• 通过观察统计文献资料等研究方法总结了浙江队十界全运会网球单项预赛战况。

    Adopted the methods of the documentary analysis and observation statistics, this study summarized the situation of Zhejiang Tennis Team in the preliminary contest of the 10th National Sports Meeting.


  • 显然未来年里,继续在学术有所成就

    Obviously, for decades to come, you'll be contributing to the world of the academy.


  • 那些银行金融或者法律工作毕业生们觉得稍微好一些,另一些在公营部门下工作的则会觉得今年困苦

    Those with jobs in banking, finance and law will be somewhat cushioned from the impact, but graduates starting out in the public sectors will really feel the pinch this year.


  • 阻止商品服务以及资本自由流动危险的,因为要使市场发挥作用你就必须令套利发挥作用。

    Preventing the free flow of goods and services and capital across international boundaries. That is a danger because in order for markets to work, you need arbitrage to work.


  • 我们自己的身体也许自然协作终极典范所有器官系统一起工作从而创造了绝妙个体使得整体相比于任何一个部分都显得强大

    Our own body is, perhaps, the ultimate example of synergy in nature, all organs and system working together to create a wonderful entity where the whole is greater than the sum of the parts.


  • 安全公司麦咖啡最近发现在2010年国家八个重要网络收到了黑客的攻击。

    Security firm MacAfee recently found that eight out of 10 countries around the world had had critical networks targeted by hackers during 2010.


  • 可以安分的保持原来的样子因为国际泳联公告游泳年的技术叫停了。

    He may well stay that way too, because Fina's announcement has taken back the technology used in swimming by a full decade.


  • 星期四一位顶尖气候模型制造者我们可能即将进入乃至气温时期。”

    One of the world's top climate modellers said Thursday we could be about to enter one or even two decades during which temperatures cool.


  • 音乐认同允许人们CD上的内容复制电脑其他设备上。实际上从年前开始人们便已经都这样做了。

    The music industry agrees that people should be allowed to copy CDs to computers and other devices-as has been common practice for a decade.


  • 感谢诸位邀请银行出席今天大会延续2000年世银行首次支持乌鲁木齐召开中国矿业大会以来长达年的传统

    Thank you for inviting the World Bank here today to continue a decade-long tradition started in 2000 when the World Bank first supported the China Mining Congress in Urumqi.


  • 年来,评论争议主题

    It's been the subject of critical controversy for decades.


  • 这本出版,价值链俨然已成为管理讨论最多,也是误解最多的话题。

    In the decade after the book was published, the idea became one of the most discussed and most misunderstood in the whole of the management arena.


  • 他们指出:“尽管并非所有创始人成为杰出CEO大多数科技的杰出公司创始人的领导下运营一段时间往往长达数而且我们相信这种模式还会持续下去

    Not all founders can become great CEOs, but most of the great companies in our industry were run by a founder for a long period of time, often decades, and we believe that pattern will continue.


  • 贾格尔理查兹享有音乐最为牢靠的合伙人关系他们自称为“微微闪光双子星座”,他们伦敦的时候深深地爱上美国布鲁斯音乐

    Messrs Jagger and Richards enjoyed the solidest partnership in the music industry: "Glimmer Twins", as they called themselves, who had fallen in love with American blues as teenagers in London.


  • 意味着21是人类历史上平均全球收入增长最快时期。

    This means that the first decade of the 21st century could see the fastest growth in average world income in the whole of history.


  • 这样慷慨音乐少见,因为做生意买保险对于多数旅行乐队而言都不稳定。

    Such munificence is rare in the music world, where business is unsteady for most travelling bands.


  • 在1939年《绿野仙踪上映之后年间电影发生了翻天覆地变化。

    DURING the ten years leading up to the release of "the Wizard of Oz" in 1939, the world of cinema underwent a dramatic transformation.


  • 金融如何应对禽流感暴发,人们并不清楚

    NOT much is known about how the financial world would cope with an outbreak of avian flu.


  • 在本世纪第一年,国际卫生收获。

    The international health community learned a number of things during the first decade of this century.


  • 但是却受到评论批评而且他人生的最后年间,其作品的买卖也一落千丈。

    But criticism hurt and sales of his paintings fell away in his last decade.


  • 年世类似硫酸盐物质来减少空气污染、净化全球空气早有立法,而当前寻找条下坡路来走完全没有意义。

    Reducing pollution by things like sulphates has been the goal of clear-air legislation around the world for decades, and finding a downside now would not be helpful.


  • 根据《2011年疟疾报告》,过去年间,全球所有区域疟疾发病率死亡率下降了。

    During the past decade, malaria incidence and mortality rates have been cut in all regions of the world, according to the report.


  • Oblinger拥有细胞遗传学博士学位,曾经大学教师教务长接着PC坠入爱河,最终重返教育之前加入IBM公司

    Oblinger has a PhD in cytogenetics, has been a faculty member, an academic dean, then fell in love, she says, with PCs, eventually joining IBM for a dozen years, before returning to education.


  • 研究负责人直言不讳称,由于2050人口预计90亿,因此即使年的等待解决粮食短缺问题都

    The head of the study stated bluntly that waiting even five or 10 years could be too late to address food shortages -- the world population is estimated to reach nine billion by 2050.


  • 2011年园艺博览会西安举行4月28开始至22结束号。

    The World Horticultural Exposition 2011 will be held in Xi'an from April 28 to October 22. (ChinaFotoPress/Getty Images)


  • 2011年园艺博览会西安举行4月28开始至22结束号。

    The World Horticultural Exposition 2011 will be held in Xi'an from April 28 to October 22. (ChinaFotoPress/Getty Images)


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