• 毫无疑问,他们用“公开这些信息需要时间精心准备”来辩解

    They will, no doubt, argue that it takes time to properly prepare this information for public release.


  • 公开演说通常严格时间限制故此需要普通交谈细致准备

    It usually imposes strict time limitations on the speaker, and it requires more detailed preparation than dose ordinary conversation.


  • 如果他们计划只是内部使用公开源码软件准备发布产品,风险就是很小的。

    If they plan to use the open source software internally only, with no intent to distribute it, the risk is quite low.


  • 通用指望海外扩展支撑利润第四季度开始的公开募股准备

    GM is counting on expansion overseas to bolster profit as it prepares for an initial public offering as early as the fourth quarter.


  • 菅直人首相公开斥责公司面对海啸时的准备不周。

    Publicly, Mr Kan has lambasted the company's tsunami-preparedness.


  • 黑客道德规范20世纪70到80年代形成于美国西海岸这些道德规范幽默公开并且跃跃欲试,准备挑战专利控制,专利竞争甚至私有财产专利。

    The hacker ethic forged on America’s west coast in the 1970s and 1980s was playful, open to sharing, and ready to challenge models of proprietary control, competition and even private property.


  • 支灯泡在当时耗资4万美元(相对今天的85万美元),经历了1200次实验最终准备好了得以公开亮相

    It had cost $40,000 (about $850,000 in today’s money) and taken 1,200 experiments, but was ready at last for a public debut.


  • 麦凯恩需要持续不断公开健康状况(在《经济学人截稿时他正准备公布详尽的健康记录)。

    Mr McCain needs to be relentlessly open about his health (he was preparing to release detailed health records as The Economist went to press).


  • 准备好相关的知识问题以便帮助公开问题

    Be prepared with knowledge and questions that help expose the problem domain.


  • 波音洛克希德合资的企业“联合发射联盟公司(ula)”,公开承诺年内准备

    United Launch Alliance (ULA), a joint venture between Boeing and Lockheed, has publicly promised to be ready in four years.


  • 如果准备外部用户公开服务需要某种安全约束保证只有授权的用户才能访问服务。

    If you're going to expose services to external users, you need some kind of security constraints that make sure that only authorized users can access the services.


  • 公开承认需求可以作为证据之一,证明其实还准备好。

    Professing a need for love could also be taken as evidence that you weren't ready for it.


  • 作为一个混血儿妈妈准备公开地、简明地讲述人种问题上开个头

    As a relatively new mom to a biracial boy, I'm trying to get a head start on speaking openly and simply about race.


  • 可以准备一个单一服务网关它将公开所有(或者至少是几)服务执行所有常见处理比如监视问题诊断记录安全性

    You can prepare a single service gateway that exposes all (or at least groups of) services and that performs all common processing, such as monitoring, diagnostics, accounting, and security.


  • 一直公开反对海上钻井我个人认为他们已经准备好了。

    I have always spoken out against offshore drilling and personally I don't think they are ready for it yet.


  • 接口编写好后,准备编写调用接口公开方法客户

    With the interface written, you are ready to write the client class that calls the methods that the interface exposes.


  • 如果一家公司公开了他们某一类型案子准备最高资金准备的话那么没有对方律师谈判和解时肯少要一分钱。

    If a firm publishes a highestimate of what a particular type of lawsuit might cost it, no opposing lawyerwill settle for less.


  • 认为对于使用XMLWeb应用程序直接Web上公开这些XML和准备好在浏览器中使用的HTML一样非常重要

    I think it is very important for Web applications that use XML to expose this XML directly over the Web, as well as HTML prepared for the Web browser.


  • 甲骨文公开展示幻灯片1月份时发给马克·赫德,是Qatalyst准备的,用于我们独自甲骨文推介autonomy

    The slides Oracle posted publicly were sent by me to Mark Hurd in January, were prepared by Qatalyst and were for the purpose of our independently pitching Autonomy as an idea to Oracle.


  • 据内部人士透露,职业社交网站LinkedIn正在准备今年首次公开募股

    LinkedIn, the professional social network, is preparing its own public offering this year, said people with direct knowledge of the matter.


  • 然而参加一场公开水域赛事的时候,你需要准备好面对各种不同环境

    However, when you enter the water for an open water event, you need to be prepared for all sorts of different conditions.


  • 而然2%这个包含准备中期国债公开市场操作无效结论可能仍然正确的。

    However, at that point, it would still be true that open-market operations involving reserves and bills would not matter.


  • 值得注意的是,自从2008年12月联邦公开市场委员会一直联邦准备目标利率保持00.25%之间。

    Notably, since December 2008, the FOMC has held its target for the federal funds rate in a range of 0 to 25 basis points.


  • 年轻北爱尔兰高尔夫选手罗里•麦克罗伊6月19夺得美国公开冠军,整个城市准备庆祝

    The city was gearing up to celebrate the success of Rory McIlroy, the young Northern Irish golfer who won the US Open on June 19th.


  • 充满新的版本很多测试调整,和更新我们系统工具准备2.1系列公开测试。

    Full of new versions, a lot of testing and tweaking, poking and updating of our systems and tools in order to get the 2.1 series ready for public testing.


  • 我们能够公开来到地球的时候,我们也将陈述,确保你们能完全明白准备扬升中包括了什么

    Also when we can openly come to Earth, we will make presentations that will ensure you are fully aware of what is involved in preparing for Ascension.


  • 我会知道所有关于一起玩的小道消息,所以准备公开任何秘密吧。

    He'll want to know all the juicy gossip on everyone you hang out with, so get ready to disclose everything.


  • 我会知道所有关于一起玩的小道消息,所以准备公开任何秘密吧。

    He'll want to know all the juicy gossip on everyone you hang out with, so get ready to disclose everything.


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