• 相信拉弗内永远不会分开

    I don't believe Laverne and I will ever be parted.


  • 第一分开超过几天

    It was the first time Jane and I had been apart for more than a few days.


  • 珠帘子把两个房间分开

    A bead curtain separated the two rooms.


  • 庄稼牲畜放牧区分开至关重要。

    It was absolutely essential to separate crops from the areas that animals used as pasture.


  • 把刷子乔安娜头发分开了。

    Picking up a brush, Joanna parted her hair.


  • 大件物品分开收集

    Bulky items will be collected separately.


  • 过去男人他们的生活分开不会个人生活干扰职业生活。

    Traditionally men have compartmentalized their lives, never letting their personal lives encroach upon their professional lives.


  • 最后他们分开海蒂挥手

    When they parted at last, Heidi waved to him.


  • 一些谷物和谷壳分开

    I used some cloth to separate the meal from the husks.


  • 有色人种居住三个明显分开社区

    Colored people lived in three neighborhoods that were clearly separated.


  • 这些男人妻子孩子分开男人房子吃饭

    The men take their meals in a men's house, separately from their wives and children.


  • 语境文化信息事件动作都是分开个体

    A low-context culture is one in which the message, the event, or the action is a separate entity.


  • 不知不觉中愤怒哈利力和条蟒蛇分开了。

    Unconsciously, an angry of Harry makes Dudley separate from a boa constrictor.


  • 奶牛最好朋友它们分开时会感到压力

    Cows do have best friends and feel stressed when they are separated.


  • 他们已经分开时间了,不久他们就再次见面

    It is a long time after they separated, but it won't be long before they meet again.


  • 几个小时以来,无法这些分开尽管在梦中哀嚎

    For hours he could not be separated from these dreams, though he wailed piteously in them.


  • 工作生活分开的时候,建立这样联系有点困难了

    When you separate work and life, it's a little bit harder to make that connection.


  • 粗纱布筛过筛,便花粉同柔荑花序其它部分分开

    The pollen can then be separated from the rest of the catkin by sieving through cheesecloth or fine screen.


  • 许多父母反对孩子国外留学原因他们不想孩子分开

    Many parents object to sending their children to study abroad on the account that they don't want to separate with their children.


  • 双脚分开宽,双臂抱婴儿保持背部挺直,重复弯曲

    Standing with feet shoulder-width apart and cradle baby with both arms. Keeping a straight back and repeat deep knee bends.


  • 他们认为宗教政治应该明确分开他们普遍反对人道主义立法

    Religion and politics, they believed, should be kept clearly separate, and they generally opposed humanitarian legislation.


  • 我们现在囤积期刊以往多得多,所以我们决定它们报纸分开

    We now stock a far wider range of periodicals than we used to, so we've decided to separate them from newspapers.


  • 滑雪双腿分开保持更好平衡转弯向后靠在滑雪板上。

    It involved skiing with his legs apart for better balance and sitting back on the skis when he came to a turn.


  • 母亲还是婴儿时候分开了,后来我才知道我的母亲。

    My mother and I were separated when I was but an infant—before I knew her as my mother.


  • 如果手指放到底部缝隙中间这里需要小心弹簧东西分开就是这样

    If you put your fingers between the crevice at the bottom, and here's where you gotta watch out for the spring, pull the thing apart and that's it.


  • 许多人类其他动物截然分开

    Many people make a sharp distinction between humans and other animals.


  • 双脚大步稳稳分开,双微微弯曲

    She planted her feet wide and bent her knees slightly.


  • 语言是从根本上人类动物区分开事物

    Language is something that fundamentally distinguishes humans from animals.


  • 我们所有餐馆中,吸烟区吸烟区分开的。

    In all our restaurants, smoking and non-smoking areas are segregated from each other.


  • 正是自然质朴偏爱道家人士儒家人士中区分开

    It was a preference for naturalness and simplicity that separated the Taoists from the Confucians.


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