• 尤里·洛卡斯怀疑陷阱留在外面可是其它进入宫内

    Eurylochus, fearing that some trap might be laid for them, remained outside, but all the others went into the palace.


  • 因为家里没有其它,所以只好着她的两个儿子医院

    She takes her two sons to the hospital, because there is no one else at home.


  • 然而不同其它从不上帝因为上帝超越了我们理解

    Unlike many other people, however, I have never called God the light, because God is beyond our comprehension.


  • 许多其它的人担心名单表现出隐私侵犯一些质疑是否合法

    Many others worry that the list represents an infringement on privacy, with some questioning whether it's legal.


  • 有些团员会走两圈其它的人则走上好几英里沿途学习有趣的新知。

    Some walkers make the loop once or twice, while others manage to log several miles, learning about interesting subjects along the route.


  • 根据定义形势感性判断包括推断——思维状态依赖于其它

    By definition, sensing a situation involves projection — that state of mind whereby you attribute your own ideas to other people and things.


  • 做生意广告犹如黑暗中向女孩眼睛。知道自己在做什么,但其它的人不知道。

    Doing business without advertising is like winking at a girl in the dark. You know what you are doing, but nobody else dose.


  • 基于事例系统CBS)本身特性使得验证有效性不同其它智能系统。

    The unique factors of case-based systems (CBS) make verification and validation of CBS different from other types of artificially intelligent systems.


  • 通过他们高级社区所有成员可以其它程序数据或者这些资源特定组合进行沟通

    And through them, all the members of the super community can communicate with other people, with programs, with data, or with a selected combinations of those resources.


  • 深信圣周不仅很多其它的一个忙碌时间他们的精诚合作使礼仪进行得活泼顺畅

    I am sure that Holy Week was a busy time not only for me, but for so many people who put their talents together to make liturgies run smooth and lively.


  • 各种研究当中明显澳大利亚老年其它宠物可能性小,只有28%的宠物

    What is evident from various studies, is that elderly Australians are less likely to keep pets than the rest of the population with only 28% being pet owners.


  • 要提醒自己:“使受伤的并不是事件本身因为其它的人很可能遇到这种情况时一点也受伤害。”

    Remind yourself: "What hurts this person is not the occurrence itself, for another person might not feel opposed by this situation at all."


  • 这些极端法案教殖民地其它惊吓他们害怕这些法案会指向废除他们自己的议会取消他们基本英国公民权

    These extreme ACTS frightened other colonists who feared lest they point towards abolition of their own assemblies and the abrogation of fundamental rights as Englishmen.


  • 这些极端法案殖民地其它惊吓他们害怕这些法案会指向废除他们自己的议会取消他们基本英国公民权

    These extreme ACTS frightened other colonists, who feared lest they point towards abolition of their own assemblies and the abrogation of fundamental rights as Englishmen.


  • 因为的手掌纹理相对很多其它生物学特征具有稳定性清晰易于采集性,因而出现了许多针对掌纹的识别算法

    The human palmprint is more stable, more clearly represented and easier to collect compared with other human biological characteristics, thus many palmprint recognition algorithms are developed.


  • 我们逐个中心解决(地铁通道总是畅通),而其它的人分配其它交通工具规划上,包括停放位置是否恰当、规划抵达出入口线路等。

    We work from center to center (the metro channel is always inflexible) and the remainder is distributed to other vehicles parked where appropriate, and routes to reach the thresholds.


  • 事实上这部作品多少像是哲学探索过程,双双仿效荷马其它探索过程,预了准备,作品可参见塞万提斯依斯的著作。

    In fact, the work is a kind of philosophical odyssey that both imitates Homer, but also anticipates other great odysseys of the human mind, works by those like Cervantes or Joyce.


  • 看着这个, 又了那些其它的人机器即兴互动, ——没错还有其它和机器即兴互动的项目——差不多也是一个个象棋游戏式的互动。

    And, when I was looking at this, I looked at other works in human-robot improvisation -- yes, there are other works in human-robot improvisation -- and they were also a little bit like a chess game.


  • 越来越其它痴呆症、中风动脉硬化肺气肿老年疾病感到困扰了。

    Other diseases of old age—dementia, stroke, arteriosclerosis and emphysema—are also troubling fewer and fewer people.


  • 研究猜测这些乌鸦父母其它成员那里学会辨认有威胁

    The researchers hypothesize that crows learn to recognize threatening humans from both parents and others in their flock.


  • 其它条件相同情况下,能有效表达自己肯定语言表达能力差容易获得成功

    Other things being equal, a man who expresses himself effectively is sure to succeed more rapidly than a man whose command of language is poor.


  • 可以考虑使用电动牙刷尤其患有关节炎其它疾病来说,电动牙刷使刷牙轻松有效

    Consider using an electric or battery-operated toothbrush, especially if you have arthritis or other problems that make it difficult to brush effectively.


  • 一般认为哮喘心脏病其它疾病数增加灰色空气中的主要成分颗粒污染物有关。

    Particulate pollution, a major ingredient of hazy skies, has been linked to higher death rates from asthma, heart disease, and other ailments.


  • 这个主意流行,其它地方知道以后,6年里伦敦巴黎,波尔多里昂纷纷有公交车

    The idea was so popular that people in other places heard about it and within 6 years busses were set up in London, Paris, Bordeaux, and Lyons.


  • 一个酒店保安护送厄本电梯口,示意让到其它楼层离开

    A hotel security guard escorts her and Urban down in the elevator, waving away people who try to board on other floors.


  • 协议授权欧盟在过境点进行监督美国官员,这可以其它国家参加来加以扩大

    That accord provided for a European Union monitoring presence at the crossings, which U.S. officials say could be augmented by personnel from other countries.


  • 知情周日上午分歧导致贝尔来自其它机构士发生激烈争论

    On Sunday morning, the disagreement ignited a heated debate between Ms. Bair and her counterparts at other agencies, say people familiar with the discussions.


  • 是的然后其它地方那些那么其他他们一样那么

    Yes, and let people from other places drink the water, so that others can live just as long as them.


  • 是的然后其它地方那些那么其他他们一样那么

    Yes, and let people from other places drink the water, so that others can live just as long as them.


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