• 当然如果发生拟制共同海损这种理由适用了。

    Of course, if they made up a general average, this pretext would be no longer available.


  • 数字规则已有规定者外,共同海损字母规则理算

    Except as provided by the numbered rules general average shall be adjusted according to the lettered rules.


  • 数字规则已有规定者外,共同海损字母规则理算

    Except as provided by the numbered Rules, general average shall be adjusted according to the lettered Rules.


  • 旅客行李个人物品特殊情况外,参加共同海损分摊。

    Passengers' luggage and personal effects shall not contribute to general average except under extraordinary circumstances.


  • 也就是说,针对共同海损救助救助费用是不扣减免赔

    General average, salvage and salvage charges payable in full irrespective of insured value.


  • 根据提单装运旅客行李个人物品参加共同海损分摊。

    Passengers' luggage and personal effects not shipped under bill of lading shall not contribute in general average.


  • 作为共同海损临时修理费用''的扣减。

    No deductions 'new for old' shall be made from the cost of temporary repairs allowable as general average.


  • 海事法院受理未经理算共同海损纠纷可以委托理算机构理算。

    When entertaining a dispute arising from general average that has not been adjusted, the maritime court may commission an adjustment institution to have it adjusted.


  • 海事法院受理未经理算共同海损纠纷可以委托理算机构理算。

    In dealing with an unadjusted average dispute, the maritime court may entrust average adjusters with the adjustment.


  • 海上风险共同海损产生、存在原因双方免责基础

    Perils at sea are the root of cause of general average, the responsibility immunity for both the ship and the cargo parties concerned in a casualty being its foundation.


  • 只有属于共同海损行为直接后果损失费用,才作为共同海损

    Only such losses, damages or expenses which are the direct consequence of the general average act shall be allowed as general average.


  • 邮件旅客行李私人物品随带的机动车辆参加共同海损分摊。

    Mails, passengers' luggage, personal effects and accompanied private motor vehicles shall not contribute in general average.


  • 共同海损包含为保护其余货物运输工具而造成货物损失遗失

    General Average covers the situation where damage or loss of certain goods occurs so that the remaining cargo and the means of transport are saved.


  • 实际上,在海上保险出现之前共同海损曾经一个非常有用的概念

    In fact, before Marine insurance came into being, general average was once a very useful idea.


  • 假如共同海损原则不复存在的话,或许他就不能采取那样行为。

    If the principle of general average does not exist any more, a captain might not carry out the above-mentioned measures.


  • 货物抵达目的以前售出,按照出售净得金额加上共同海损牺牲的金额计算。

    Where the goods had been sold before its arrival at the port of destination, its value for contribution shall be the net proceeds plus the amount of general average sacrifice.


  • 共同海损损失分摊理算以航程终止的时间和地点价值为基础

    General average shall be adjusted as regards both loss and contribution upon the basis of values at the time and place when and where the adventure ends.


  • 书中涉及货物运输拖航船舶租赁海洋污染保险包括共同海损

    Addresses the carriage of goods, towage, charter parties, Marine pollution, and Marine insurance, including general average.


  • 抛弃货物除非按照公认的海运习惯运送,不得作为共同海损受到补偿。

    No jettison of cargo shall be allowed as general average, unless such cargo is carried in accordance with the recognised custom of the trade.


  • 抛弃货物按照公认的海运习惯运送者外,不得作为共同海损受到补偿。

    No jettison of cargo shall be made good as general average, unless such cargo is carried in accordance with the recognised custom of the trade.


  • 共同海损制度海商法古老特有制度,它是一种同舟共济的救济手段。

    General average system is an ancient and special mechanism of sharing the risk of ocean transport in admiralty and maritime law.


  • 货物或者谎报货物应当参加共同海损分摊;其遭受特殊牺牲不得列入共同海损

    Article200 goods undeclared or wrongfully declared shall be liable for the contribution to general average, but the special sacrifice sustained by such goods shall not be allowed as general average.


  • 第二百六十三条有关共同海损分摊请求权时效期间,自理结束之起计算。

    Article 263 the limitation period for claims with regard to contribution in general average is one year, counting from the day on which the adjustment was finished.


  • 以提供保证金方式进行共同海损担保,保证金应当交由海损理算以保管人名义存入银行

    Where the security has been provided in the form of cash deposits, such deposits shall be put in a bank by an average adjuster in the name of a trustee.


  • 船舶无论是否势必搁浅如果为了共同安全有意搁浅,因此所造成的损失认作共同海损

    When a ship is intentionally run on shore for the common safety, whether or not she might have been driven on shore, the consequent loss or damage shall be allowed in general average.


  • 为了防止减轻环境损害采取措施费用, 如果下列情况下产生,应认作共同海损

    The cost of measures undertaken to prevent or minimise damage to the environment shall be allowed in general average when incurred in any or all of the following circumstances.


  • 以提供保证金方式进行共同海损担保保证金应当交由海损理算师以保管人名义存入银行

    Where the security has been provided in the form. of cash deposits, such deposits shall be put in a bank by an average adjuster in the name of a trustee.


  • 第一百九十六条提出共同海损分摊请求的一方应当举证责任,证明损失应当列入共同海损

    Article 196 the onus of proof shall be upon the party claiming in general average to show that the loss or expense claimed is properly allowable as general average.


  • 在提货前缴付承运人认为足以支付预计货方应交共同海损摊款数额备用金其他担保

    The Merchant shall give such cash deposit or other security as the Carrier may deem sufficient to cover the estimated General Average contribution of the Goods before delivery.


  • 在提货前缴付承运人认为足以支付预计货方应交共同海损摊款数额备用金其他担保

    The Merchant shall give such cash deposit or other security as the Carrier may deem sufficient to cover the estimated General Average contribution of the Goods before delivery.


- 来自原声例句

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