• FredLebow纽约马拉松共同创始人

    Fred Lebow, New York City Marathon co-founder.


  • 《谋士:微软共同创始人回忆录保罗艾伦著。

    Idea Man: A Memoir by the Co-founder of Microsoft. By Paul Allen.


  • 传流博士――美国西弗吉尼亚大学经济学博士,中美教育公司共同创始人

    Dr. Chuanliu Ni – Ph. D. in Economics from West Virginia University – is CAEC's Chinese representative.


  • 伊恩还是全球岛屿网络(GIN)共同创始人以及世界土地信托基金顾问

    Iain is also a founder partner of the Global Islands Network (GIN) and a consultant to the World land Trust.


  • 这项技术已经存在使个人机器人成为现实,梅德·格里申,邮件共同创始人

    The technology already exists to make personal robots a reality, said Dmitry Grishin, co-founder of the Mail.


  • 有些营销人员没有意识到,负责技术方面共同创始人对于他们成功来说有多么重要

    And there are still plenty of hustlers not quite getting how important their technical co-founder actually is to their success.


  • 2009年夏天有幸见到Ticketfly的共同创始人安德鲁·德雷斯金•特里。

    In the summer of 2009, I had the great fortune to meet Andrew Dreskin and Dan Teree, co-founders of Ticketfly.


  • 77钻石公司共同创始人拜尔斯•柯麦德:“对于这次送钻石上太空的活动我们兴奋。”

    Tobias Kormind, co-founder of 77 Diamonds, says: 'We are very excited about the launch.


  • 新闻集团最近解雇了MySpace共同创始人首席执行官克里斯·德沃夫,并组建了自己管理团队

    News Corp recently ousted MySpace co-founder and CEO Chris DeWolfe and installed its own management team.


  • 具有讽刺意味艾伦怨恨主要焦点共同创始人强烈竞争性,而这也是推动微软走向伟大因素之一

    The irony is that the primary focus of Mr Allen’s resentment—his co-founder’s intense competitiveness—is also one of the things that propelled Microsoft to greatness.


  • 作为单干者,Grieselhuber觉得自己效率更高工作节奏更快因为不必共同创始人一起讨论战略问题。

    As a single founder, Grieselhuber feels like he can have a higher level of productivity and work at a faster pace, in part because he doesn't have to negotiate strategy and direction with co-founders.


  • 具有讽刺意味艾伦怨恨主要焦点共同创始人强烈竞争性,而这也是推动微软走向伟大因素之一

    The irony is that the primary focus of Mr Allen's resentment—his co-founder’s intense competitiveness—is also one of the things that propelled Microsoft to greatness.


  • 巴菲特这位微软共同创始人继续通过慈善宣传活动,呼吁富豪捐出至少半数财产也就是所谓巴比捐赠誓言

    Buffett and Microsoft‘s co-founder continue to push tycoons to eventually give away at least 50% of their wealth through their charity publicity project, the Giving Pledge.


  • 共同创始人,“我们实际上已拥有一个已知生物目录。”听起来非常基础,但是指出,当海洋生物普查项目

    "We actually have a list of the known named species," says Jesse Ausubel, co-founder of the census project and an environmental scientist at the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation.


  • 陶肯公司共同创始人之一首席执行官吉尔•弗里德兰德告诉记者:“第一可以下载到手机上的辐射监测软件。”

    "We are the first solution that can be downloaded to a phone," Tawkon co-founder and CEO Gil Friedlander told the reporters.


  • 事实上第一苹果标志罗兰德·韦恩创作是苹果公司的第三共同创始人(另外两位是乔布什斯蒂夫·沃兹尼亚克)。

    In fact, the first Apple logo is the work of Ronald Wayne, who some refer to as Apple's third co-founder (besides Mr Jobs and Steve Wozniak).


  • Mumsnet共同创始人丝廷•罗伯茨,“夸大提到母性时,尤其什么都匿名网络上肯定有些问题。”

    "It is certainly true that some issues when it comes to mothering become magnified, especially online, where everything can be anonymous," says Justine Roberts, co-founder of Mumsnet.


