• 希望来年北京相聚继续我们对话

    I'm looking forward to seeing you again in Beijing next year and continue our dialogue.


  • 因为即使他们可能分离,他们将来仍有机会相聚

    For even though they may be parted from each other, it is likely that they will see again some day in the future.


  • 同时告诉意味着离开家人段时间但是我们随后相聚

    And I told her that it also meant leaving her family for a while, but we would join her later.


  • 时光飞逝,转眼已经半年了。真诚希望大家来参加,我们美国城一家人相聚

    It's been a long time and we miss you all. It would be so great if you can make it. Can't wait!


  • 俗话说“不能重逢,两相逢若是有缘不久将来我们还会相聚

    As the saying goes "two mountain can't meet again, two people can always meet" if decree by destiny in the near future, we will be together.


  • 那个青年,这时想象着丰盛晚餐以及怎样使谈话愉快,以便在散戏之后再相聚

    "Of course it is, " said the youth, who saw visions of a fine dinner now, and such invigorating talk as would result in a reunion after the show.


  • 根本无法分开只是为了看看是什么使得打勾即使,你可能永远不会回来相聚

    You simply cannot take it apart just to see what makes it tick, and even if you could, you probably could never get it back together again.


  • 离别可能来得很快,超乎我们完全对方表达情感的速度,并且我们可能从来不知道什么时候我们再相聚

    Parting may come sooner than we can fully express our feelings towards each other, and we may never know when we will meet again.


  • 结果显示BM2BM3世代首先聚为一支,然后BM1世代为一大支,最后与BM0世代再相聚

    The results of clustering showed that BM2 and BM3 was the first cluster which with BM1 was the second cluster, and then with BM0 to be the third cluster.


  • 相信你们这些今天毕业学生你们在前几年毕业的、现在回来哈佛朋友相聚学生们,以及来毕业生们,一定会为创造更美好社会更多贡献

    You who graduate today and who are recent and not so recent graduates who return to meet your Harvard friends again, can I believe do much to contribute to the betterment of society.


  • 留下至少一部分工作无关时间无论你用家人相聚锻炼身体,或从事业余爱好或者只是放松放松

    Leave at least one big block for doing non-work stuff, whether that's spending time with family, or exercising, or doing a hobby, or just relaxing.


  • 尽管贾皓鼓励第二次一定考上的,那时他们北京相聚

    Although Jia Hao encouraged her over and over again that she would succeed at the second try and they would reunion in Beijing, however, he said so at the last time.


  • 离别为了相聚相逢还会相逢离时雨水皆化待得重逢兄弟世情,两兄弟,需要太多语言

    Parting is to get together, meet people who will meet again from rain all alcohol, stay two brothers a worldly reunion, two brothers, do not need to too much language.


  • 世界大最著名的游戏角色第一相聚世界大型体育赛事上同场竞技,这让我们激动不过了。

    For the first time, two of the world's greatest games characters come together to compete in the world's greatest sporting event and we couldn't be more excited.


  • 自然界流体生物流动寻找最少抵抗,并漩涡相聚重新分支,流入新的微细的支流血管

    The nature, the fluids and the living things are always seeking for the least resistance, so they always meet in swirls and diverge into capillary vessels.


  • 我来说节日总是起始我们相聚的时刻。期待马上欢聚

    For me, the holidays start when we get together. Looking forward to talking and catching up soon!


  • 埃拉开心,谢谢希望相聚

    Ella: I really had a wonderful time, thank you very much. I hope to see you again. Bye-bye.


  • 埃拉开心,谢谢希望相聚

    Ella: I really had a wonderful time, thank you very much. I hope to see you again. Bye-bye.


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