• 甚至是软件项目,在压力恐慌时期我们倾向于求助我们舒适地带

    Even on a software project, during times of stress and panic, we have a tendency to turn to our comfort zones.


  • 犹如弄一顿圣诞大餐压力够大,总那样恐慌临了临了犹豫是不是所有的东西需要倒出来醒一下

    As if the stress of getting Christmas lunch on the table were not enough, there's also that last minute panic of wondering whether anything needs to be decanted.


  • 目前美国银行业正面临着前所未有压力测试”,伯南克希望番谈话能够降低华尔街银行业状况恐慌

    Bernanke also tried to play down Wall Street's fears about the results of the crucial "stress tests" faced by US Banks, expected this week.


  • 面临件突发状况或者意外任务时不要感到有压力开始恐慌,暂且缓和一下情绪。

    When you face an unexpected situation or unplanned task, instead of embracing stress and start getting panic attacks, stop here for a moment.


  • 美国2009年银行展开公众压力测试消除华尔街恐慌

    WHEN America did public stress tests on its Banks in 2009 they helped end the panic on Wall Street.


  • 可以理解:当时一恐慌AIG面临着严峻抵押赎回压力雷曼兄弟刚刚破产

    That may be understandable: panic was in the air, AIG faced crippling collateral calls and Lehman Brothers had just folded.


  • 昨天大多数市场出现恐慌虽然受到抛售压力压力星期二那么大。

    Most markets were panicked yesterday; although there was some selling pressure but the pressure was not as intense as yesterday.


  • 5月份西班牙央行接管西班牙CajaSur银行,引发了金融界恐慌并催生欧盟银行压力测试

    One of the Spanish lenders, CajaSur, was seized by the Bank of Spain in May, igniting a financial panic that helped spur the EU stress tests.


  • 历史显示市场恐慌这些资金瞬时消失,让早已倍感压力欧洲央行(European Central Bank)更加为难

    History shows that a market panic can make those funds suddenly unavailable, potentially putting an already stretched European Central Bank even more on the spot.


  • 急性压力称为“逃跑战斗的反应”,急性压力身体重大威胁挑战恐慌做出即时反应

    Also known as the fight-or-flight response, acute stress is your body's immediate reaction to a significant threat, challenge or scare.


  • 近日非法机构致使网瘾少年殒命,“网络成瘾话题争议四起,造成众多家长心理恐慌极大压力

    Recently, Illegal Organization caused "net addiction" juvenile perish, "Internet addiction" topic convoluted controversy, causing panic and great psychological pressure among parents.


  • 告诉随着生意成功,他压力越来越大,恐慌症发作频率也越来越高。

    He hadtold me that as he saw his business success grow, so did his stress, and the frequency of hispanic attacks.


  • 感受到恐慌或是压力时候重要就是要呼吸顺畅

    The single most important thing to know if you suffer from panic attacks or general stress is proper breathing.


  • “年关焦虑症”是年关将至而产生自责恐慌心理,通常年度收入不佳工作家庭压力引起

    Year-end panic refers to the self-reproach and overall feeling of panic brought about by the approach of the year's end, often due to a poor financial year and pressure from work and family.


  • 工作以及压力因为恐慌,我保持自我控制工作尽可能有效

    I work well under pressure because I don't panic. I maintain self control and work as efficiently as possible.


  • 如果走火入魔,那你就跳进另外一个称之为恶性压力地方。这里焦虑恐慌变成障碍使生产力开始下降

    If you overdo it though, you break through into another type of stress, called "distress" and here the anxiety and panic effects become a hindrance so that your productivity starts to drop.


  • 希望能够考上所好的大学压力使窒息看到周围优秀,我变得越来越恐慌考试。

    To be accepted by an university is my hope, but the pressure almost suffocated me. I was in panic when I saw that the people around are so excellent.


  • 可以认为压力共有激励作用相信合理地分配时间以及周密计划能减少因最后工作期限而带来的恐慌

    Yes, I find it stimulating. However, I believe, planning and proper management of my time reduce panic deadlines.


  • 恐慌造成压力越来越,直到心理医生,进行了药物治疗恐慌症才得以治愈

    The pressure resulted from phobia is increasingly bigger. The phobia was cured after he went to see a psychotherapist and received medical treatment.


  • 如果这些多余压力激素长期存在导致各种健康问题例如抑郁焦虑恐慌紊乱

    An abundance of these stress hormones over a prolonged period of time can cause numerous health issues, depression, anxiety, and panic disorders.


  • 但是哈里里目前这样恐慌时刻,“环境压力可能相当程度上让基因决定内在倾向暴露出来”。

    But during scary times like these, says Dr. Hariri, 'environmental stresses can play a critical role in unmasking any underlying biases determined by your genes.


  • 现代生活压力频繁发生,无论是压力过大工作,还是失业,都会身体处于一种恐慌状态

    Chronic stress occurs all too frequently due to our modern lifestyles, when everything from high-pressured jobs to unemployment keeps the body in a state of perceived threat.


  • 现代生活压力频繁发生,无论是压力过大工作,还是失业,都会身体处于一种恐慌状态

    Chronic stress occurs all too frequently due to our modern lifestyles, when everything from high-pressured jobs to unemployment keeps the body in a state of perceived threat.


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