• 司法监管标准退化了

    Standards in the administration of justice have degenerated.


  • 妇女偏见全面影响司法体系各个层面

    Bias against women permeates every level of the judicial system.


  • 刑事司法体制急需改革,以防更多不公正地监禁。

    The criminal justice system is in need of urgent reform to prevent more people being wrongfully imprisoned.


  • 我们应从司法制度打击腐败能力方面获得一些安慰

    We should take some comfort from the ability of the judicial system to fight back against corruption.


  • 刑事司法制度总是出现焦点小组投票者关注事项之首

    The criminal judicial system always comes up at the top of the list of voters' concerns in focus groups.


  • 他们企图妨碍司法公正而控。

    They were accused of attempting to pervert the course of justice.


  • 即使这项修正案获得了通过有可能通过司法程序被否决

    Even if the amendment is passed it can be defeated judicially.


  • 他们企图妨碍司法公正

    They were accused of attempting to obstruct justice.


  • 司法内部几个禁毒机构方面领导机构禁毒执行中心。

    Within the Department of Justice are several drug-fighting agencies. The lead agency in this respect is the DEA.


  • 司法在把非暴力罪犯投入监狱之前一定要慎重考虑

    The judiciary must think very hard before jailing nonviolent offenders.


  • 他们需要打击腐败加强边境控制改善司法行政国家工业支持规则

    They need to fight corruption, strengthen border controls, and improve justice, administration, and state industrial support rules.


  • 第二我们希望通过刑事司法系统治疗那些因为绝望导致行为

    The second has us looking to the criminal justice system to cure behavior that is as much as anything the result of despair.


  • 眼罩15世纪的一项革新代表着司法盲目性原则

    The blindfold (a 15th-century innovation) represents the principle that justice should be blind.


  • 项目实施年后参与者接触青少年司法系统可能性降低

    A year after the program, participants were less likely to have had an encounter with the juvenile justice system.


  • 这些研究表明,“选择”这一病症可以发生各种各样情形下可能医疗司法结果产生严重影响

    These studies suggest that choice blindness can occur in a wide variety of situations and can have serious implications for medical and judicial outcomes.


  • 刑事司法方面我们希望使惩罚严厉足以阻止犯罪不要严厉到让罪行相对罪犯都挤满我们监狱

    On the criminal justice side, we hope to make punishment tough enough to discourage crime but not so tough as to clog our prisons with relatively minor offenders.


  • 毕业后,希拉里剑桥儿童保护基金担任顾问,并成为弹劾调查工作人员中的一员,为众议院司法委员会提供咨询服务。

    After graduation, Hillary advised the Children's Defense Fund in Cambridge and joined the impeachment inquiry staff advising the Judiciary Committee of the House of Representatives.


  • 司法发言人吉娜·塔拉莫纳(GinaTalamona拒绝评价苹果发言人汤姆·纽梅尔(Tom Neymayr)也拒绝。

    A spokeswoman for the Justice Department, Gina Talamona, declined to comment, as did an Apple spokesman, Tom Neumayr.


  • 意味着司法加州之间有更多类似现在这样正在进行斗争,后者联邦通信委员会放弃后,制定了一项严格的网络中立法律

    That means more battles like the one now going on between the Justice Department and California, which enacted a tough net neutrality law in the wake of the FCC's abdication.


  • 许多美国人依然担心司法体系可能产生高昂费用

    Many Americans will still fear the potentially ruinous costs of their legal system.


  • 渥太华华盛顿必须自由贸易流通司法安全事务之间找到一个微妙的平衡

    Ottawa and Washington have to find a delicate balance between the free flow of commerce and legitimate security concerns.


  • 如果司法认为情况可能会变糟,寻求警方帮助

    If the bailiff thinks that things could turn nasty he will enlist the help of the police.


  • 报告滥用刑法非常普遍政府军队将其作为司法程序之外的判决。

    The report says torture was widespread, as were extra-judicial executions by government troops.


  • “要不是出现了幻觉,就是我喝醉了。”司法官呜咽着说

    "I either behold a fata morgana, or I am regularly tipsy," whimpered out the Councillor.


  • 司法大胆地宣布汉斯国王时代最高贵幸福时代

    The Councillor boldly declared the time of King Hans to be the noblest and the most happy period.


  • 这时人群散开了,司法走了进来,神气十足地拽着波特胳膊

    The crowd fell apart, now, and the Sheriff came through, ostentatiously leading Potter by the arm.


  • 司法官员他们希望星期天宣布是否以色列领导人提出指控的决定

    Justice Ministry officials say they hope a decision on whether to bring charges against the Israeli leader will be announced Sunday.


  • 美国司法表示四分之一孩子青春期遭到霸凌。

    The United States Department of Justice showed that one out of four kids will be bullied during their adolescence.


  • 司法官考虑了一下这件事,既,也不向左看,穿过东街穿过哈布罗广场。

    Reflecting on the matter, and without looking right or left, the Councillor went through East Street and across the Habro-Platz.


  • 司法清清楚楚地看到,在面前盏提灯正亮着后面是一座很大很漂亮房子

    The Councillor saw quite distinctly before him a lantern burning, and behind this a large handsome house.


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