• 7月4美国欢度国庆之际,纽约庆祝哈德逊发现

    AS AMERICA celebrates its birthday on July 4th, New York is celebrating the discovery of its Hudson river.


  • 本试验发现粮中高铁高碘之间具有互相协同互相颉颃作用

    It was not found that there were coordination or antagonism between dietary high-iron and high-iodine.


  • 萨曼莎发现自己212早晨,在自己床上醒来而且必须重新体验生命中的最后一天一次。

    Sam wakes up in her bed to find it's the morning of Feb. 12, and she must relive the last day of her life over.


  • 后来11月23卡特发现第二扇门把头伸进去时,看到东西震撼全世界

    Then, on Nov 23, Carter found a second door and when he stuck his head through it, what he saw was to stun the world.


  • 2003年4月26犹他州爬山时,他发现自己处于非常危险境地

    On April 26, 2003, when he climbed in Utah, he found himself a very dangerous situation.


  • 1971年5月5部分船体框架发现时,这一行动达到了高潮

    The climax to the operation came when, on 5 May 1971, part of the ship's frame was uncovered.


  • 这些发现表明身体大脑具有其天生自愈方法我们有朝一可以理解放大

    The findings suggest that the body and brain have instinctive ways of healing that we could come to understand one day and then magnify.


  • 1923年114英国考古学家霍华德·卡特卢克索另一位法老底部偶然发现石头,这块石头最终通向了一个封闭门口

    It was on Nov 4, 1923, the British archaeologist Howard Carter stumbled on a stone at the base of the tomb of another pharaoh in Luxor that eventually led to a sealed doorway.


  • 在西班牙的时候,发现那里的人在工作的中途会休息两个小时。

    When I was in Spain, for example, I found people there took a two-hour break in the middle of their workday.


  • 1996年8月6,科学家们发现了一块来自火星的岩石,它在13000年前落到了地球上。

    On 6th August, 1996, scientists discovered a piece of rock from Mars, which fell to the Earth 13,000 years ago.


  • 于6月9下午6点左右在正门附近的一个角落被发现

    It was found on June 9, at around 6 pm in a corner near the main gate.


  • 名科学家亚历山大·弗莱明曾说:“当我在1928年9月28破晓后醒来时,我当然没有打算通过发现世界上第一种抗生素给所有医药带来改变。但我想这正是我当时所做的。”

    The famous scientist Alexander Fleming said, "When I woke up just after daybreak on 28th September 1928, I certainly didn't plan to revolutionize all medicine by discovering the world's first antibiotic. But I guess that was exactly what I did."


  • 女儿朱迪一家管道公司工作,她发现自己家里需要一个管道修理工

    My daughter Judy, who works for a plumbing company, found herself in need of a plumber at home.


  • 这个发现发表四月科学杂志上

    The discovery appears in the April 4 issue of Science.


  • 说:“我们发射准备工作进行非常全面成功评估决定在7月13发射‘发现’号航天飞机。”

    "Based on a very thorough and very successful flight readiness review, we're currently 'go' for launch of Discovery on 13 July," he announced.


  • 有朝一发现运营一家小企业一个公司而且决定怎样产品定价费。

    Someday you may find yourself running a small business or a large corporation, and you will decide what prices to charge for your products.


  • 要说如果有一我们发现这种情况,时候灵魂存在论据

    All I'm saying is that if someday we found that, at that point, we'd have an argument for the soul.


  • 发现世界健康当天公布今年世界健康的主题维持我们现有的抗生素治疗能力

    The findings are published on World Health Day, which this year is dedicated to preserving the healing powers of the antibiotics we still have.


  • 随着开普勒复一发现越来越多的行星我们希望监测它们清楚出究竟颗行星是个特例,还是所有炽热的木星类行星非常?”基

    "As Kepler discovers more and more planets by the day, we can hopefully scan through those and work out if this is unique or if all hot Jupiters are very dark," Kipping said.


  • 可能轨道行星引起成百上千的闪光已被发现,但尚未证实

    Hundreds of flickers that might have been caused by planets with longer orbits have been seen, but have not yet been confirmed as transits.


  • 与此同时,参照30DLBL第9发现价值

    Also, check out Day 9 of 30DLBL on discovering your values.


  • 但是周一交易投资者发现规则其实裹着糖衣,于是之前走银行股大幅上升

    But weak Banks got a big lift in the market Monday, when investors saw that the new rules were candy-coated.


  • 葡萄牙人1502年1月1发现里约热内卢瓜纳巴拉名字意思为“一月”。

    The Portuguese discovered Rio de Janeiro and Guanabara Bay on January 1, 1502 and its name translates as 'January River'.


  • 找到爱情困难了,而最不堪的事情有朝一发现自己交往的是个骗子

    Finding love is hard enough; the last thing you want to do is hook up with someone who may cheat on you someday.


  • 描述这个时间段的时候,补充道:"驾驶汽车拐弯,正在观看时候,发现."

    Describing the moment, he added: 'I had just rounded a curve and was looking directly into the sunrise when I noticed the solar spike.


  • 1968年,国会通过星期一假期这一法案阵亡战士纪念哥伦布发现美洲纪念退伍军人节华盛顿诞辰纪念这些原定都移到了周一

    In 1968, Congress passed the Monday Holiday law, which moved Memorial day, Columbus day, Veterans day and Washington's Birthday from their original dates to Mondays.


  • 英国旅游之都蒙特戈贝荣誉领事9月9发现被人在家中的床上

    The latest apparent victim of homophobia on the island was Britain’s honorary consul in Montego Bay, the tourist centre, strangled in bed at home on September 9th.


  • 英国旅游之都蒙特戈贝荣誉领事9月9发现被人在家中的床上

    The latest apparent victim of homophobia on the island was Britain’s honorary consul in Montego Bay, the tourist centre, strangled in bed at home on September 9th.


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