• 名义又掌管了这家公司

    He remained in nominal control of the business for another ten years.


  • 由于获准管理公司妻子就成了公司名义上的老板。

    As he was still not allowed to run a company, his wife became its nominal head.


  • 名义上首长偶尔签署法律而已。

    He is titular head, and merely signs laws occasionally.


  • 他们发现低收入家庭学生难以获得入学机会,因为交通、非名义上费用校外安全对他们都是挑战

    They find that low-income students have less access due to challenges with regard to transportation, non-nominal fees, and off-campus safety.


  • 只是名义选举,”一位西方外交官

    "This was an election in name only," says a Western diplomat.


  • 名义上约翰部门主管;实际玛丽才是掌管实务

    Officially, John is the section head but in practice it is Mary who is in control.


  • 即使摩加迪沙可能慢慢极端控制解脱出来,也只能永远名义首都

    Even though it may slowly be freed from extremist control, Mogadishu will only ever be the capital in name.


  • 项目名义领导,日常管理工作助手做。

    I am the formal leader of this project but the everyday management is in the hands of my assistant.


  • 国家自负差额至少名义一些大学抱怨说,他们口袋掏光了)。

    The state pays the difference (at least notionally: some universities complain that they are left out of pocket).


  • 克里斯特先生勉强算得一名RINO保守派行话之——名义共和党人)。

    Mr Crist is hardly a RINO (a Republican In Name Only, in conservative lingo).


  • 可以肯定是,高盛至少名义不可能华尔街地球很快消失的。

    To be sure, Goldman, at least in name, is unlikely to disappear from Wall Street or off the face of the earth anytime soon.


  • 阿富汗巴基斯坦边境线只在名义上存在的事实这次意外一个可能解释

    The vagueness of the border between Afghanistan and Pakistan is one potential, and relatively innocent, explanation for the incident.


  • 随从包括年轻女性,她们名义上被叫做信使”,她们既为他点烟又为他

    His retinue includes young women, known officially as "messengers," who light his ever-present cigarettes and catch the ashes.


  • 罗恩迈勒所指邮件就是所谓的“内维尔”邮件,名义上贝克有关。

    The e-mail referred to by Crone and Myler is known as the "for Neville" e-mail, so named for its apparent connection to Thurlbeck.


  • 要想采撷不朽棕榈枝叶,就应当拘泥名义应当探究是否真是善。

    He who would gather immortal palms must not be hindered by the name of goodness, but must explore if it be goodness.


  • 尽管名义上已经退休仍然发明新的设备解决更多症状心脏病慢性偏头痛

    Though he is officially retired, he continues to create new devices to treat a wide range of ailments, from heart attacks to chronic migraines.


  • 民意测验专家提供了一系列名义减少赤字节目回应者被问及是否减少赤字,节目是否可行

    The pollster provided a list of programs that could potentially be cut in the name of deficit reduction. Respondents were asked whether the cutting the program was acceptable or unacceptable.


  • 全球市场份额四分之一美国去年保费名义小幅考虑到通胀因素,实际下跌

    In America, which accounts for more than a quarter of the world market, premiums rose slightly in nominal terms last year, but fell after adjusting for inflation.


  • 这么为了阻止军官内部横向交流并且防止名义盟国(包括那些友好阿拉伯国家)进行互通

    He did so to impede lateral communications within the officer corps and to prevent interoperability with nominally allied forces, including those of friendly Arab countries.


  • 1945年,中国名义上军事大国实际不过是一个不但经济濒临崩溃还处于全面内战爆发边缘国家

    In 1945 China emerged from the war nominally a great military power but was actually a nation economically prostrated and on the verge of all-out civil war.


  • 例如,基于名义明显,货币升值利息提高并且工资在增长,但是这些只是名义变化的事情

    On a nominal basis, for example, it is clear that the currency is appreciating, interest rates are rising, and wages are soaring, but it is not the nominal change that matters.


  • 他们许多他们感觉周围的同胞名义上父母有些不同,”科告诉精神病学新闻》。

    "Many of these people say that they always felt there was something different about them in comparison to their siblings and presumed parents," Krell told Psychiatric News.


  • 尽管名义上致力于浮动汇率,但是还是进行了干预最近一次发生8月4日日本试图自身货币贬值

    Despite a notional commitment to floating rates, there have been several bouts of intervention; the latest came on August 4th, when the Japanese tried to drive down their currency.


  • 打算假设最近大多数国家无论在实质还是名义上商品价格都在涨(比如采用GD P权重的设置汇率)。

    I'm going to assume that both real and nominal commodity prices have recently been increasing in most countries (say using a GDP-weighted set of exchange rates).


  • 潘基文来自如今世界第十经济体国家(名义说法),与G77的合作他加纳生人前任更好吗?

    Will Mr Ban, who hails from what is now the world's tenth biggest economy (in nominal terms), be able to win the co-operation of the G77 any better than his Ghanaian-born predecessor?


  • 举例来说,土耳其名义西方国家保持友好关系实际,早2003年伊拉克入侵之前,就容许美国地面部队通过领土

    Turkey, for example, is nominally friendly to the West but declined to allow U. S. ground forces to move through its territory before the 2003 invasion of Iraq.


  • 举例来说,土耳其名义西方国家保持友好关系实际,早2003年伊拉克入侵之前,就容许美国地面部队通过领土

    Turkey, for example, is nominally friendly to the West but declined to allow U.S. ground forces to move through its territory before the 2003 invasion of Iraq.


  • 举例来说,土耳其名义西方国家保持友好关系实际,早2003年伊拉克入侵之前,就容许美国地面部队通过领土

    Turkey, for example, is nominally friendly to the West but declined to allow U.S. ground forces to move through its territory before the 2003 invasion of Iraq.


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