• 那些窗帘纯粹用于装饰目的不能

    The curtains are for purely decorative purposes and do not open or close.


  • 事实上如果管理层采用新的精益绿色管理模式超越规性可以产生现金同时节约成本

    In fact, going beyond compliance saves cost at the same time that it generates cash, provided that management adopts the new lean and green model.


  • 委员会检查调查办公室计划加强股票分析师安全性调查研究是否是经纪公司独立职能

    The commission's office of compliance, inspection, and investigations plans to intensify its security of stock analysts to investigate whether research is an independent function at brokerage firms.


  • 颅骨1525之间

    The skull bones fuse between the ages of fifteen and twenty-five.


  • 到处都白瓷花瓶里

    There were lilies everywhere in tall white porcelain vases.


  • 分菜里。

    She digs the serving spoon into the moussaka.


  • 弗朗西丝决定台机器藏到块可开镶板后面

    Frances decided to conceal the machine behind a hinged panel.


  • 馅饼弄湿块面皮封边缘形成一个封口

    When assembling the pie, wet the edges where the two crusts join, to form a seal.


  • 莱诺克斯·刘易斯第8击倒对方,结束预定12的比赛。

    Lennox Lewis ended the scheduled 12-round fight with a knockout in the eighth round.


  • 如果是个忙人同一位可能成为自己伴侣的人见面,那么快速交友也许你。

    If you're a busy person, looking to meet several potential mates at the same event, speed dating could be for you.


  • 其中最大菖蒲

    The biggest of all is lilies and purple flags.


  • 它们水仙花雪花莲

    They are daffodils and lilies and snowdrops.


  • 可以像书一样把它对折。

    You can fold it in half just like closing a book.


  • 受这个挑战会让你和志同道的人接触。

    Taking on this challenge will bring you in contact with someone who shares your interests.


  • 我而言,幸福就是和志同道的人一起做自己喜欢的事情。

    For me, happiness is doing something that I love with like-minded people.


  • 了寻找其他志同道的人,保罗开始在一个有点不太可能的地方寻找:网上。

    Seeking other like-minded souls, Paulo started looking in a somewhat unlikely place: online.


  • 在黄石国家公园做了一年多的狼踪迹志愿者。我的工作是追踪记录狼的信息。

    I've been working as a volunteer wolf tracker in Yellowstone National Park for over a year. It's my job to follow wolves to record information about them.


  • 公主叶子里向外窥看同时出了什么

    Out of the white lily leaves the Princess peeped, too, and asked what was the matter.


  • 花园保护高墙构成,花园四个房子环绕着。

    A single implementation of Si He Yuan comprises of garden surrounded by four houses and protected by high walls.


  • 危险地方,负责殿后傲然挺立,俨然是一位公主

    Bringing up the rear, the place of greatest danger, comes Tiger Lily, proudly erect, a princess in her own right.


  • 规定使用老式工业燃煤燃烧器公司带来了巨大的成本

    New regulations have imposed extensive compliance costs on companies still using older industrial coal-fired burners.


  • 科学家们花蕾片花瓣边缘中脉中央静脉上都上了圆点

    The scientists marked a lily bud with dots along each petal's edge and "midrib" or central vein.


  • 游客至今见到粘土石头箱子,当时用来浸泡作为捕鱼诱饵

    Visitors can still see the stone boxes sealed with clay that was used to soak limpets, employed as fishing bait.


  • 人们不但可以通过加强锻炼,而且能够通过结交志同道朋友保持健康维持身材

    People not only keep fit or keep a good shape through doing more physical exercises, but also through making friends who have the similar interests.


  • 教授我们日常饮食中杏仁山药白萝卜绿豆都是不错润肺食物

    Professor Chang said that, in our daily diet, almonds, yam, white radish, Lily, and mung beans are good Runfei food.


  • 我们见过只鱼数次突袭。”摄影师蒂姆·雷曼。“它的嘴仅需一瞬间。”

    "We saw this fish pounce a couple of times," says photographer Tim Laman. "His mouth shot out and back in a fraction of a second."


  • 比起沉迷于关注数字,更应注意力转向看起来怎么样、衣服以及整体精力状态上

    Rather than obsessing over the scale, turn your focus to how you look, feel, how your clothes fit and your overall energy level.


  • 康乃馨全世界认为是送给母亲理想的很少有人知道中国也有送给母亲的花——

    Carnations are considered as the perfect flowers for mothers around the world, but few know that China has its own for mothers — the tiger lily.


  • 没有天敌大象必须广袤的大地上四处漫游,才能获得每日300公斤660树叶树的口粮

    Elephants, which have no predators, must roam widely to get their daily ration of about 300 kilograms (660 pounds) of grass, leaves, and twig.


  • 达尔文胥黎肯定约翰·乔利计算地球年龄准确性因为他们关于进化进行多长时间的观点不谋而

    Darwin and Huxley supported the accuracy of John Joly's calculation of Earth's age because it agree with their view of how long evolution had been in progress.


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