• 没错她们偷走,里面有我所有的信用但是如果不是因为她们永远知道还有个夏洛特堡可以逛逛。

    Yes, they ran off with my bag and all my credit CARDS, but I never would have known to visit Charlottenburg Palace if it weren't for them.


  • 拿出“红人”牌烟叶,取出放在嘴里然后递给尼也照着他的样子做了。

    He took out a pack of Red Man chewing tobacco, put a wad in his mouth, then handed it to Kearney, who followed suit.


  • 如果帮助文件支持数据类型选项没有本机内存区域,那么需要升级最新GCM v

    If the help file doesn't have a native-memory section under the supporter data types TAB, you need to upgrade to the latest GCMV package.


  • 打开时,光导纤维会自动亮起,用户可以容易的寻找到里的钥匙口红信用甚至防狼喷雾

    These turn on automatically when the bag is open, making it easy to locate keys, lipstick, charge cards or pepper spray!


  • 勾勒一下这样一个世界:从汉堡买房消费者使用塑料支付一切。

    PICTURE a world where consumers pay for everything-from hamburgers to houses-with plastic.


  • 胡姆最终回到酒店携带一个得紧紧的红色里面。

    When Kadhum finally does come back to the hotel, he's carrying the painting in a red felt bag tied tightly with cord.


  • 和平来自荷塔斯,她是酋长华德女儿,和詹姆斯一个烟草农夫约翰罗夫结婚

    Peace came when Pocahontas, daughter of chief Powhatan, married John Rolfe, a tobacco farmer in Jamestown.


  • 参见麦克·埃兰·科尔沁,詹姆斯·布洛克马努基·普林哈特的不可能失败

    Michael Boylan-Kolchin, James Bullock and Manoj Kaplinghat, "Too Big to Fail?"


  • custom提供StackLayout可以显示GUITabFolder(有些类似没有选项的TabFolder)的顶部放置多个GUI

    The custom package provides the StackLayout, which can be used to place multiple GUIs on top of each other with only one GUI showing at a time (something like a TabFolder without the tabs).


  • 还要注意版本2.2中的功能SQL大纲数据库选项绑定一个捕获的pd qxml中的单个能力

    Note also the use of new capabilities in 2.2, including the ability to bind a single package from a captured PDQXML from the SQL outline database TAB.


  • 那些得到通知离境的家庭边境管理局(Borders Agency)安排的“食宿”的住所,要求以塑制预付方式替代现金支付方式

    Families who have been told to leave would have to live in "full-board" Borders Agency accommodation and replacing all cash payments with a plastic pre-paid card.


  • 乌兰巴托郊区,奥奇古·惹楠女儿阿奴正在亲戚家的蒙古里使用iPhone视频

    Ochkhuu Genen and daughter Anuka watch a video on an iPhone in a relative's ger on the outskirts of Ulaanbaatar.


  • 传递tabs方法选项使用了与 第 3部分相同视觉效果额外的一个参数可用禁用第一选项之外的所有选项

    The options bundle that you're passing to the tabs method employs the same visual effect you used in Part 3, but an additional parameter allows you to disable all but the first tab.


  • 苹果520电池,一个Dock接口连接器一个支持语音通话SIM

    The Apple Peel 520 case contains a battery, dock connector and SIM card that allows voice calls.


  • custom,CTabFolderTabFolder增强,它看起来更好一些并且可以支持选项关闭

    A CTabFolder, in the custom package, is an enhanced version of a TabFolder that looks better and can support closure of tabs.


  • 许多这些表面看上去是健康小吃还是含有路里的。4盎士HAIN胡萝卜条含有600热量,就好比layS经典薯条所含路里的量。

    Many of these seemingly healthful snacks are still loaded with calories: a 4-ounce bag of Hain Carrot chips contains 600 calories-just as much as Lay \ \ \ 's Classic potato chips.


  • 一些“startkit里面,一些USB 3.0硬件也是可用的,这些通常一个控制器

    Some USB 3.0 hardware is available in a "starter kit" bundle, which includes a controller card.


  • 命令会下载大量数据(就是为什么我们需要128MBcf原因了)—我们正在获取这个Debian版本可用软件列表

    This downloads a fairly large chunk of data (which is why we needed a 128mb CF card) — we're getting a list of the available packages for this version of Debian.


  • 假设现在一家快餐店里,有人告诉你说,你汉堡900热量

    Let's say you're in a fast-food restaurant, and you're informed that the hamburger you're about to order has 900 calories.


  • 然后点击Package选项查看这个属性8

    Then click on the package TAB to view the properties of the package as shown in Figure 8.


  • 查询主题位于Sources选项

    The query subjects of your package are on the Sources tab.


  • 为此选项shippingDetailsid指向div相应选项基于 0 的索引1

    Your options bundle therefore points to the div with the id of shippingDetails, while the 0-based index of the corresponding tab is 1. When you're done, your handler looks like Listing 10


  • 厌倦了吃汉堡三明治热狗啊什么的。

    Carlo: I'm tired of hamburgers and sandwiches and hot dogs.


  • 这款摄影满足需要。它能装下我的单反相机额外镜头以及内存、摄影机、平板电脑其他的必要装备。它看上去也不错。

    Antony Maundcote-Carter:The case meet all my needs. Was able to pack my DSLR camera, an extra lens, flash, my camcorder, my tablet and all necessary accessories.


  • 应急健康做成多个副本,分别保存紧急供应汽车工作轮椅内(驾驶执照身份证后面)。

    Make multiple copies of this card to keep in emergency supply kits, car, work, wallet (behind driver's license or primary identification card), wheelchair pack, etc.


  • 应急健康做成多个副本,分别保存紧急供应汽车工作轮椅内(驾驶执照身份证后面)。

    Make multiple copies of this card to keep in emergency supply kits, car, work, wallet (behind driver's license or primary identification card), wheelchair pack, etc.


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