• 加拿大遗传学家已经发现了解我们细胞衰老死亡之迷线索

    Geneticists in Canada have discovered a clue to the puzzle of why our cells get old and die.


  • 十一月日,人们终于电子游戏中发现了方法。

    On November 4, a solution was discovered-in a videogame.


  • 发现了虽然我希望我知道背后原因。

    I'm going to post the solution I've discovered, although I wish I knew the reasoning behind it.


  • 如果发现了解自己十分困难,那么开始向外看去,而没有审势自己。

    And that if you are finding it difficult getting to know yourself, then maybe the answer just might be to start looking outward instead of inward.


  • 如果周二周三发现了解亲近之人的途径

    New ways to understand your close ones can be found if you listen instead of speaking on Tuesday and Wednesday.


  • 正当放弃自己研究时,他偶然发现了解这个问题最佳方案

    He happened on the perfect solution to the problem just as he was about to give up his research.


  • 正当放弃自己的研究时,他偶然发现了这个问题最佳方案

    He happened upon the perfect solution to the problem just as he was about to give up his research.


  • 要是似的开始喜欢上布兰特,就会发现那儿还有许多发现了解之处。

    Still, if you start off by liking Rembrandt, as I do, there is much to discover.


  • 来自美国匹兹堡大学医学院的科学家相信他们意外发现了解这一问题的办法

    Howver American scientists from the University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine believe they have stumbled on a solution.


  • 科内尔大学胡迪·利普森设计了一个程序,这个程序发现数据的关系的方程序。

    Cornell's Hod Lipson designed a program that discovers equations to explain relationships between data.


  • 随着学术界发现了全球储蓄过剩的理论他们其所带来的失衡状态则变得比较释怀。

    As academics found fresh theories to explain the saving glut, they became less anxious about the imbalances it produced.


  • 相信不远将来那么人们能够发现了解——野生动物保持自然平衡方面至关重要作用

    I believe there will be one day in near future when people can find that wild animals play a vital role in keeping the balance of the nature.


  • 研究玉米基因构成时芭拉·麦克林托克发现新的突变基因发现使人们对细胞分化有深入了解

    While studying the genetic makeup of corn, a new class of mutant genes was discovered by Barbara McClintock, a discovery which led to greater understanding of cell differentiation.


  • 通过阅读他们发现生命更深层次意义他们对过去现在的生命有所了解

    Through their reading they find a deeper significance to life as books acquaint them with life in the world as it was and it is now.


  • 完全致力其中时,我发现了快速了解需要什么的方法 - 我找到合适帮助

    The moment I got committed, I found ways of learning quicklywhat needed to be done – and I also found the right people to help me.


  • 最近权威有关夏洛蒂的一些信件发现了。这些信件让人们了解了到夏洛蒂甚至修改、检查或重新改写过妹妹

    An authoritative edition of Charlotte's letters has also appeared in recent years, and the extent to which she edited her sisters' poems - censoring and rewriting them - has begun to be understood.


  • 至今天文学家对恒星的形成完全了解但是通过研究近邻气体云星系人们发现了一丝线索

    And yet, this messy process is still not fully understood by astronomers. But one clue has been unearthed by astronomers studying the most nearby gas clouds in the galaxy.


  • 问题出现发出标准报告以便其他人能够了解目前已经发现什么问题进行处理

    Make it your practice to issue a standard report as soon as the problem occurs so that others can see that the problem has been noted and is being handled.


  • 了解巴西冲浪文化过程中,他们发现风味独特营养丰富的巴西浆果 ——深受人们喜爱的“阿萨伊”(açaí,通常译黑浆果)。

    Through the country's surf culture, the friends discovered açaí (pronounced "ah-sigh-ee"), a Brazilian berry popular for its unique flavor and nutritional properties.


  • 1988年最佳畅销书《时间简史》中,霍金写道:“如果我们发现一个完整的理论成为人类理性终极胜利从此我们应当就可以了解上帝思想”。

    Writing in his bestseller A Brief History Of Time in 1988, he said: "If we discover a complete theory, it would be the ultimate triumph of human reason – for then we should know the mind of God.


  • 不断涌出灵感来源介绍家人朋友时,他问了很多探究性问题分钟内就发现他们更多的东西,比起我几年来了解的还多。

    He was a constant source of inspiration: When I introduced him to my family and friends, he asked authentic, probing questions and found out more about them in minutes than I had in years.


  • 补充道:“科学家以前发现这种蛋白鸡蛋形成有关,仔细研究后我们终于了解到它是如何控制鸡蛋形成的。”

    'the protein had been identified before and it was linked to egg formation but by examining it closely we have been able to see how it controls the process,' he added.


  • 如果黑客安全机制发现一个漏洞,可以破解身份验证,而不需要了解用户身份验证信息,那么会怎么样?

    What if a hacker discovers a vulnerability in the security mechanism that allows him to break through the authentication without the need to know the required user's authentication information?


  • 我们发现30个设计问题分别每个问题提出决方案

    We have identified 30 design problems and considered solutions for each of the problems separately.


  • 其实这个证据2005年就被发现了,直到上周一家德国广播电台上星期公布这个发现后,更多人才了解真相。

    The discovery was actually made in 2005, but was not widely known until a German radio station last week aired it in a report.


  • 他们急切了解哪些地方发现新的物种,哪些已经濒危,然后制作出非常精准三维立体的地理仪器选择哪些地方需要保护

    They’ve made leaps in their knowledge of where rare species are found, and which ones are at risk, and they have built far better mathematical and geospatial tools for selecting places to protect.


  • 天文学家们业已在我们太阳系发现数百行星但是关于这些行星他们了解得非常

    Astronomers have discovered hundreds of planets beyond our solar system, but they know very little about them.


  • 天文学家们业已在我们太阳系发现数百行星但是关于这些行星他们了解得非常

    Astronomers have discovered hundreds of planets beyond our solar system, but they know very little about them.


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