• 含有草本舒缓顺滑柔软

    With herbal extracts to naturally soothe, smooth and soften.


  • 华天之星华天集团下属的经济型酒店的子品牌。

    Star-days-a-day group's economic sub-brand hotels.


  • 波斯古列如此说,耶和, 已将天下万国赐

    Thus saith Cyrus king of Persia, The LORD God of heaven hath given me all the kingdoms of the earth;


  • 指着耶和主起誓,不要儿子迦南地中的女子

    And I will make thee swear by the LORD, the God of heaven, and the God of the earth, that thou shalt not take a wife unto my son of the daughters of the Canaanites, among whom I dwell.


  • 中国境内住所纳税人填写在税款所属期内在华实际停留的总天数。

    Days of stay in China: the actual days stayed in China by a taxpayer without a permanent residence during the tax due period.


  • 记者了解到由于华天酒店今年多个项目大量资金,资金瓶颈继续困扰公司

    The reporter understands, as a result of China day hotel many projects still need a large number of capital this year, capital bottleneck will continue to perplex a company.


  • 发现自己长处或者找出可以分享才能积极寻求分享这些才地方

    Find out what you are good at, or the talent you can share, and actively seek places to share those gifts.


  • 世界冠军莱顿·弗雷德·里科斯华天还是男孩开始训练,那时就对他印象很深。

    Clayton Fredericks, a former world champion, said he was impressed by Alex when he started coaching him as a boy.


  • 沃森说:“对原行星及其演化情况理解上,研究取得了较大的进展。”亚利桑那州图森史都文台

    The study represents "a major advance in our understanding of protoplanetary disks and their evolution, " Watson says. And astronomer Zoltan Balog of the Steward Observatory.


  • 华天集团经营酒店行业已经超过20个年头但是对于经济型酒店行业,华天集团并没有太多可以借鉴经验

    Group operating days, the industry has more than 20 years, but the economy hotel industry, the Group of days, not many can learn from the experience.


  • 江苏历史悠久,物华天宝,人杰地灵中国经济文化发达地区之一,而扬州江苏大地璀璨的明珠。

    It is, economically and culturally, one of the most developed regions in China. Yangzhou stands out as a shining pearl on this abundant land.


  • 展馆外形犹如一个放大青花瓷容器,让洁白釉彩古老花纹感受到江西华天宝、人杰地灵独特魅力

    Hall of shape like a blue and white porcelain vessels to enlarge, people in white glaze and blue pattern in the old sense of Jiangxi nature's treasures, the unique charm of outstanding people.


  • 西方地面墙体不同材质产生强烈的视觉碰撞而又统一内在现代中式元素,在室内外空间自由转换穿插

    Different materials of western luxurious ceiling, groud and wall create strong visual impact, but united in inherent modern Chinese elements, convert and intersperse indoor and outdoor freely.


  • 吉娜等待令人沮丧的事情坐在教堂外面树荫下的人行道抽泣,美华天主教堂是该地避难所

    "Waiting is the most frustrating thing, " said Gina Thurman, 47, choking back tears as she sat by herself in the shade on a curb outside Ascension Catholic Church, one of several shelters in the area.


  • 华天记者会上表示对于自己在比赛中意外落马,一度感到愤怒心情低落,当知道现场很多支持后,他感到特别欣慰目前心情也恢复过来。

    "I'm feeling much better now, " said Hua at a press conference Wednesday afternoon, adding that he was angry about himself to have made the mistake, but felt happy to have support from the spectators.


  • 华天记者会上表示对于自己在比赛中意外落马,一度感到愤怒心情低落,当知道现场很多支持后,他感到特别欣慰目前心情也恢复过来。

    "I'm feeling much better now, " said Hua at a press conference Wednesday afternoon, adding that he was angry about himself to have made the mistake, but felt happy to have support from the spectators.


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