• 其中冷冻时间冷冻温度影响最为显著。

    The significant factors are cooling time and freezing temperature.


  • 验证控制冷冻时间冷冻温度减少冰晶夹带率作用

    As a result, the control of freezing time and freezing temperature played an important role in reducing the entrainment of ice crystals.


  • 结果表明机械强度凝胶浓度冷冻时间增加而增强

    The experimental results show that the mechanical strength is increased with increasing the polymer concentration and the freezing time.


  • 冷库中,冷冻食品经过长时间保存后,依然可以食用但是一旦解冻,食品很快就腐烂了。

    Frozen food remains edible for a very long time in the freezer, but once thawed, it spoils quickly.


  • 不要流水解冻冷冻食物最好食物放在冰箱里用一个晚上的时间来解冻。

    Don't use running water to defrost frozen food. Ideally place food in refrigerator to defrost overnight.


  • 研究人员知道他们青蛙细胞存活多长时间所以他们决定马上冷冻他们

    The researchers had no idea how long their frog cells would last and so decided to freeze them at once.


  • 看到额外好处土豆块黄瓜保持冷冻时间更长,因为土豆片自身增加轻微重量这会眼袋增加一点压力

    The only added benefit I can see is that the potato quarters will stay colder longer than cucumber slices, and since they will be slightly heavier, they will add a little pressure to the eyebags.


  • 每月集中做饭称为冷冻烹调投资性烹调只要计划得当,可以节约很多时间

    Once-a-month cooking, also known as freezer or investment cooking is a terrific way to save time if you approach it in an organized fashion.


  • 他们每月几天时间做好全家,每次冷冻柜里存上1317顿饭。

    They devote a few days a month to cooking all their family meals then store 13 to 17 meals in the freezer each time.


  • 例如如果可供人出入的冷冻储藏室的门在很时间内没有关上感应器通过短信的方式告知餐厅经理或者根据实时销售量调节披萨烤箱温度

    For instance, sensors can ping restaurant managers with text messages if a walk-in refrigerator is left ajar for too long, or coordinate pizza-oven temperatures based on real-time sales.


  • 已经好的蔬菜与水果很方便的但是你不要可以把他们放得很久。水果会变质但是一些水果可以冷冻的方法或者藏的方法得到更长时间的保存。

    Fruit may begin to spoil within a day or two after cutting, however some fruits can be purchased in frozen or canned forms that last much longer.


  • 没有冰箱冷冻情况下,猪肉要么做出肉要么做成烤肉,可以保存较长的时间

    The meat was cured, either by salting or smoking, to preserve it in a time when there weren't any fridges and freezers!


  • 超过20%干燥时间保存了常规冷冻干燥相比经营之下情况测试了

    More than 20% of drying time was saved compared with conventional freeze drying under the operating conditions tested.


  • 味道的情况下尝起来更强烈并且冷冻的情况下持续时间更长

    Both sour and astringent solutions tasted stronger at warm temperatures, and the intensity lasted longer than it did with chilled drinks.


  • 因为冷冻食品需要烹制时间,所以美国它们自然就成了到处都欢迎的食品了。

    Since frozen foods require so little time to cook, they have naturally become very popular everywhere in the country.


  • 研究超声波功率、超声波作用时间、超声波脉冲值对提高毛豆仁浸渍冷冻速率影响

    The effect of power ultrasound on freezing rate was influenced by ultrasound power, exposure time and the ultrasound pulsed to which ultrasound was applied.


  • 通过草菇进行冷冻干燥实验研究了过程中样品中心温度水分时间的变化关系

    The relations of temperature and water fraction versus drying time during freeze drying of mushroom have been studied.


  • 建立了肉丁冷冻干燥传热传质模型模型计算理论干燥时间实验进行比较

    The heat conducting model of freeze drying diced chicken meat was established, and the theoretical drying time was worked out from the model and was compared with the experimental value.


  • 罐头冷冻蔬菜需要烹饪时间较短,否则导致烹饪过熟。

    Canned and frozen vegetables take less time to cook and can produce overcooked dishes.


  • 冷库中,冷冻食品在经过时间保存后,依然可以食用但是一旦解冻,食品很快就腐烂了。

    Frozen food remains edible for Avery long time in the freezer, but once thawed, it spoils quickly.


  • 冷冻冷藏时间延长面团弹特性拉伸阻力减小,面团延伸度增大

    With frozen storage time, dough viscoelasticity and resistance to extension (R) of dough decreased but dough extensibility (E) increased.


  • 实验研究结果表明加压冷冻将能够大大提高食品冻结速度缩短冻结时间减少由于冻结过程所引起的干耗。

    The result of the experiment shows that increasing pressure will greatly increase the rate of food freezing, shorten the freezing time, and reduce the weight loss during the freezing of food.


  • 目的研究并探索一种最合适保存同种异体神经冷冻温度时间最小排斥反应和最好的神经再生。

    Objective To seek the proper temperature and period of cryopreservation for allogenic nerve grafts, which results in minimum rejection reaction and best nerve regeneration.


  • 结果:①主动脉动脉冷冻10复温后随时间的延长动脉管壁NO_2~-含量逐渐升高。

    Results: (1)NO concentration increased in artery wall as freezing at aorta and femoral wall lasted for 10 seconds but decreased as freezing time prolonged to 2 minutes at aorta wall.


  • 非活性保存有干燥保存、冷冻保存角膜镜片保存方法;保存时间分为短期中期中长期和较长期保存。

    On the other hand, it was classified as short-term, intermediate term, medium-long term and very long-term according to the duration of storage.


  • 保持工作稳定一定工作时间目标,优化选择了冷冻作为冷源,对冷源腔进行了结构优化。

    Taken keeping temperature of the sink source working stably and lasting a certain time as target, sink source was optimized and freezing ice was selected as sink source.


  • 腌制贮藏初期亚硝酸盐含量逐渐升高,第9出现“亚硝”,其峰值远远高于保鲜冷冻贮藏,但随着腌制时间延长亚硝酸盐含量迅速下降

    The content of the peak "nitrite" appeared on the 9th day in pickling storage, with the time progressing the content of nitrite reduced rapidly.


  • 腌制贮藏初期亚硝酸盐含量逐渐升高,第9出现“亚硝”,其峰值远远高于保鲜冷冻贮藏,但随着腌制时间延长亚硝酸盐含量迅速下降

    The content of the peak "nitrite" appeared on the 9th day in pickling storage, with the time progressing the content of nitrite reduced rapidly.


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