• 此图像反映,漂浮高度失踪棕色要高

    The ammonia clouds float at a higher altitude than the missing brown clouds, obscuring them from view.


  • 新的哈勃图片揭示木星情况隐藏后面

    New Hubble images reveal what happened to one of Jupiter's main cloud belts: it's hiding behind ammonia clouds.


  • 图中显示了火山喷发气体宽广海洋热能辐射上的细微差别

    The image shows subtle differences in thermal energy radiated by volcanic emissions, the open ocean, and water and ice clouds.


  • 由于冰云垂直配置降水冰云辐射过程的响应不同的。

    The radiative effects of water- and ice-clouds on rainfall are different due to their vertical profiles.


  • a组的MODIS卫星拍摄复合而成的真彩图,颗粒船舶形层曲目以及海洋上层

    Panel (a) True color composite of one MODIS granule showing Marine stratocumulus clouds with ship tracks as well as upper-level ice clouds.


  • 奥尔怀疑是木星全球模式改变将富含氨的物质到了SEB之上清澈寒冷区域为在高空形成打下了基础。

    Orton suspects that changes in global wind patterns have brought ammonia-rich material into the clear, cold zone above the SEB, setting the stage for formation of the high-altitude, icy clouds.


  • 精确计算有效尺度10微米180微米,波长从0.4微米到2.2微米冰云的单次散射特性,也形成了对应的散射数据库

    The database includes all single-scattering properties of cirrus. The database is valid at wavelength from 0.4 micron to 2.2 micron and the effective dimension from 10 micron to180 micron.


  • 这种反馈可能涉及陆地海洋水蒸气这些会吸收辐射热

    Such feedbacks might involve ice on land and sea, clouds, or water vapor, which also absorb radiant heat.


  • 研究者称,飞机飞行临界点以下,为那些过冷的液态水提供形成的颗粒,使凝聚冻结

    As planes push cloud temperatures past the tipping point at which supercooled water freezes, the aircraft "seed" the clouds with ice particles, the study says.


  • 交互作用岩浆雾化通常火山灰更为纯净的微粒,同时,它产生蒸气火山灰送到了比通常更高高空

    The interaction of heat and ice atomized the magma into much finer particles than is typical, and created a steam cloud that sent the ash higher than usual into the air.


  • 大部分飞入太阳系彗星似乎来自奥特的外部区域——奥特是自太阳系诞生以来剩余残骸形成的区域。

    Most comets that fly into the inner solar system seem to come from the outer region of the Oort cloud - a region of icy dust and debris left over from the birth of the solar system.


  • 奥尔一个粉尘组成庞大信它距离太阳一光许多穿越我们太阳系彗星都来自那里。

    The Oort cloud is a vast belt of dust and ice that is believed to lie around one light year from the Sun and is the origin of many of the comets that pass through our solar system.


  • 现在微观物理学家安德鲁·海明斯菲尔德(Andrew Heymsfield)他的同事已经发现飞机的飞行确实形成这样的

    Now, ice microphysicist Andrew Heymsfield and colleagues have found that aircraft really can create the odd clouds.


  • 研究人员认为一旦旋风带电微粒彼此分开风暴进入充电状态,产生被极度充电

    Researchers believe storms become electrically charged when swirling wind, water and ice separate charged particles from one another, creating regions of cloud that are strongly charged.


  • 马来西亚最大彭亨州——也就是所在地——应该向中国学习一下如何开发旅游基础设施

    Malaysia's largest state, Pahang - where Rompin is located - would benefit from studying what China's Yunnan Province has done to develop tourism infrastructure.


  • 光线进入彩光线在到达我们眼睛花费大部分时间水滴折射

    The majority of the light rays spend their time refracting off of water droplets and ice inside of the cloud before heading to our eyes.


  • 形成它们可能形成少量的水落下冻结的水形成固体

    Clouds are made of water. They may be made of very small drops of water. Ice is frozen water or water that has become solid.


  • 建立一个适用于复杂地形模式。模式维、弹性静力采用地形跟随坐标包含参数物理过程参数化。

    A hail cloud model that is two dimensional elastic non hydrostatic, USES a terrain following coordinate system and includes double parameters for ice phase microphysics, has been developed.


  • 考察微观参数凝华附和繁生等过程要素分布和降水影响。并作了不同条件下播数值试验。

    The effects of various parameters for macro- and micro-scale, sublimation, rimming and multiplication on cloud physics elements and precipitation are examined and the effects of seeding are simulated.


  • 地表太阳辐射传输光学厚度,太阳高度地表反照率参数化。

    Transmission of Solar Radiation by Clouds over Snow and Ice Surfaces: a Parameterization in Terms of Optical Depth, Solar Zenith Angle, and Surface Albedo.


  • 奥尔一个粉尘组成庞大信它距离太阳一光许多穿越我们太阳系彗星都来自那里。

    Thee Oort cloud is a vast belt of dust and ice that is believed to lie around one light year from the Sun and is the origin of many of the comets that pass through our solar system.


  • 附近水域旗鱼种类全世界最多,但直到最近15发现

    The waters near Rompin offer one of the most abundant sailfisheries in the world, which has only been discovered within the past 15 years.


  • 尽管我们认为夜光裹着微粒组成,但仍有许多未知有待研究。

    Although noctilucent clouds are thought to be composed of small ice-coated particles, much remains unknown about them.


  • 研究结果表明, AREM模拟含量稍偏高, 降含量稍偏低

    The results show that, the content of cloud liquid water is overestimated by the AREM while the content of precipitation ice is underestimated.


  • 研究结果表明, AREM模拟含量稍偏高, 降含量稍偏低

    The results show that, the content of cloud liquid water is overestimated by the AREM while the content of precipitation ice is underestimated.


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