• 双方坚持各自价格明智的,我们可否让步

    It's unwise for both of us to insist on his own price. Can we each make some concession?


  • 双方坚持战略高度长远角度看待中乌关系保持密切高层交往各级别交流。

    Both sides have always viewed bilateral ties from a strategic and long-term perspective and maintained close exchanges at top and other levels.


  • 这种模型需要双方坚持一个可能软件基本功能无关编程约定而且一般情况下,这个编程约定可能使代码更加不可重用

    This model requires both parties to stick to a programming convention that may not be relevant to the software's basic functionality and, in general, can make the code less reusable.


  • 诊所良好筛选程序他们根本不可能知道如果易手,并且双方坚持一个故事

    Clinics have good screening processes, but they can have no real way of knowing if money has changed hands if both parties are sticking to a story.


  • 华盛顿先前一再坚持德黑兰必须停止浓缩铀项目,这双方面对面会谈先决条件。

    Previously, Washington had insisted that Teheran stop its uranium enrichment program as a precondition to face-to-face talks.


  • 这种扩张引起双方紧张,有人坚持还没有发现一方包围恐惧

    The expansion has rattled nerves on both sides, but some maintain that the fear of the other closing in is unfounded.


  • 双方本着友好协商精神,坚持通过双边谈判寻求解决南海争议的办法

    Hence for their disputes on the South China Sea, still bilateral negotiation and consultation should be the right way for a solution.


  • 中方继续战略高度长远角度看待双方关系东盟永做好邻居朋友、好伙伴愿在以下方面与东盟加强合作:一是坚持睦邻互信。

    It will continue to treat the bilateral relations from a strategic height and long-term perspective and be a good neighbor, good friend and good partner of ASEAN forever.


  • 双方决心坚持这些承诺

    The two sides resolve to stand behind these commitments.


  • 而如果中国坚持大声宣称印度东北部地区中国领土,双方关系也不可能出现多大进展

    Nor will much progress be made while China persists with its vociferous claims on North-East Indian territory.


  • 双方应当坚持同舟共济,妥处分歧加强合作,携手应对各种挑战,对全球经济复苏做出积极贡献

    The two sides should cooperate closely, handle differences appropriately, step up cooperation, cope with challenges together and make active contributions to the recovery of global economy.


  • 分析家洛杉矶时报说,尽管巴马呼吁通过外交途径解决双方问题,但这份声明强硬派继续坚持对峙立场的一个标志。

    Analysts tell the Los Angeles Times the statement signals an effort by hard-liners to continue the US-Iran standoff, despite Obama's calls for diplomacy.


  • 鲍尔森措施因为其本身复杂矛盾以及鲍尔森本人对借贷双方必须自己错误买单坚持,而变得收效甚微。

    Mr Paulson’s remedies were often blunted by complexity, inconsistency and his insistence that lenders and borrowers pay for their mistakes.


  • 我们双方坚持自己价格是不明智的,不能互相做出让步?各方都再一半生意就能成交了。

    I think it unwise for either of us to insist on his own price. How about meeting each other half way so that business can be concluded?


  • 马克思在理论上坚持资本流通领域雇佣劳力时双方交易遵循等价原则

    Marx insists that when capital employs labor in the "realm of circulation" (Liutong Lingyu), both sides follow a principle of exchange on the basis of equivalence in value.


  • 维持良好发展势头,需要中美双方坚持两国关系重要原则基础上继续共同努力。

    To maintain such sound momentum of development, it will take both sides to work together on the basis of upholding major principles in bilateral relations.


  • 双方坚持通过对话协商、以建设性方式增进理解扩大共识

    The two countries should stick to dialogue, consultation and other constructive ways to expand understanding and consensus.


  • 不过上述文字游戏顽固坚持显示双方依然貌合神离

    But the stubborn persistence of such word games also shows how far apart the two sides remain.


  • 我们朋友朋友不会双方陷入一种相互冷漠情形坚持这样讲。

    We are friends, and friends can't get themselves into a situation of not talking to one another, he insisted .


  • 如果更倾向于双方不做任何改变情况下,另一半进行相当直接坚持自己立场的沟通,任何企图改变你相处方式的努力都将可能徒劳。

    If you prefer fairly direct and steady communication with your partner, with unchanging images of each other, the pressure to change your way of relating may be unnecessarily trying.


  • 讲师树木化石,讲师乙坚持是一根恐龙腿骨双方争论不已

    Instructor armour says this is a dendrolite, instructor second holds to is a dinosaurian shank, bilateral argument unceasingly.


  • 另一种解释坚持认为碰杯双方自己的酒向对方的酒杯中倾注一些,从而证明酒中无毒

    Another holds that by clanking the glasses into one another, wine could be sloshed from glass to glass, thereby serving as a proof the beverages had not been poisoned.


  • 双方一起讨论客观标准而不是顽固地坚持自己的立场任何一方都不对方让步

    By discussing objective criteria instead of stubbornly held positions, neither party is yielding to the other; both are yielding to a fair solution.


  • 深圳这座享有设计之都”美誉城市始终坚持客户互动交流,锐意进取,勇往直前

    In Shenzhen to enjoy this "design" reputation of the city, both sides always interact with customers, forge ahead, go ahead.


  • 理想选择坚持人”模式辅以平衡双方当事人利益关系修正有关规则。

    The best choice is to adhere to the" in personam "model and to balance the interest relationship between the parties concerned.


  • 认为伏地的喜爱因为她去阿兹卡班坚持消失了她认为斯内普是懦夫只是双方满意

    She believes she is Voldemort's favorite because she went to Azkaban and stood by him when he vanished, whereas she thinks Snape is a coward who just keeps both sides happy.


  • 认为伏地的喜爱因为她去阿兹卡班坚持消失了她认为斯内普是懦夫只是双方满意

    She believes she is Voldemort's favorite because she went to Azkaban and stood by him when he vanished, whereas she thinks Snape is a coward who just keeps both sides happy.


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