• 所有悬而未决的问题依然有待双边谈判解决。

    All the final settlement issues would still be there to be negotiated bilaterally.


  • 中国愿意通过平等对话双边谈判方式解决争议问题。

    China is willing to resolve any disputes through dialogues on the basis of equality and by means of bilateral consultation and negotiation.


  • 多边谈判程序买方单个供应商轮流进行双边谈判

    The procedure of multilateral negotiation is that bilateral negotiations are sequentially pursued by the buyer and the single supplier.


  • 重要一点,上述建议恐怕通过双边谈判实现和平唯一方式

    Most important, the above proposal may be the only way to preserve the idea of achieving peace through bilateral negotiations.


  • 另外双边谈判一直未能进行下去内塔尼亚胡先生就是最大绊脚石

    Besides, the negotiations have been going nowhere-and Mr Netanyahu has been the biggest stumbling-block.


  • 目前有关谈判正在加紧进行全部双边谈判近期结束

    At present, relevant talks are being intensified and all the bilateral negotiations will be put to an end shortly.


  • 应该重启方会谈机制内的多边会谈但是禁止正式非正式的双边谈判

    Multilateral discussions through the six-party talks are worth reviving, if possible, but should not inhibit both formal and informal bilateral discussions.


  • 那些因规模而无法更大双边谈判对手中获取税收减免的经济体尤其受到影响

    Economies that are too small to extract concessions from their bigger bilateral negotiating partners fare particularly badly.


  • 双方本着友好协商精神,坚持通过双边谈判寻求解决南海争议的办法

    Hence for their disputes on the South China Sea, still bilateral negotiation and consultation should be the right way for a solution.


  • 由于一系列美国参与有关未来协定双边谈判近期进展集中欧洲防御事务上

    Recent developments have centred on the European defence issue, with a continued series of bilateral us discussions concerning future agreements.


  • 随着双方首席谈判代表双边谈判陷入了僵局很多重大争论将要进行彻底讨论。

    But with the two parties' chief negotiators having reached an impasse in bilateral talks, a number of big issues will have to be thrashed out on the floor.


  • 菲律宾仲裁庭提交所谓各项诉求没有一项中国进行认真双边谈判

    The Philippines had not engaged in any serious bilateral negotiations with China on any of the so-called requests it submitted to the arbitral tribunal.


  • 正因如此,中国大宗商品储量丰富的国家展开双边谈判——特别是伊朗以及撒哈拉以南的许多非洲国家

    This is why China is still busily negotiating bilateral deals with commodity-rich nations, notably Iran and various countries in sub-Saharan Africa.


  • 一位不愿透露姓名官员会谈结束时双方同意继续举行双边谈判谈判地点尚未取得一致意见。

    An official, speaking on condition of anonymity, says that the talk end with agreement to move on to the Bilateral negotiations But with no accord on sites.


  • 一些不愿透露姓名官员们会谈结束时双方同意继续举行双边谈判谈判地点尚未取得一致意见。

    The officials, speaking on condition of anonymity, say that the talk ended with agreement to move on the bilateral negotiations but with no accord on sites.


  • 现在的形势对俄不利,这项草案呼吁塞尔维亚人和科索沃人在欧盟接管进行另一个为期120双边谈判

    The odds are against them, because the draft calls on Serbs and Kosovars to talk again for 120 days while the EU mission takes over.


  • 次区域,纳米比亚还是区域和国际组织成员国,目前正在参与多边双边谈判对此需要具备某些能力

    Namibia was also a member state of regional and international organizations in the sub region and was currently involved in multilateral and bilateral negotiations, to which it needed some capacity.


  • 警告说武力显示紧张局势进一步提高建议各方坚持2002年通过强调双边谈判和平解决争端宣言

    Rong warned shows of force only serve to raise tensions further. He suggested all parties stick to a 2002 Declaration emphasizing peaceful settlement of the dispute through bilateral talks.


  • 中国接受仲裁做法,我们坚持履行刚才谈到的根据DOC承担的责任义务坚持通过双边谈判解决问题

    As for China's non-acceptance of the arbitration, for one thing, we need to honor our responsibilities and obligations under the DOC and to bilateral negotiations as the way of resolving the problem.


  • 1999年11月15日美国签订WTO双边谈判协议,从而成功地融入国际社会主流迈出了成效性的一步

    On 1999.11.15, the WTO bilateral treaty was subscribed between China and U. S. , thus furthering an effective and important step for China's entering the international mainstream society successfully.


  • 参与此次申诉的日本官员我们开始感到双边谈判有些情况下根本无济于事,这些事情必须通过多边方式解决

    'We are beginning to feel bilateral talks don't work in some cases,' one Japanese government official involved in the filing said. 'They have to be dealt with multilaterally.


  • 相信正是这种强有力双边互惠主义气候谈判指明了前进方向最终,将促成一份减少排放国际协定

    It is this kind of muscular bilateralism which I believe points the way forward for climate negotiations and, ultimately, for an international agreement on emissions reductions.


  • 一名日本官员周五表示会谈集中这些问题上,即方会谈框架恢复陷于停顿的双边工作组谈判

    A Japanese official said on Friday that the talks will focus on such issues as the resumption of stalled bilateral working group negotiations under the six-party framework.


  • 一名日本官员周五表示会谈集中这些问题上,即方会谈框架恢复陷于停顿的双边工作组谈判

    A Japanese official said on Friday that the talks will focus on such issues as the resumption of stalled bilateral working group negotiations under the six-party framework.


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