• 阿赫告诉加姆·贝尔·伊布利斯议员发现计划

    Aach informed Senator Garm Bel Iblis of Organa's discovery of the Death Star project.


  • 加姆·贝尔·伊布利斯一直象征着科雷利亚人强烈独立精神

    Garm Bel Iblis has long embodied the spirit of fierce Corellian independence.


  • 加姆·博阿开局不错三个回合的拳头蜂拥而上,没完没了。

    Gamboa started off well in the first three rounds of the fight, swarming Jimenez and hitting him with punches over and over.


  • 帝国恩多战役惨败加姆·贝尔·伊布利斯顽固地着他的预言成真

    After the defeat of the Empire at the Battle of Endor, Garm Bel Iblis stubbornly waited to be proven right.


  • 例如赫尔曼德情况,西方官员认为加姆·塞尔地区有5000参与投票

    In Helmand, for instance, Western officials believe that in the district of Garmser about 5,000 people voted.


  • 其中重要的人物,他俄亥俄州国会议员他叫克莱门特。法兰迪·加姆

    This gave them the name "Copperheads." One important Copperhead was a former Congressman from Ohio, Clement Vallandigham.


  • 数学模型这个上层建筑产生形成一个混合整数非线性问题解决使用软件加姆

    The mathematical model generated for this superstructure forms a Mixed Integer Non-Linear Problem which is solved using the software GAMS .


  • 新书中国非洲角色作者德博·拉加姆说道金砖四国以援助国捐助者的身份出现,对于贫困国家重要性,不亚于柏林墙倒塌对于东欧的重要性。

    Deborah Brautigam, author of a new book on China's role in Africa?, says the BRICs' emergence as aid donors is as important for poor countries as was the fall of the Berlin Wall for eastern Europe.


  • 还有安哥拉每日石油出口量作为担保多项协议修改从而提高了每天出口石油的数量——根据布罗加姆女士的说法,这是最初协议中规定的做法。

    In Angola as well, deals secured with daily oil exports have been revised so that larger amounts of oil need to be exported daily - a measure built into the original deals, according to Ms Brautigam.


  • 最爱的饮料是朗柠檬汁

    His favourite tipple was rum and lemon.


  • 2009年,澳大利亚考瑞大学的玛丽亚·玛库鲁·布朗了解侧化方面是否存在普遍认知优势

    In 2009, Maria Magat and Culum Brown at Macquarie University in Australia wanted to see if there was general cognitive advantage in lateralisation.


  • 当饮酒变成一种习惯,无法控制时,很快就开始整天大量喝伏特一些淡啤酒

    She soon moved on to downing large amounts of vodka, rum and lager throughout the day as her habit spiraled out of control.


  • 我们在车上已经呆了星期所以穆让我们到海滩一走时,我们从巴士上下来兴奋得小孩一样。

    We have been covered up for a week, so when Amjam suggests a walk on the beach, we pile off the bus like excited children.


  • 诺兰城堡位于缅因州滨海小镇建立1886年,已经成为这里一个地标

    Built in 1886, the Norumbega Castle in the coastal town of Camden, Maine, has become a landmark in the area.


  • 告诉我们事实上我们巴基斯坦境内仅有游客

    Amjam tells us that we are virtually the only tourists in Pakistan.


  • 威廉通过拍摄数百小时燧石敲击,对桑德动作进行电脑分析,把他的直觉翻译科学

    Williams translates Sandgathe's intuition into science by filming hundreds of hours of knapping and analyzing the knapper's movements on a computer.


  • 埃米尔·阿卜杜勒·拉扎克·阿尔·祖拜迪是济文物调查员,也是哈达尼的继任者。 祖拜迪甚至燃气开车新近发生劫掠地方。

    Mr. Hamdani’s successor as antiquities inspector for the province, Amir Abdul Razak al-Zubaidi, said he did not even have the budget to pay for gas to drive to the sites of new looting.


  • 有时候西确切地感觉到,生命终章冒险思绪底部盘旋,想要抓住时,却发现不过光线闹剧

    Sometimes Jasim felt sure that it was lurking just below the surface of his thoughts, but when he dived down to check it was nothing but a trick of the light.


  • 森·威廉插了进来,解了的围。他解释说,这个问题并不所提出那样简单事实上富布赖特一直努力我们州里养的打入外国市场

    Gaston Williamson broke in and bailed me out, explaining that the issue wasn't as simple as the question implied; in fact, Fulbright had been trying to open foreign markets to our chickens.


  • 达戈·王国首都甘巴国王名叫内德

    Its capital was Gambaga. The King of Dagomba was called Nedega.


  • 牛津,芬奇苏格兰便切断了查尔斯·巴里正在设计特法拉广场

    New Oxford Street had just been cut, and the Finchley road, the Caledonian and Camden roads, and Charles Barry was designing Trafalgar Square.


  • 维拉-卡累利珍珠俄罗斯象征

    Valaam - the pearl of Karelia, the real symbol of the northern Russia.


  • 委员会还有一位罗斯律师事务所的合伙人森·威廉同时还担任地区委员会阿肯色州评委。

    The committee included another Rose Law Firm partner, Gaston Williamson, who also served as the Arkansas member of the regional committee.


  • 一样粗糙上用色粉作画;和汉斯·梅林一样,他在完全竖直画板作肖像画

    Like Degas, he rubbed pastels over heavily textured paper; like Hans Memling, he painted portraits in severe vertical panels.


  • 查拉非洲联盟首脑会议期间记者谈话在这次首脑会议上受到许多国家首脑热情欢迎

    Charamba was speaking on the sidelines of the African Union summit, where Mr. Mugabe was warmly received by many heads of state.


  • 乌特图克海(斯图特郊区某地)梅赛德斯工厂附近一家咖啡馆老板说:“所有人担心丢掉工作。”

    Everyone is worried about his job, ” says Fatih Soylu, owner of the Café In near the Mercedes factory in Untertürkheim.


  • 看起来貌似很多但是实际上只是比塞塔时代3.5%那么多也是为什么国家银行不是担心尔多斯的努力部分原因

    That sounds like a lot, but is in fact just 3.5% of what was in circulation on the last day of the peseta's reign. Which is partly why the state bank isn't very concerned about Mugardos' efforts.


  • 意大利联合信贷银行首席经济学家,马可,“低度的压力测试”没有多大用处

    Marco Annunziata, the chief economist at UniCredit, says a "stress-test lite" won't be much use.


  • 意大利联合信贷银行首席经济学家,马可,“低度的压力测试”没有多大用处

    Marco Annunziata, the chief economist at UniCredit, says a "stress-test lite" won't be much use.


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