• 在该州努力不懈年中访20

    He has campaigned hard there, visiting the state more than 20 times in the past two years.


  • 由于努力不懈成功了

    He succeeded because of his stubborn efforts.


  • 专注某件事情一直坚持到底,努力不懈

    To be devoted to something means to continue steadfastly and to persist in it.


  • 吉姆父亲埋头苦干,努力不懈,从而事业上获得了成功

    Jim's father succeeded in business by keeping his nose to the grindstone.


  • 相信只要我们努力不懈,我们英语口语上有所进步的。

    I'm sure we'll make some progress in our spoken English as long as we keep trying it.


  • 我们专心致志团结一心并且努力不懈,最终使我们走出前段时间困境

    Overall I am very happy because we came out from a very difficult period because we were focused, worked hard and were united together.


  • 努力不懈工作,要保持乐观积极心态,要善待身边的每一个

    Must the unremitting work, probably maintain the optimistic positive point of view diligently, must kindly treat each person.


  • 如果成为一名顶级球员,你必须努力不懈,每时刻都要提高自己

    If you want to be a top player you need to keep pushing on, to keep improving every time.


  • 虽然思想似乎难以捉摸,他却毕生努力不懈自己的办法寻求真理

    Though his thoughts seemed to dodge about, his life was an unremitting effort to find the truth by being true to himself.


  • 之所以能成为当代伟大发明家,实得力于专心致志努力不懈

    He became the greatest inventor of contemporary times because of his focus on his goal and tirelessness.


  • 追求完美态度,启发我们发掘进步的空间,推动我们努力不懈向前迈进。

    The pursuit of idealism inspires us to identify areas of advancement, motivating us on a journey of endeavours.


  • 如果提高成交量,赚得更多佣金,你必须努力不懈影响客户对你的观感

    If you want to close more business and earn more commissions, it is imperative that you work tirelessly to influence these perceptions;


  • 愚笨无知毫无顾忌地恣情放逸;聪明的却保持努力不懈,视勤奋无上珍宝

    Fools, men of little intelligence, give themselves overt negligence, but the wise man protects his diligence as a supreme treasure.


  • 首先,他用区别针到一支钢笔,然后陶瓷门把手,努力不懈的结果便是这座房子。

    The clip was first exchanged for a wooden pen, which was traded for a ceramic doorknob, and the process continued right up to the house.


  • 我们努力不懈解决这个问题之前,首先弄清什么导致情况陷入如此糟糕非常重要。

    But even as we work tirelessly to dig our way out of this hole, it is important that we address what led us into such a deep mess in the first place.


  • 问题在于是否专心,而在于你是否相信包括你自己,值得你如此地努力不懈

    The problem is not one of concentration ; it is the belief that no one , including yourself, is worth consistent effort.


  • 放眼未来,西莱地板努力不懈追求无限朝着专业、更大型国际性企业目标进发

    Looking ahead, Xilai Sen floor will be hard work, pursuit of unlimited, towards a more professional, more large-scale international enterprise goal.


  • 但如果努力不懈任何公开赛这里小鸟那里一只小鸟,我们看到时我排名在哪里

    If I keep plugging along, just like any U. S. Open, with a birdie here and there, we'll see where I end up.


  • 想到爱迪生以及今天重要科技发明背后磨练,我就会记住没有失败努力不懈,就没有成功

    When I think of Edison and the trials he went through inventing one of the most important forms of technology we have today, I remember that no one succeeds without failure and the ability to push on.


  • 各位毕业生同学这个不断变化世界中生存并且有所成就你们一定要有扎实知识面,一定要努力不懈

    Dear graduates, to live and succeed in an ever changing world, you must seek to have a firm knowledge of the world and never cease to improve yourself.


  • 了解学习一种语言不是容易但是只要同学按部就班并且努力不懈的学习,一定也可以英文学好的

    I understand that learning a language isn't an easy job, but you have to step forward with your best effort. You can make it one day.


  • 凭着健康医护专业人员公而忘私努力不懈工作精神,医院管理局确实提供了优质医护服务,切合整个社会需要

    Through the selfless and dedicated efforts of health care professionals, the Hospital Authority has indeed provided quality patient care to meet the needs of the community as a whole.


  • 潮流由我领,专业家庭”,华鸿企业精神,华鸿家具厂努力不懈,希望新的世纪里精心为演绎美好明天

    "lead the fashion, for the family with profession" is the spirit of HuaHong. Huan-Hong will try it's best for your better tomorrow in the new century.


  • 反省过去所有过失好好检讨改正最佳状态迎接新的一年自己的目标理想所奋斗努力不懈创造璀璨的未来

    All my fault, to reflect on the past to review and correct, to the best condition to greet the New Year, to own goal, ideal struggle, hard work, and create a bright future.


  • 美国是一种相信只要在美国经过努力不懈奋斗便获得更好生活理想。 但是在现在好像美国人自己认为美国梦已很难实现了…

    The American Dream lures people from all over the world, and it's because of this possibility: If you come here and work hard, your kids will have a better life than you.


  • 美国是一种相信只要在美国经过努力不懈奋斗便获得更好生活理想。 但是在现在好像美国人自己认为美国梦已很难实现了…

    The American Dream lures people from all over the world, and it's because of this possibility: If you come here and work hard, your kids will have a better life than you.


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