came to meet you and told you this?'


  • 1:7王问他们说,迎着你们告诉你们这话怎样

    And he said unto them, What manner of man was he which came up to meet you, and told you these words?


  • 关键能够观察团队正在什么不需要他们告诉他们做什么,也不是他们自己认为应该做什么。

    The point is, I can see what the team is actually working on, compared to what they tell me or what they think they should be working on.


  • 这样做的目的告诉病人们他们毫无保留,以此鼓励他们更加真诚

    The goal is to show patients I have nothing to hide, and encourage them to be more honest.


  • 它们无法告诉用户是否存在更好方式组织他们电子邮件或者更好地利用可用空间

    They do not mention if there is a better way of organizing their e-mail or making better use of the space available.


  • 如果有人新泽西问起感情生活我会他们谈起波士顿的某个女孩;如果有人在波士顿问起,我会告诉他们那个女孩相处很愉快但是大家没有太认真

    If anyone in New Jersey asked me about my love life, I told them about a girl back in Boston; if anyone in Boston asked, I told them I was having fun but that there was nothing serious.


  • 如果需要别人——比如喜欢的姑姑或者学校指导老师——帮助发掘长处或者找到解决办法,告诉他们

    If you need help figuring out your strengths or how to cope - like from a favorite aunt or from your school counselor - ask for it!


  • 儿子们就告诉。原他们看见犹大神人去的

    'And his sons showed him which road the man of God from Judah had taken.


  • 人类历史上我们首次完全相同方式抚养教育男孩女孩告诉他们他们一样的,告诉他们男性女性一样能干

    For the first time in human history we are raising and educating boys and girls in identical ways, teaching them that they are the same and that each is as capable as the other.


  • 情人那天花店老板会告诉男人们鲜花表达爱意’,因为他们知道男人很难用言语表白爱情。

    On Valentine's Day, florists tell men to 'say it with flowers' because they know that a man finds it difficult to say it with words.


  • 如果孩子因为勤奋很好他们希望难题弥补自己不足并且告诉他们如何更好

    If the children did well because they worked hard, they wanted problems that would test their limits and teach them how to do even better.


  • 如果孩子因为勤奋很好他们希望难题弥补自己不足并且告诉他们如何更好

    If the children did well because they worked hard, they wanted problems that would test their limits and teach them how to do even better.


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