• 再加以合理保证使人本管理体现出科学尺度价值尺度相统一特点

    Humane administration embodies the characteristics with unified scientific yardstick and value yardstick owing to legal reasonable guarantee.


  • 组织任务就是粮食分给难民保证公平合理

    The task of the organization is to ensure fair play when food is distributed to the refugees.


  • 如何计划必需冗余服务器数量必须方式来管理,以便使其保持在一个合理预算内,从而拥有一定可用性保证

    How to plan the number of required redundant servers has to be conducted in such a way so as to stay within some reasonable budget, yet have some assurances of availability.


  • 我们非常级别上提供了高可用性,不是合理的可用性保证要求下伸缩的可用性。

    We're high availability at very high scales as opposed to scalability with reasonable guarantees of availability.


  • 然后如果应用程序尝试显示无效语言环境,则要始终保证一些合理的应用程序行为

    Then, if the application tries to render an invalid locale, some reasonable application behavior could always be guaranteed.


  • J VM级别弹性提供灵活性合理保证保证系统正在竭尽满足应用程序定义的策略的要求。

    Elasticity at the JVM level provides you with flexibility and a reasonable assurance that the system is doing what it can to meet the policies you defined for your application.


  • 挑战就是销售方必须保证商品合理时间递送消费者

    The challenge for online retailers is to ensure that the product is delivered to the consumer within a reasonable time.


  • 汽车供应商责任及时向社会公布停产车型采取积极措施合理期限内保证配件供应

    Automobile suppliers have the responsibility to publish to the society in time type of automobiles that are not produced and take positive measures to ensure fitting supply within reasonable term.


  • 虽然认为这种划分编程而言合理的,但不能保证适用xml建模——使倾向于这种关系第二观点

    While I think the separation is sensible for programming, I am not sure it is always applicable to XML modelingwhich leads me to the second industry perspective on this relationship.


  • 这种方法合理简单,也能我们经常挥霍同时保证自己的收入花得比较明智

    This has proven to be a somewhat reasonable and easy way to splurge every so often while making sure that we are wise stewards of what has been entrusted to us.


  • 早饭 ——如果忽略了早饭的话,早晨就无法达到最佳的工作状态,你因饥饿而一直期盼着午饭时间的到来,而且中午的时候容易犯困,为了高的工作效率吃东西合理的吃点东西),保证一个顺利的开端

    You will more likely gorge yourself at lunch and have a sleepy afternoon. So eat something, anything (within reason) so you can ensure a smooth start.


  • 一旦标准问世之后尤其是1992年进行重大修订之后,开发人员可以创建前端应用程序合理保证可以针对多个关系进行工作

    Once that happened, especially after a major revision in 1992, developers could create front-end applications and be reasonably assured it could work against multiple relational back-ends.


  • 采用分阶段方法保证优先顺序可以合理时间及时完成工作,这不会职业生涯带来任何风险

    Following the phased approach keeps your priorities in order and lets you clearly accomplish things in a reasonable time frame, with much less risk to your career.


  • 尽管这些并不妨碍接受分流医生可能会手术延期保证任何情况得到治疗合理控制

    While these may not prevent you from having gastric bypass surgery, your doctors may want to postpone surgery to ensure that any condition is appropriately treated and managed.


  • 我们大陆正忙于建设基础设施保证合理能源负担教育本国民众

    Our continent is in a hurry to build infrastructure, ensure affordable energy and educate our people.


  • 根据数据库结构复杂程度可能可以考虑不同对象类型生成不同DDL文件保证各个方面具有合理的逻辑组织

    Depending on the complexity of your database structure, you might also consider generating separate DDL files for different types of objects to keep things logically organized.


  • 作为会议领导保证参会每个人都一个合理当地时间来参加会议。

    As the leader of the meeting, it is your responsibility to at least try to accommodate everyone at a reasonable local time.


  • 保证能够及时采取行动有效方式合理使用多个反馈机制

    The most effective way to proactively generate action is to use multiple feedback mechanisms in concert.


  • 更加合理如果利率水平更高,则需要保证财政盈余,如果要降低负债比率那财政盈余就需非常充足了。

    If, more plausibly, interest rates are higher, a surplus will be needed, and a large one if the debt ratio is to be reduced.


  • 因此也不可能保证稀土矿床其他类似矿床数量质量核实合理储备起来

    Accordingly, there can be no assurance as to the quantity or quality of such rare earth deposit or that such deposit will become proven or probable reserves.


  • 锻炼合理饮食是身体健康保证朋友爱人聊聊关于自己愁事有助于消除紧张情绪

    Exercise and a good diet will help you stay healthy, and talking to friends and loved ones about your worries can also help you work through your anxiety.


  • 不是用来作为惊喜较大花费应该合理安排这样可以保证应急基金预算不会受到影响。

    Big expenses that aren't a surprise should be planned for, so that your emergency fund and budget can remain intact.


  • 行业花费数十亿保证盈利提量提速保障合理透明度花费甚少。

    The industry spent billions on being able to trade faster and make more money, but not nearly enough on creating the necessary transparency.


  • 重要的是我们已经开始家长合作致力于他们合理理财保证家庭经济安全

    Perhaps most importantly, we have also begun to form parent co-operatives focused on teaching parents and on income-generating activities aimed at ensuring that families are financially secure.


  • 保证球员合同的稳定延续性各会员协会转会规定中进行合理解释,同时规定应遵守该国法律以及集体协商合约之规定。

    EachAssociation shall include in its regulations appropriate means to protectcontractual stability, paying due respect to mandatory national law andcollective bargaining agreements.


  • CesarioEelco建议说,面对方法人们许许多多的问题合理解决这些问题,才能保证最后的成功

    Cesario and Eelco suggested that people in an organization would have a lot of questions regarding a new methodology. These need to be addressed properly to ensure that the adoption is successful.


  • CesarioEelco建议说,面对方法人们许许多多的问题合理解决这些问题,才能保证最后的成功

    Cesario and Eelco suggested that people in an organization would have a lot of questions regarding a new methodology. These need to be addressed properly to ensure that the adoption is successful.


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