• 《暮光之城》中吸血男主角的扮演者罗伯特·帕丁森表示《哈利·波特》的男一号丹尼尔·雷德克里夫讨教经验,求教他怎么处理成名的烦恼。

    Robert Pattinson has revealed that he wants to talk to Daniel Radcliffe about dealing with fame.


  • 看望结束弟妹谈论起这件事努力找出到底是从何而,据我们猜测也许老古董的风琴上。

    After our visit, my sister in law and I had a talk and tried to figure out where these ghosts were coming from and we guessed that maybe they were attached to this old organ.


  • 故事中包含人们目睹吸血袭击猎物场景。

    Stories also exist of people having witnessed the aftermath of a vampire attack.


  • 或者他们只是以为真人断了条腿、一条胳膊、身上又一次开了10-15弹孔还能活下来,那才叫见了

    Or they just figured no real human being could survive a broken leg, shattered arm and 10-15 fresh bullet holes in one sitting.


  • 回到家,荷兰喝了点杜松子酒壮壮胆告诉了妻子遇到的故事。

    After fortifying himself with schnapps, the Dutchman told his wife about the ghost.


  • 电影嗜血破晓》将于星期五公映,电影场景设定2019年,影片主要讲述一场空前的全球病毒爆发全世界大多数人被感染而变成吸血

    The new film "Daybreakers, " which opens Friday, is set in 2019, after a global virus outbreak has transformed most of the world'spopulation into vampires.


  • 成为吸血达拉遇见菜鸟巴菲及时杀死

    After being turned into a vampire, Darla ran into some chick name Buffy and got herself promptly killed.


  • 女孩寻声望去,看见棵大树,有只招手不由生气地说:蹦蹦兔,什么

    Making for the sound, the girl saw a grey babbit waving his hand behind a big tree, and she couldn't help getting angry: "Bouncing Rabbit, what are you putting on me?"


  • 然而他们的蜜月十分短暂爱德华发现贝拉怀孕,怀上个“半吸血”的婴儿美丽的爱情故事又开始陷入一片灰暗。

    But their honeymoon period is short lived before they discover Bella is pregnant with a half human, half vampire baby.


  • 去年这部3-D版本的乔纳斯兄弟(Jonas Brothers)音乐会电影推出环球电影公司的《妈妈》(Coraline)就被迫在一些影院提前下档。

    Last year, Universal's 'Coraline' was bumped from some screens after just three weeks when a 3-D Jonas Brothers concert film was released.


  • 女孩寻声望去,看见棵大树,有只招手不由生气地说:蹦蹦兔,什么

    Making for the sound the girl saw a grey babbit waving his hand behind a big tree and she couldn't help getting angry: "the Spring Rabbit, what are you putting on me?"


  • 鲍勃·马利逝世30周年音乐遗产正在消亡,因为比起乐,牙买加年轻人更加亲睐舞厅音乐。然而如果对马利的形象进行高度商业化运作,身为歌手马利继续成为人们崇拜的偶象。

    May 11, 2011 -- Bob Marley's musical legacy may be waning 30 years after his death as Jamaica's youth prefers dancehall to reggae, but the singer remains a cult, if highly commercialized, figure.


  • 女孩寻声望去,看见棵大树,有只招手不由生气地说:蹦蹦兔,什么

    Making for the sound, the girl saw a grey babbit waving his hand behind a big tree, and she couldn't help getting angry: "the Spring Rabbit, what are you putting on me?"


  • 周作人在经历了三个阶段,由得出的悲观结论转向了“闭户读书”小品文写作

    After three stages of talking about ghosts, Zhou became disheartened and turned to closed-door reading and writing.


  • 修复了一个问题任务完成世界门户网站正确关闭相应事件所有情况下已经过期

    Fixes an issue where the quest is completed and the Ghost World portal correctly closes itself after the corresponding event has expired in all cases.


  • 拜访妻子便也习惯于法官的凶恶外貌并且有时候也参加他们谈话

    After a few more visits, Er Dan's wife became accustomed to the ghost judge's fierce appearance, and sometimes she joined in their conversations, as well.


  • 千百年来中国人相信一个死了便会变成地下世界里

    For thousands of years, the Chinese people have always believed that after death a person will become a ghost living in the world of the underground.


  • 回到福克斯,当贝拉爱德华参加学校舞会时,贝拉表达了成为一名吸血愿望,但遭到了爱德华的拒绝。

    Upon returning to Forks, Bella and Edward attend their school PROM and Bella expresses her desire to become a vampire which Edward refuses.


  • ,拥有16栋建筑(更名为千禧泉)奥运村却变成了福溪边几近无人的

    A year on, the village's 16 buildings (renamed Millennium water) form a near-empty ghost town on the waterfront of False Creek.


  • 作品知识分子形象经历了由“”变为“”的反拨过程开始还原文化制约中的

    In the work intellectual image in experienced became "the god" after "the ghost" instead has dialed the process to start to return to original state into the cultural restriction in person.


  • 虽然另外两个天赋可以点这个天赋,但是邪恶天赋这个天赋在点出食尸也是有用

    Other specs can still take it for a ghoul boost, but Unholy won't have a talent that gets less useful with Master of Ghouls.


  • 妈妈凯拉变成吸血年中贝勒一直祖父母住在一起。

    Baylor stayed with his grandparents for two years after his mother Keira had become a vampire.


  • 难以自控这是变成吸血第一,彻底失去对自己的控制。

    I couldn't control myself. For the first time since becoming a new vampire, I lost control.


  • 难以自控这是变成吸血第一,彻底失去对自己的控制。

    I couldn't control myself. For the first time since becoming a new vampire, I lost control.


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