• 评估风险分为外界风险机构风险关联风险三大类。

    The risk of valuation can be separated as external risks, risks rising from appraisal firms and re lated risks.


  • 削弱了关于将其拆分几家较小的、具有相同关联风险之银行一说的力度。

    This weakens the case against breaking them up into several smaller ones with the same correlated risks.


  • 哈佛大学研究没有证明两者之间直接联系指出了这种接触行为问题风险之间的强烈关联

    Even the Harvard study did not prove a direct correlation but noted strong associations between exposure and risk of behavioral issues.


  • 说明实际信息好处清楚地说明评估风险(项目超限失败关联)之间关系

    Explain the benefit of actual information, and clearly show the correlation between estimates and the risks associated with project overruns and failure.


  • 这些工具,他们可以确定变更导致应用程序其他部分什么影响以及什么风险关联

    From this they can determine what impact on other parts of applications may result from a change and what risks are associated with that.


  • 因此需要检测更正流程模型中的反模式提高流程模型质量并降低与其关联经济风险

    Thus, you need to detect and correct anti-patterns in process models to improve the quality of process models and reduce their associated economic risk.


  • 但是他们指出性能死亡率之间关联视为风险相同握力研究其中包括一个年轻健康人口大概

    But, they point out, the same association between performance and mortality risk was seen in the grip strength studies, which included a younger and presumably healthier population.


  • 预测能够预知常常暴发风险增加关联气候条件并且可以改善疾病控制

    Forecasting can predict climatic conditions that are frequently associated with an increased risk of outbreaks, and may improve disease control.


  • 避免使用日光浴浴床。35之前使用日光浴浴床与恶性黑素瘤风险增加75%之间关联

    Avoid sunbeds: use of sunbeds before the age of 35 is associated with a 75% increase in the risk of melanoma.


  • 因此收集数据质量标准同时应该根据每个问题严重程度以及关联业务风险,确定它们优先次序。

    Data quality criteria should therefore be prioritized as they are collected according to both the perceived severity of each problem as well as the business risks associated with not addressing it.


  • 因此,不正确模型表现出非预期错误行为进而增加这些模型关联经济风险

    Incorrect models thus show unexpected and incorrect behaviors, which increase the economic risk associated with the models.


  • 这项研究已知首个试图风险因素老年痴呆症关联加以量化进行比较分析

    The study is the first known analysis that tries to quantify and compare how risk factors are associated with Alzheimer's.


  • 如果严谨地构造这种关联,就可以实现更好风险管理提高IT系统实现所有阶段的可预测性

    This association, if conducted rigorously, results in better risk management and predictability in all phases of it system implementation.


  • 由于风险需求关联的,所以消除风险一种方式就是移除或者减少风险相关需求

    Since risks are associated with requirements, one way to remove risk is to remove or diminish the requirement with which the risk is associated.


  • 他们美国临床营养学杂志》表示:“研究结果说明服用复合维生素乳腺癌患癌风险增加关联的。”

    They told the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition: 'These results suggest multivitamin use is associated with an increased risk of breast cancer.


  • 相反假使一般披露整个行业回报关联密切,他们的任务就是确定系统整体风险

    Rather, their task is to determine the risks imposed on the system as a whole if common exposures significantly increase the correlation of returns across institutions.


  • 一个公平约束意味着双方应该具有足够承担过程中所包含以及它们关联风险的能力,并且也很愿意承担这种挑战

    An equitable commitment means that both parties are sufficiently knowledgeable of the undertaking, the processes involved, and their associated risks, and both willingly undertake the challenge.


  • 数十年研究发现降低胆固醇减少心脏疾病风险关联

    Decades of research links lower cholesterol to a reduced risk of heart attacks.


  • 幸运是,这些疾病共同涉及与可以改变行为关联一些为数有限风险因素烟草使用不恰当饮食缺乏运动酒精有害使用。

    Fortunately, these disease share a limited number of risk factors linked to behaviours that can be modified: tobacco use, improper diet, lack of physical activity, and the harmful use of alcohol.


  • 研究人员并没有找到男人喝茶减低胃癌风险中有关联

    The researchers found no link between more tea drinking and reduced stomach cancer risk among men.


  • 举行风险会议频率银行绩效是否关联依然不清晰

    Nor is there a clear link between the frequency of risk-related meetings and a bank's performance.


  • 正常情况下监管部门不会关注内部转移存款定价对于银行来说,借钱成本毫无疑问贷款风险关联的。

    Normally regulators are not concerned with the pricing of internal transfers, but for Banks the cost of borrowing is inextricably tied to the riskiness of the loan.


  • 正如报告分析将重点放在风险之间的相互关联上,研究相应的风险应对机制起到重要作用

    Analyses such as the one provided in this report that focus on risk interconnections therefore play an important role at focusing the debate on risk response.


  • 这些作者重新分析数据发现不论人们生活经历如何,并“存在复合基因抑郁症风险关联证据,”Merikangas博士表示

    The authors reanalyzed the data and found "no evidence of an association between the serotonin gene and the risk of depression," no matter what people's life experience was, Dr. Merikangas said.


  • 贷款复核人员使用公司贷款风险评估 (Load Risk Evaluation)门户评估特定代贷款申请关联风险从而帮助作出审批决策

    The loan reviewer uses the company's Loan Risk Evaluation portal to evaluate the risk associated with a specific loan application, which helps in making an approval decision.


  • 企业必须充分地了解这样重要资产,不仅从中获得最大利益而且要正确地加以管理从而减少之相关联风险

    An asset so important must be fully understood not only to maximize the benefits obtained from it, but also to properly manage and, consequently, to mitigate the risks associated with it.


  • 作为一个群体他们出生体重偏低风险人群关联日后生活中的肥胖高血压2型糖尿病罹患率

    But as a group they're at a higher risk for low birth weight, which is associated with obesity, hypertension and type 2 diabetes later in life.


  • 作为一个群体他们出生体重偏低风险人群关联日后生活中的肥胖高血压2型糖尿病罹患率

    But as a group they're at a higher risk for low birth weight, which is associated with obesity, hypertension and type 2 diabetes later in life.


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