• 由于劳动力供应过剩,劳动者报酬仍然很低,从而限制消费者消费能力

    Wages remained low, due to ample labor supplies, and held down consumer spending.


  • 营业盈余常住单位创造增加值扣除劳动者报酬生产净额固定资产折旧后的余额

    Operating Surplus refers to the balance of the value added created by the resident units deducting the labourersre m unera-' tion , taxes on production and the depreciation of fixed assets.


  • 劳务派遣单位不得克扣用工单位按照劳务派遣协议支付派遣劳动者的劳动报酬

    No labor dispatch service provider may withhold any remuneration that is paid to the workers by an accepting entity under the dispatch agreement.


  • 然而根据道夫先生研究,也有一些劳动者美国公司营业税中获利:那些因为国际资本流入赚取更多报酬国外劳动者

    According to Mr. Randolph, however, some workers do benefit from the American corporate tax: those abroad who earn higher wages from the inflow of capital.


  • 劳动报酬数额,参照本单位相同或者相近岗位劳动者劳动报酬确定

    The amount of remunerations shall be determined according to the remuneration to the workers taking up the same or similar posts of this entity by analogy.


  • 第二十八劳动合同确认无效劳动者付出劳动的,用人单位应当劳动者支付劳动报酬

    Article 28 Where a labor contract is confirmed as invalid, if the worker has already worked for the employer, the employer shall pay remunerations to the worker.


  • 工资优先权根据法律直接规定劳动者从事劳动而获得相应的报酬请求权债务人一般财产享有优先受偿的权利。

    The wage priority is priority of claims of payment by workers for accorded work directly provided by law, on the general property of the debtor.


  • 劳动报酬劳动者通过参与劳动而获得工资性收入,是每个劳动者主要的生活来源

    Labor remuneration of workers is obtained through participation in the labor wage income, every worker is the main source of livelihood.


  • 如果这样而是食物给予生产劳动者,使他们工作期间不致挨饿,他便可以而且自然也会要求生产出来的产品那里得到报酬

    If, instead of these things, he gives it to productive labourers to support them during their work, he can, and naturally will, claim a remuneration from the produce.


  • 经济赔偿金数额相当于劳动者工资报酬经济补偿总和的一五倍。

    The amount of economic compensation is equivalent to worker pay pay, economy compensating summation come fivefold.


  • 支付标准方面规定劳动者参与协商劳动报酬权利,劳动者利益为基础确定支付标准。

    On the aspect of payment standard, dispatching workers participation in negotiation of recompense should be prescribed, and the payment standard should be decid.


  • 劳动的收入是一个综合报酬劳动者职业中获得的收入除了供其直接支配工资外,包括工资货币收入、实物收入无形收入。

    Income of workers from their work includes not only their disposable salaries, but also non-salary monetary income, physical income, and intangible income.


  • 如果一开始只是个体力劳动者没有关系,你还是可以付出,付出所得报酬更多一点点力量工作想法

    It matters not where 'you Start you may be a day laborer. But still you can give—give a bit more of energy, of work, of thought, than you are paid for.


  • 法定休假安排劳动者工作的,支付低于工资的百分之三百的工资报酬

    Legal holiday arrange labourer working, the payment couldn't less than trinal salary.


  • 生产性劳动者可以那些劳动得到享乐的人手中,得到相当可观的财富作为报酬

    An unproductive labourer may receive for his labour, from those who derive pleasure or benefit from it, a remuneration which may be to him a considerable source of wealth;


  • 劳动报酬包括工资其他合法收入劳动者通过付出劳动力所取得物质利益

    Remuneration, including wages and other lawful income, is the material interests workers make through working.


  • 农村劳务经济农村劳动者家庭以外单位个人提供劳务获取报酬收入经济活动

    The rural labor economy refers to the economic activity that rural workers provide service for entities or individuals other than their families and thus earn income.


  • 最低工资劳动者法定工作时间依法签订劳动合同约定时间内提供了正常劳动的前提,用人单位依法支付最低劳动报酬

    Minimum wage is the lowest remuneration of labor pays by the employer if the workers provide normal work in the working hours or in the hours which is agreed by the legal labor contract.


  • 法定休假日安排劳动者工作支付低于工资的百分之三百的工资报酬

    When planning the workers to work on the legal holidays, should pay the workers for no less than trinal salary.


  • 如果法定休假日安排劳动者工作支付低于工资的300%的工资报酬

    If in a legal holiday arranges laborer to work, should pay not of the 300 % under salary.


  • 如果法定休假日安排劳动者工作支付低于工资的300%的工资报酬

    If arrange laborer to work in legal holidays, should be paid no less than 300% of the wages.


  • 劳动报酬数额,参照本单位相同或者相近岗位劳动者的劳动报酬确定

    The amount of labor remuneration shall be confirmed with reference to the labor remuneration of the laborer of the same or similar position in the employing unit.


  • 第二十八条劳动合同确认无效劳动者付出劳动的,用人单位应当劳动者支付劳动报酬

    Article 28 Where a labor contract is confirmed to be invalid, and the laborer has provided labor services, the employing unit shall still pay labor remuneration to the laborer.


  • 第二十八条劳动合同确认无效劳动者付出劳动的,用人单位应当劳动者支付劳动报酬

    Article 28 Where a labor contract is confirmed to be invalid, and the laborer has provided labor services, the employing unit shall still pay labor remuneration to the laborer.


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