  • 最后位Xbox共同创始人奥托•伯克斯微软供职18年后,决定离开微软加盟西雅图地区之外一家未透露名称公司

    The last Xbox co-founder, Otto Berkes, is leaving Microsoft after 18 years for an undisclosed company outside the Seattle area.


  • 大卫-莱文KIPP共同创始人,他去年告诉,KIPP学校每个孩子发了一件T恤,上面写着:“不要棉花糖(当软蛋)”。

    Dave Levin, a co-founder of KIPP, told me last year about a KIPP school that gave every kid a t-shirt with the following slogan: “ Don’t Eat The Marshmallow“.


  • 一些坚决反对未婚同居致力于减少离婚率婚姻挽救组织的共同创始人迈克。梅乐思他们声称调查结果令人担忧

    But others who are firmly against cohabitation, such as Mike McManus, co-founder of Marriage Savers, a "ministry" that aims to reduce the divorce rate, calls the findings worrisome.


  • 接替共同创始人杨致远担任雅虎首席执行官之时,Bartz希望华尔街一些喘息空间停止公司施压要求雅虎采取大胆举措

    When she took over for Yang, a Yahoo co-founder, she demanded that Wall Street stop pressuring the company to take bold steps and instead give it some "breathing room."


  • Serfaty先生继续表示,本地企业家省级公务员也许微软共同创始人比尔·盖茨那样大牌,他们参与更多

    Local entrepreneurs and provincial civil servants may be less impressive as members than Bill Gates, Microsoft's co-founder, Mr Serfaty continues, but they are more engaged.


  • 微软共同创始人技术投资者亿万富翁保罗·艾伦出售292英亩。该岛地处华盛顿州沿岸经由Bornrich

    Microsoft cofounder and billionaire tech investor Paul Allen is selling his 292-acre private island off the coast of Washington (via the Bornrich).


  • 微软共同创始人亿万富翁保罗·艾伦回忆录中痛斥比尔·盖茨不仅背叛了疾病缠身生意伙伴,还曾企图剥夺公司股份

    Bill Gates betrayed his ailing business partner and tried to deprive him of his share of the Microsoft fortune, according to a scathing memoir from Paul Allen, the company's billionaire co-founder.


  • 例如Kayak公司共同创始人首席技术官保罗吉利让公司的新进员工列出他们认识杰出的人才然后他会力争一周内与他们见面。

    Paul English, co-founder and CTO of Kayak, asks recent hires to name the most talented people they know, and then Paul makes it a point to meet them in less than one week.


  • 为了阐明未来世界样子无线电公司AdozuEmber共同创始人罗伯特·普尔一个适中例子建筑物中的照明装置

    To illustrate what that world might be like, Robert Poor, the co-founder of two wireless companies, Adozu and Ember, USES a modest example: light fixtures in buildings.


  • 2001年,科罗斯先生遇到那时刚刚流行起来没有Google(谷歌)搜索引擎共同创始人年轻谢尔盖·布林拉里·佩奇

    In 2001 Mr Gross ran into Sergey Brin and Larry Page, the young co-founders of Google, a search engine that was just then becoming popular, but still had no way of making money.


  • “阿尔格斯二号决不一种医治失明疗法,制造该设备位于加利福尼亚洲西尔玛的第二视力公司首席执行官共同创始人罗伯特格林伯格

    The device, called the Argus II, is by no means a cure for blindness, says Robert Greenberg, the chief executive and co-founder of Second Sight, the company in Sylmar, California, that developed it.


  • 索尼的共同创始人盛田昭夫,还不得不为此它的工程师们高层管理人员进行斗争那些人认为这一没有录音功能的卡带机不会有什么作为。

    Sony’s co-founder, Akio Morita, had to battle with his own engineers and executives who argued that a tape-player without a recording function would never work.


  • 索尼的共同创始人盛田昭夫,还不得不为此它的工程师们高层管理人员进行斗争那些人认为这一没有录音功能的卡带机不会有什么作为。

    Sony’s co-founder, Akio Morita, had to battle with his own engineers and executives who argued that a tape-player without a recording function would never work.


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