• 知识经济时代专利保护重要意义不容质疑,专利刑法保护成为学界关注热点。

    In the time of knowledge economy, the importance of the protection of patent is beyond doubt, and the criminal protection of patent becomes the focus in the academic circles.


  • 根据全球化背景知识产权犯罪态势变迁现状,总结归纳目前知识产权刑法保护所面临挑战

    According to the changes of criminal situation of intellectual property rights under the globalization, summarized the current challenges faced by criminal protection of intellectual property rights.


  • 1979年刑法1997年刑法,再到2003年刑法修正案()》,环境刑法保护力度得到不断加强。

    From Criminal Law in 1979 to Criminal Law in 1997, and to Criminal Law amendment in 2003 (four), the degree of protecting the environment by Criminal Law has been getting the more reinforcement.


  • 我国刑法著作权犯罪作了较为详备规定然而现实中实施效果并不理想,造成一状况根本原因在于著作权刑法保护意识薄弱

    The carryout of crime of authorship law is not so successful though there are complete regulations on the crime of authorship of criminallaw in China because of the weak consciousness of protection.


  • 着重论述了企业商业秘密保护内幕信息披露冲突提出了构成商业秘密的内幕信息的证券法保护刑法保护与商业秘密保护协调

    The paper emphasize two main conflicts: one is between the protections for corporation business secret and inside information disclosure, and then offer some ways to coordinate by some relative laws;


  • 军事刑法独特价值取向决定了军事刑法应当突出国家军事利益保护

    Military Penal Code determines the unique values of the country should focus on protecting the interests of the military.


  • 正当防卫刑法一个重要问题,是保护国家人民合法权益的有效手段

    It is an effective way to protect the rights and interests of the state and people.


  • 公司制度作为益,一方面公司犯罪侵害对象,另一方面也是公司法规范刑法规范保护的对象。

    As the legal interests, the corporation system, is not only the object of the corporations crime, but also protected by the Company Law and the Criminal Law.


  • 后来,1997年修订的《刑法增加侵犯商业秘密,使我国商业秘密法律保护体系更臻完备。

    Later on, Criminal Law, revised in 1997, added the crime of infringing business secret, further perfecting China's legal protecting system of business secret.


  • 刑法目的对法益保护,对法益造成侵害危险行为受到刑法调整

    The purpose of criminal law is the protection of legal interests, Infringement on the legal interest or danger caused by the conduct against the adjustment of the criminal Code.


  • 为了有效制止严重暴力犯罪保护公民人身安全修订刑法增加特殊防卫规定。

    For stopping the serious violence the crime and protect the Human body of the citizen availably the safety, the new emendatory penal code increased the special defending the provision of the power.


  • 刑法作为一个社会共同体防卫体系底线公民隐私权的保护给予必要关注应有之意。

    That the criminal law, as the bottom line of social defense system, should pay attention to protecting citizens' privacy right is the key point of the thesis.


  • 刑法修正案()》我国公民个人信息保护一个里程碑但是由于现实条件的限制还是存在一些问题

    "Criminal Law Amendment (7)" is the right to protect the personal information of our citizens a milestone, but because of practical constraints still exist some problems.


  • 肯定虚拟财产法律地位后,刑法于谦抑性原则必要性应该进行保护

    After affirming the legal status of the virtual property, it is necessary to protect the virtual property by criminal law based on the principle of Modesty and the need of criminal law protection.


  • 为了惩罚损害债权保护债权,我国刑法应增设损害债权罪罪名罪状法定刑。

    In order to punish crimes of injury to credit rights and safeguard the credit rights, accusation and facts about the crime as...


  • 紧急避险我国刑法中的非禁止性条款,是刑法允许保护的行为,所以法定合法核心

    Urgent act of rescue is non-forbidden item in Chinese criminal law and permitted and protected by criminal law. Statutory legality is its heart. However expecting possibility is applied in mores…


  • 紧急避险我国刑法中的非禁止性条款,是刑法允许保护的行为,所以法定合法核心

    Urgent act of rescue is non-forbidden item in Chinese criminal law and permitted and protected by criminal law. Statutory legality is its heart. However expecting possibility is applied in mores…


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