• 爱听别人走下坡路

    He doesn't take kindly to suggestions that he is over the hill.


  • 不管别人多少钱,任何匹马应该好好照看保护

    All horses deserve to be cared for and protected regardless of what a man says they are worth.


  • 文轩讨厌别人书呆子了,一时得火冒三丈抓起盈盈那张周杰伦最新专辑狠狠地在地上

    Wenxuan of the most hated people say he is a bookworm, and a moment angry furious, grabbed Yingying Jay Chou's new album goes on, mercilessly threw on the ground.


  • 父母若对孩子百依百顺,孩子就会习惯于随时随地得到任何东西无法听进去别人做得不对社会接受

    When parents give a child anything he wants, he is used to getting whatever he wants it, and not used to being told he is doing something wrong or society unacceptable.


  • 怎么能通过别人/知道/她呢?特别是只猫、一狂欢节面具罐头作为的头像的时候。

    How do you know anyone is who he/she says he is, especially when they put up pictures of themselves that might be their feet, or a cat, or a Mardi Gras mask, or a tin of Spam?


  • 别人聊天时候练习跳舞。”

    "I am practicing dancing while others are chatting," he says.


  • 即使现在工作稳定:“不起每月按揭贷款,所以不得不房间租给别人才能还得了贷款。”

    Even now that he is working steadily, he said, "I can't afford to pay my monthly mortgage payments on my own, so I have to rent rooms out to people to make that happen."


  • :“我真的很感谢史蒂夫和其善良的人帮助我。我也想帮助别人。”

    He says, "I'm really thankful to Steve and other kind people for helping me. I want to help others, too."


  • 位歌手说他没有自由,因为总是担心被别人跟踪。

    The singer said he couldn't get freedom because he always worried about being followed by others.


  • 过去的38年里,王先生多次假扮别人,甚至学会了不同的方言,这让被称为“奥斯卡获奖演员”。

    Over the past 38 years, Mr. Wang has pretended to be someone else many times, and has even learned to speak different dialects, leading to him being described as an "Oscar-winning actor".


  • 个人:“我只是写出了真相,我了你所的,但方式不同。” 所写的是:“今天是美好的一天,但我却看不见它。”我们很幸运,因为我们不仅可以看到美丽的世界,也帮助别人看到美丽的世界。所以,享受你今天所拥有的吧!

    The man said, "I only wrote the truth, I said what you said, but in a different way." What he had written was, "Today is a beautiful day, but I cannot see it." We're very lucky because we can not only see the beautiful world but also help others. So, enjoy what you have owned today!


  • 害羞实在不能接近别人。”

    "My shyness really prevents me from approaching people," he said.


  • ,“希望自己的头发别人产生想摸一摸的感觉。”

    'I want my hair to look like someone would want to touch it,' he says.


  • :“发现只要别人傻瓜对待,你就会发现其实挺酷的。”

    "I've found that people are cool if you don't treat them like jerks," he said.


  • ,要所能帮助别人这样世界才能正常运转

    'Do all you can for other people,' he says. 'That's what makes the world go round.


  • 听到告诉别人要一直到一百万时,'一千万。

    And when I tell people he is counting to one million, he says, 'No, ten million.


  • 拉提夫,射杀别人使不得安宁.因为分配,狙击步枪得到唯一武器,于是成为狙击手.:「所有人开枪时都一样不舒服.

    Shooting people gives him no pleasure, Latif says. He became a sniper because the sniper rifle was the only thing he got when weapons were distributed. "Everyone was equally bad at shooting," he says.


  • 比方别人家里抽烟的话,怎么请求主人的允许

    For example, what would he say to the host if he wants to smoke in his home?


  • 自己所感到恐惧愤怒害怕接触,就好像说他别人一样相信麻风病人罪过付出代价并且感染任何一靠近们的

    He was outraged at the fear he felt: fear of touching, as if he Shared the common belief that lepers were paying for their SINS and would infect anybody who came close.


  • 每次女儿正式登记的资料里成了别人孩子就心痛不已。

    He says it breaks his heart every time he talks about his daughter, who is officially registered as someone else's child.


  • 而且作为一个19世纪绅士,我们可以想见,乐意雇佣别人打杂,比方照顾火炉或者擦皮鞋

    And, as one would expect of a 19th-century gentleman, he was happy to pay others to carry out menial tasks for him, such as stoking his fire and polishing his shoes.


  • 就是,在砸自己别人之间只能一。

    That is to say, between his feet and another's feet, he can only choose either-or.


  • 金钱能够给买来幸福除非别人。”坚持

    "Money doesn't buy you happiness, unless you give it to others," he argued (but then he is a Buddhist monk).


  • 凯文承认钱的,以为别人发现此事之前把钱放回去,因为当时的处境很绝望、很无助。

    Kevin admitted he took it but said he thought he could put it back before it was missed, he was desperate and no one was there to ask.


  • 凯文承认钱的,以为别人发现此事之前把钱放回去,因为当时的处境很绝望、很无助。

    Kevin admitted he took it but said he thought he could put it back before it was missed, he was desperate and no one was there to ask.


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